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T�SECURE PERFORMANCE OF OBUOATION � ____ <br /> � .. .. <br /> „ �rc.,,*w.:...nE. <br /> .. .� •. • <br /> - ��-• ` The und�n�gn�d henby oCknOwlcdpes and undaralands Ihat ihe documaM lo ba ereculed by the undersipn�d Is o t�utl doed aad nol a <br /> ._:1...• ''YA'�V M1'' ' mOrtpap�,snd Ihal lrio powor ol iaN prov�Catl lor m the Irusi deod piov�da4 cub�lontlatly d�Heront nyhis and obl�geUona 101he Irualor Ihan e �___ __Y__ _ <br /> � ' � '' mortqaya�n IhQ�wnt qf a d�taull or bravch of oblpat�on <br /> � . <br /> � , b MSY _ - <br /> 13th --- - ---- - .to_._ - -,Prwr <br /> � Dalod and e culed qn Ih� _ . - ---dqy of_ ---- — <br /> . . , Io�xec e �ag ood. � <br />�. . . ,� � . . L L��tL -- - - - - <br />�Ia�' • �`` � � <br />�. - o..�::„�ry'' 81e D. Squ i � a . Squ18r � -- <br /> e�+^- .,� ---- --�---- -- <br /> :,�ti'�' . .• ' �- <br /> c d� _ <br /> � : TRUST DEED <br />�;,`' �. , 6 13th --- Ma-�----- — .ts-92---� - <br />,��,t, THIS TRUST�EED,mad�this---------daY ol — <br />'�`•r ••?� �~'�a`"'� ` Gala A. Squiar and Kay L. Squier. Husband and Wife _ __ - _ <br /> r• (� � �� by�nd amonp <br /> r � �� 1700 Sou Ch Harr isou._Grand island NC 68801 - <br />�, ~ • whose mading address is _�_ — -- ___ <br />• ' (herom"Truslor°�:and Union Bank and Trust Company of Grand Island ___ __ ____�_ ___ . _. ___ <br /> 2008 Nortt� Webb Road, P.O. Box 5166� Grand Island NE 68802 � Y� � <br />,';. . whose medinp addr�se is — - <br /> ' (herein"Trustee'�:and Union Bank and_Trust Company of Grand Island ___ _ _ ______ _ _ � � <br /> h 2008 North Webb Road, P.O. Box 5166. Grand Island NE 6880 �"nT-'- -�- � <br /> r whose ma�linp addr�as is —— �lherem"Benetiaary'�. _ ^ _. <br /> FORVALUABLECONSIDERATION.Trustonr�evocablygrants.Iranate�s.conveysandassignstoTruslee,INTRUST.WITHPOWEROFSALE. "��' " � _ <br /> ` , Iorlhebene0landaecurily olBenellciary.underandsub�ecttothetermsandnondlNO�softhlsTruslDeed.lhefollowingdescribedrealproperly. ` <br /> r � Iocaled In H811 - County,Nebraska: <br /> - _ — ' s _ <br />�, -_ - _ _ <br /> � A part of the Southeast Quarter (SE�) of Section One (1) in Township Eleven "� <br /> (11) North� Range Ten (10) West of the 6th P.M., described as follows, to-wit: ;,'�,b;��= <br /> Commencing at a point at the SoutheasC corner of Section One (1) in Township � _ <br /> -�/�:_,fw _ <br /> Eleven (il) NorCh. Range Ten (10) West of the 6th P.M.� running North one � <br /> hundred aixty five (165) feet parallel to the center of the road along the �' -,. <br /> East section line; thence running in a westerly direction two hundred aixty A <br /> • • four (264) feet paiallel to the center of the road, running along the South <br /> . sida of eaid Section; thence 8outh one hundred aixty-five (165) feet to the __--=�_-���q'= <br /> center of the road along the South side of said Section; thence East two � ' '�� __ <br /> hundred aixty-four (26G) feet to the place of beginning, except a certain � Tv � <br /> � tract deeded to the City of Grand Islard recorded as Document N0. 83-003893, ..�,__� _� " <br /> , ' Hall County. Nebxaska, '•�•�''._� <br /> S:t�r.,,,,�y L�.'.r_ <br /> AND '� `--`}`�',"-- <br /> �«- -,-'._: <br /> Part of the Southeast Quarter (SE�) of SecCioin One (1) in Township Bleven (11) �'.I�,;,-y,. . <br /> ' � North. Range Ten (10), West of the 6th P.M.� more particularly described as � •�:;':� <br />� „ follows: Beginning at a point on the East line of said (SE})� which is 165.0 •���.�- <br /> ' feet North of the SE corner of said (SE}) of said Sectian, running thence �'�""'" `"_•.�`:=• <br />�`' North along the East line of said (SE}), 165.0 feet running thence West parallel �+ �,'°,r• <br /> to the aouCh line of said (SE}) of said section 264.0 feet. running thence � <br /> South parallel to the East line of said (SE}) , 165.0 feet. running thence East � . , <br /> parellel to the SOuth line of said (SE}) 264 .;1 feet to the actual point of <br /> beginning. <br /> � 700ETHERWITHa��o�thefollowing.whethernowowneao�herea4eracouued �e�IS.p�ul�ts.royalt�es.incomeandolhe�benetdsdenvedfrom � <br /> tho rQel property:all lea5es or subleases cover�ng ihe real proparty or any portion Ih e�eot.all mterests.e�tate or ulher cla�ms.both in IHw and�n , • <br /> � equdy m Iho real property. a�l homestead exempuens whicn are he�eby �eleased and wa�ved. au easemenls. ngMs•ot•way.tenements. <br /> . heredllamgnts:allodandgesnghtsandprolds.wate�nghts.alingM.UUeantl�nlerestotTrustor.mandloanylandly�ngwuhmihengM-ot-wayot , <br /> , ,1;,,:;� �_',�r'1 any street or highwey ad�o�nmg the real properly.any and ail bwldmgs.hMtures.�mp�ovemenis.and appurtenances now or hereefter erecled • <br /> thereon or belonging ihereto.(here�n referred to as Improvement' or Improvements'I.and any and all awards madelor 1he lak�ng by em�nant <br /> � � � domem.or by eny proceed��g or pu rchase in iieu thereo�.ot ihe whole or any parlof Ihe rea�property All ot the�oregomg an0 <br /> �nterest Conveyed to Trustee he�e�n calleclwely reterred to as ihe Prope�ty <br /> � <br />� FOR THE PURPOSE OF SECURING <br /> , ......�....��.-..n h..Tn�atm c nM�a ai tluOLlntee 1 NOIp 1 d819d M8y 1 3� 19 92 . . <br />. _.— iaj:i�eiynjuv.-uv::�wv......................_"'• _ _ <br /> m Ihe pnncipal sum ol Thirty Thousand and 00/lUU ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** *'� ** ** ** ** *(�o�ia�s <br /> ** �k* +Ik* �tir #A A* �k* <br /> �E 3�����._OO. ., l logether wdh�nterest at t��e raleur rales prov�ded iherein.and Ihe Vrmc�pal and mteresl on�ny <br /> fulure edvences ev�denced by prom�sso�y notes or guar�ntees slali�g Ihey are sec:ureu ur�auy.n���o��y a��J a�i�.;�;a.�a��.���uJdwal�aa.�nd <br /> extensio�athereol.b01h pnnt�pal and�nterest bemg payable�n accordancewilh Ihe tarms sot forth Ihere�n.wh�ch by thisreterenco�s m�Ae A parl <br /> heteof <br /> �b►Th�i p��rlormance o�each agreerngnt and covenanl ot Trusto�he�e�n conla�ned. and <br /> Ic�Th�pi�ymenl ul any sum w sums ol money wh�ch m.iy be nerealter pa�d or adv�nceU by ine Benef�c�ary undor Ihe Iorm$i,l ih�s i rusl Oc�eu_ <br /> together wdh interest Ihereon at the rale prov�ded�n Iho Note <br /> t <br /> . � <br />