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Zolloo2s6 <br />(ii� Be obligated ta pay interest under the Note at any time, whether acxrued befora nr <br />after the payments by the Secretary, and whether or not accrued interest has been <br />included �n the prindpal b�lance under the Note. <br />(d) No Dut+y of the Sscrotary. The Secr�atary Mas no duly ta Lender ta eMor+ce oovenants nf <br />the Second Security Instrument or �o take actbns to preserve the value ot the Property, <br />even though Lender may be unable to callect amour�ts owed under fhe Note bec�use of <br />restrictbns m th�s Paragraph 13. <br />14. �orbearanosby LenderNot a Walver. Any fi�rbe�ranoe by I�ender in exer�ing any right or <br />remedy shall not be a waiver of orprec1ud� tha exerr,ise of a ng ht or remedy. <br />15. Su�essorsand Assign:�ound;J�int and Several�ia6ility.The covenants and agreements <br />of this Security Instrument shall birni and benefit the su�snrs �nd assigns of Lender. Borrower <br />may not assign any rights or obligatbns under tt�s Security (nstrtiment or under the Note, except to <br />a tnist that meets �he requ�rements of ttro Secretary. Borrower's covenants and agreernents shall kxa <br />joint and several. <br />16. Notiaes. Arry _ ratioa � Bomower pm�ided for in this 5ecurity instn�ment shail be given by <br />delivering it art�y maiNng it by flrst dass mail untess applicable law requires use ot another method. <br />7he natice shalt ba directed to the Property Address ar arry other address all Barrowers �amtiy <br />designate. My natice to Lender shall be givenby first cl�ss mail #o Lenders address ststed herein <br />or any address Lender designates by r�oGce to F3orrower. Any nofice provkied for in this Security <br />Instrument shall be deemed tp have been givsn to Borrower or Lender wt�n given as provided m <br />this Par�a raph 1 B. <br />17. �overningLaw; Sevar�bility.This Securit� instrumerrt shall be �ovemed by Federal �aw and <br />the law of the Jurisdlction in which the Properiy �s bcated. In the everrt that any prov�san or clause <br />of this 5ecurity Instrument ar the Note conflicts with applicable law, such oanflict shall not affect <br />other pro visbns of this Security Instrument ar the Nate whid� can be given affect without the <br />conl�iciing pro vision. To this end the provisions of this Security Instrumer�t and the Note are <br />declared to be sever�ble. <br />18. Borrows�'sCopy. Borrower shal� be given one �nformed a�py af the Note and this Security <br />InstrumeM. <br />NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. 8omower and Lender aovenant and egree as �olbws: <br />19. Assignrnentaf Rents. Borrower unoonditionally assigns and transfers to Lender a{I the rer�ts <br />and revenues of the Property. Bornow� autharizes Lender or (,.ender's agents to cotleat the rents <br />and revenues and heraby directs each tenartt of the Property to p�y the r�er� to Lerider or Lende�'s <br />agents. However, pnor to Lsnde�'s notice to Borrower ot Bormwe�'s bree�ch vf any covenarrt or <br />a�reement in the Security Iristrument, Borrower shall nollect and receive ail rents and revenues nf <br />the Property as trustae for the ber�efit of Lender ard Barrower. This ass�gnment of rents constitutes <br />an absolute asaignment and not an ass�gnment for additbnal security only. <br />If Lend� gives notice of br�ee�ch b Bornower: (a) all reMs received hy Borrower shall be held by <br />Borrower �s tivstee for benefit of Lender only, to be applied to the sums secured by this Security <br />Instrumen� (b) Lender �hall be entitled to colled and receive aU of the rents of the Property; arid (c) <br />each tenant of the Prope�y shall pay ali rents due and unpaid to Lender or Lende�s agent on <br />Lende�s written demand to - the tenant. <br />Barmwer has not e�cecuted arry prior assignment of the reMs and has not arxl wili not perforrn <br />any act that would preveM Landar irom axercising its rights under this Paragraph 19. <br />Lender shaA nat be req�red to enter upon, take contral of or meintain the Property befaro or <br />after giving . notice af bre�ch tn Bormwer. However, Lender or a'udicially appointed r+ec�iver ma do <br />r+ec <br />so at any t�me there is a breach. Any ap ication of rents sha not cure or waive any defau or <br />invalidate any other nght ar remedX af ender. This ass(gnment of rents of the Property ahall <br />terminate when the deqt secured by th�s Security Instrument is paid in full. <br />20. For�eclosursProcadurr.lf Lsndsrraquirsslmmsdiate payment irt full by Paragraph9, L.endar <br />at Its optlon may roquire inunedlatie payrrient In full of all sums securrd by this Security Instrument <br />withou� furH�er dema�nd end n�y invoke thepo wsr of ssle �nd any other remsdlespermitted by <br />applicable law. Lender shall b� enti#led to coll�ct all sxpsnses incurnad In pursuing Ehe remedies <br />provided In this Paragrsph2p� in�luding,but not limited to. reaconablpattomeys' �ees and costs of <br />titte �videnc�. <br />any�p a�of�Um Prop�sr�ty laca��and s�ll h ma�fl c�opi�esof not In ma�r u p n ro�sc�r n ibedby <br />applicable law to Barrowsr and to the o#her paraons prescribed by applicabla law. After the time <br />requiredby appltcablslaw Trus�ee shall glve publianotice of �ale to the personsand In the mannar <br />prescrlbed by applicable'�aw. <br />Rrst M�tcan Lcan Producuai Sarvioes ' Nebraslca HECM Securlty In�trurnent <br />O 20Q8 Fir�t /Unerican Real Eatato Salutlons LLG <br />FALPS # UBQ6 : OraIOB P � B <br />NMFI �Btt07NE (4FNE) " . . <br />� . . .. _ , <br />