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201100256 <br />re�sonable and customary attomeys' fses and expenses property assar,iated with the forecbsure <br />proceeding shall be added to the principal bal�nce. Upan reinstaternent 6y Borrower, this Security <br />Instruma ►Nr t and the abligations that it secures shall remain in effect as if Lender had nat required <br />iromediate payment in full. Wowever, Lender is no# required #o permit relnstatement if: (i) Lender <br />has accepted �einstatement afte� the oammencement af foreciosure proceedir�gs wi�in fiero years <br />(mrnediateIy precedtng the cammencemerrt of a current forecbsure prnc�eding, (li reinstatement <br />will preciude farecbsure dn d�fferent grounds in the ivture, or (iii) r+einstatement wi I adversely affect <br />the prio� af the Secwity Instrumer�t. <br />12. L sn Status. <br />(a) Modification. Borrower agrees to extend this Security instrument in accoMance with this <br />Para�raph 12(a). If l.ender determine� that the original lien status �f the Security Instrument <br />is jeopardixed under state law (including but not limited to situa#ions where the amount <br />secured by the Security Instrument equals or exceeds the m�ximum �rinc�'pal amount stated <br />ar the maxlmum pennd under which ban advances retain the same uen priarity initially <br />granted to loan advances has expired) snd state law pannits the original lien status to be <br />maintained for future loan advances thrnugh tha executbn and recordation pf one or more <br />dacuments, then Lender shall obtain title evidence at Borrowers expense. If the title <br />evldenoa indicates th�t the Property is not encumbered by any liens (except this Security <br />instrument, the Seoond Security instrumerrt described in Paragraph i3(a) and arry <br />subordinate liens that the Lender deterrnines will also be suhordinete to any future <br />ban advances), Lender shall request the Borrower to execute any documerits necsssary to <br />pr�tect the Iten status of future ban advanc:es. Borrower agrees fo execute such <br />dqcuments. If state law dnes not permit the an'ginal lien status to be extended ta future ban <br />advances, 8omawer wiil be deemed to have iailed fio have pertormed an obligation under <br />this S Instrument. <br />(b) Tax De rral Pro�rams.Borrower shall not participate in a r�l estate tax deferral <br />P rogram� if any liens created by the tax deferrat are not subordfnate to this 5ecurity <br />nsfrument. <br />c) PriarLians.Borrower shs�l) prompity disc�ar+�e any lien which has priar�'ty over this <br />rity Instrument unress Bornawer: (a) agrees m wrif� b the payment af t�e obl�ation <br />sewred by tha lien in a rttianner acceptable tio Lender; (b� coMests in good faith the ien by, <br />or def�ends against eMorcement of the lien in, legal procsedi s whic� in the Lenders <br />opinion operate to prevent the enfi�rcement of the lien or fort�ure of any part of the <br />Prope�ty; or (c secures irom the holder af the lien an agreement satisfactory to Lender <br />subordinating e lien to all amounts securecl by this Security Ir�strument. If Lender <br />determines that arry part of the Proparty is sub�ect to a lien which may attain prbrity aver <br />this Security Instrument. Lender may give Borrower a notice identifying rite lien. Borrower <br />shali satisfy the lien or take one or more of the actions set forth above within 1Q d�ys of <br />the giving af notice. <br />13. Relationshi Second Secuiity Instrumant <br />(s) Sscon Sscurity Instrumen� In arder to secure ments which the Secretary may make <br />{v or on behalf of Borrower Fwrsuarri to S�tian 255(��(A) af the Nai"�onal Housing Ac1 <br />and the Loan reemer�t, the Secretary has required orrower ta execute a Seannd Nate <br />and a Seoond�ecurity InstrumeM on the Property. <br />(b) Rslationship4f Firstand SecondSecuritylrpctruments.Payments made 6y the Secretary <br />shall not be included in the debt under the Note unless: <br />(f Thi� Securiiy InsVument is assigned ta the Secretary; or <br />i( ) The Secretary acaepts reimbursement by the Lender for all peiymeMs made by the <br />Secretary. <br />If the dreumstan�s d�cribed in (i) or (ii) occur, then all payments by the Secretary, <br />inGuding interest on the p�ymeMs, but excluding tate charges p�fd by the Secretary, shall <br />be induded in the debt under the Note_ - <br />c E�tect on Borrovrer. Where there is no ass'�gnment or reimbursement as d�cribed in <br />b i) or (ii) and the Secrstary makes payments to Bor�wer, then Borrower shall not: <br />(i) 8e required � pay amounts owed under the Nat�, o� pay any rents arxi revenues of <br />�ie Property under Paraaraph 19 to Lender or a receiver af the Property, unw the <br />Secretary hasreq u�red payment in full of all outstanding principal and acc�ued interest <br />undar tha Sacand I�te; or <br />Fkst Amedcen Loan Pr+od�,clfon servk:a� Na6ra�iCa F1ECM searllp tr+etrun,ent <br />(�7 2008 Fh�st M�k�n Resl Estete Sdutf�vns LLC <br />FALPS # 11E�Q4 : O:�IDB P � 5 � <br />NMFl. i18807NE. (QFN� <br />� . . ,. .. . <br />� � <br />