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20l loo�s� <br />Trus�se, without domand on B�rraw�r, shgil selt ths Propsrty at publicauctlon to ths hi�hest 6ldder <br />at the tlme and place and under the tsrms dsslgnatadin the nottce ot sale [n one or more paresls <br />and in any order Truata►e dstsrmines. Trustes may postpone:als of all or any pararl of the Property <br />by publie announcarrrentat the tlms and placa o� any prevlously scf»duled sals. L.�nder or It�c <br />destgnsemay purchasethe Proqerlyat any saM. <br />Upon racelpt of pa nt of the prico bid, Trustee shall deliv4r to tha purchaserTrusf�e'a <br />dsed convsyingths Proper�/. Tha tacitalsin the Trustee's desd shall bs prima facie evidenceof the <br />truth of ths statsmsnts ma theroin. Trus#ee shali apPly the proceadsof the sale in the foliowing <br />order. (aj ta ali casts and oxpansas of exorcising the powor af sale. and the sale, includingthe <br />payn�nt af the Trustes's i�es actually incurned and r�sasonabls at�rneys' feea aisps rmitted by <br />applicabielaw• (b) ta all sums �curod by thts Security instrunwnt; and (c) any exoass to the psr�aon <br />or persons te�al1y srHitted to f� <br />21. Lisn PrioHty. The futi amount secured by tt�s Security Instrument shali have the same <br />priarity over any o#�er liens on the Property as if the fuli amount had been disburs�d on the date the <br />mitial distwrsement was rnade, regardless of the adual date af arry disbwsement. The amount <br />secured by this Securily Inshument shall include all direct payments by Lender to Borrower and all <br />ather ban advar�ces pe�mitted by this Security instrument for arry purpose. This lien prinrity shall <br />ap rwiwithstanding arry 5tate aanstitutbn, law orregulation, except that this lien priority shall <br />no affect the priority of arry liens for unpaid State ar bcal govemmantai unit special assessments or <br />taxes, <br />22. Racanveysnce.Upon payment o1` all sums secured by this Security Instrument, Lender <br />shall requast Trustee to recanvey the Property and shall surrender this Security Instrument and all <br />n�tes evidencing debt secured by this 5ecurity Instrument to Trustev. 7rustee shall reconvey the <br />Property without warranty to the person or persons legal{y entitled ta it. Such person or persons <br />shall pay any r+ecordation c�sts. Lender may charge such person or persons a fee for reoonveying <br />the I�roperty, but only if the fee is paid to a third party (such as the Trustee) for services rendered <br />and the cha rging ot the fee is pe�mitted under applicable law. <br />23. Subatltute Trus�s. Lender, et its option, may from time b time remove 1"rustee and <br />appoint a suocessor tru�tee to arry Tr�tse appointed hereunder by an instrumerrt recorded in the <br />oounty in which tha Security Instrument is recorded. W�thout carn►eyance of the Property, the <br />successor trustae shall succeed to aU the title, power and duties conferred upon the Trustee hereln <br />and by applicable I�w. , <br />24. Requestfor Notices. Borrower raquests that copies of the notice� of default and sale be <br />sent to Bornower's address which is the Proparty Address. <br />25. Ridersto this SecuNty Instrumsnt. If one or mvre riders are executed by Borrower and <br />recorded bogether with this 5ecurity Instrument, the covenants of each such rider shall he <br />incarporated into arxl shall amend and supplement the covenar� anda� reertrents of this Security <br />Instrument as if the rider(s) werm e�rt af this Security Instrument. [Check applicahle box(es).J <br />0 Condaminium Rider ❑ Planned Unit Davelopment Rider <br />❑ Other (Spedfy) <br />(Acknowledgments on following page) <br />�Irst Aitbrican Loan F�npduCfon Servkaes Nebraska HECM 5ea�ity InshumeM <br />O 2D08 First Arrie►ioen F�I Estata SduUons LLC <br />FALPS # UBOB : 05J08 , <br />NMFL #D9Q7F1� (QFNE) . . Page 7" � <br />