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201100256 <br />9. Groundsfor Acr.alsratlonof Debt. <br />{a) Due and Payadle. Lender may require immediate paymeM in full of all sums secured by <br />ftu� Security instrumerrt iF. <br />(i) A Bomower dies and the Prnperty � nnt the principat residence of at I�st one <br />survivirig Borrower; ar <br />(ii) Ail af a Bonower's title in the Property _(or his or her benefictial inter+est in a trust <br />uwning all or part of the Property) �s sold or athenxise hartsfen�ed and na other <br />Borrower refafns title to the Property in fee simple or retains a leasehold under a lease <br />for not less than 99 years whi� is renewabie or a lease having a <br />remainfng period af nat less than 50 y�rs beyond the date of the 10Qth birthday of <br />the you�gest Bomawer or re�ins a life estate (or retaining a beneficial interest in a trust <br />with sucfi an mterest in the Proparty). <br />�b� Due and Payable witl� �scre#a��ry Approval. Lender may require imrnediate payment in <br />fu of all sums sacured by this urny Instrument, upon approval of the Secretary, ff: <br />i) The Property cease� to be the principaI rasidence of a Bamnwer for reesnns other <br />han death and the Ptvperty is not the princip�l resid�nce of at least one ather <br />Borrower, a� <br />(ii� t �per P iod of bnger than iwelve (12) consecutive months, a Bnrrower fails to <br />py pe�ly because of ph ysk:al or mental illness and the Property is nat the <br />t�pal re�id,ence pf at I�ast one other Bomower, or <br />iii) M obligaGnn of the Bormwer under this Security Instrument is not pertormed. <br />(c� Notice to Lsnder. Borrower shall notlfy Lender whenever any af the events listad in <br />th s Paragreph a) (ii) or (b) occur. <br />{d) Notics to cretary and Borrawsr. Lerxier shall notify the Secretary and Bornower <br />wne never the ban becames due and payable under Paragraph 9(a) (ii) or (b). Lender shall <br />not have the right to oommence foreGosure untd Bom�wer has had tf�irty (30) days after <br />nnttce to either: <br />(i) Correct the matter which resulted in the Security Instrument coming due and <br />yable; or <br />li) Pay the bel�nce in tull; or <br />iN) Sell the Pr�perty for the lesser of the balance or 95% of the appraised vafue and <br />a the net proceeds of the sale towar+d the balance; or <br />(iv�rovide the Lender wikh a deed in lieu of foreclosura. <br />(�� Trusts. Conveyanoe of a Bomowers interest in the Properry to a tnist which meets the <br />requiremeMs of the 5ecretary, or aonveyance af a trusYs interests in the Property to a <br />Borrower, shall not be oonsidered a aonveyance for purpos� of thls Paragraph 9. /� trust <br />shall nat be considered �n occ�ant ar be cor�sidered as heving a principal res�der�ce fur <br />purp�es of this Paragraph 9. <br />�t� Mortg�rps Not insurod. Borrower agrees that should this Security Instrument and the <br />N ate not be sligible for insurance under the Natianal Hnusing Ad within <br />sixTY D�XS from the date hereof. ifpenm itted by applicable law Lender may, <br />at its option, require immedi�te paymeM in fulf of all sums secured by this Secur�ity <br />Instrumerrt. A written statemerrt of any authorized agent of the Secretary dated <br />subsequent to ��x'1'Y n�►YS from the date hereof, deciinin� to insure this Security <br />Instr�nent ancl the Nate, shall be deemed condusive proof Qf such ineligibil�' r <br />Noiwithsfanding the foregoing, this nption may not be exercised by Lender when tfie <br />unavailabflity of insurance � solely due to Lender's failure ta remit a mortgage insurance <br />premium b the Secrelary. <br />10. No D�ficiancy Judgmvnts. Borrower shall have no personal liability for payment of the <br />debt secured by this Security Instrument. Lender may er�forca the debt only thnough sa� of the <br />Prop�erty. Lender shall not ba psrmitted to obtain a de�iciency judgment against &yrmwer if the <br />5ecurity tnstrumerit is forecbsed. If this Security Instrumerrt �s assigned ta the Secretary upan <br />demand by the Secretary, Barrower shall not be liable for any differer�ce between tha mortgage <br />Insurance beneflts paid to Lender and the autstanding indebtedness, induding accrued interest, <br />awed by Borrower at tho time of the assignment, <br />11. Rsinst��ment. Borrowqr has a right to be r�nstated if Lender has rayulred irnmediate <br />payment in full. This right appliea even after foracbsure proceedings are institutad. 1"o reinstate <br />this 5ecurity Instrument, Bomawer shall correct the conditbn which resuked in the r e quir�nent far <br />immediatQ ; payment in full. For+eclosure costs and <br />Frst Amerkar► La� Productlon Servk�e5 Nebra�ka HECM Security InsbumeM <br />O 20� First M�erican Rea1 Esta� Sdullons L�.0 <br />FALPS # U803 : �5J08 <br />NMFL �9807N� (QFNE) , Page 4 <br />� , , , <br />�li . . �. . ....... <br />F. • <br />