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fr.�l�f[IIIy�.Y:7 <br />security is not lessened. �f the restoration or repair is not eaanomically feasibls or Lender's security <br />would be lessened, the insur�nr.e proceeds shall be �pplie�d first to the reductbn of any <br />indebtedness under a Seaond Nate and Secvnd Secur�'ty Instrume� held by the Secnetary on the <br />Property and then to the reductian of the indebtedness under the Note and this Security <br />Instrument. Any excess insurance procseds over an amourrt required 1a pa�► ali autstanding <br />indebtedness under the Note and this Security Instrument shall be paid to the antity legally entitled <br />thereto. <br />(n the avant of forecbsure vf this 5ecurity Instrument ar ather transfer of title ta the <br />Property that extinguishes the indeptedness, ali nght, title and interest nf Barrower in and to <br />insurance p�licies in fnrce shall pass to the purchaser_ <br />4. Occupancy. Pr+eservatlon, Malntenance and Prof�ctlon of the Pro����perty; 8orrower's Loan <br />A�piics�fon; Lsassholds. Bamnwer sh�ii occupy, establish. and use the Property as Borrower's <br />pnncipal residence after the execution of this Security Instrument, and Borrower (or a# least one <br />F3orrower, if initially more then vn�pe rsan are Borrowers) shall cont(nue to occupy the Pmperty as <br />Borrowers principal residence fc�r the term of the Security InstrumeM. "Principal residence" shall <br />have the same meaning as in the Loan A�reement. <br />Borrower shall nat oammit waste or destroy, damage ar subst�rrtially change the Pr+operty <br />ar aibw the Property to deterbrate. reasonable wear and tear excepted. Barrowar shall alsa be in <br />default 'rf Bvrrower, during the ban ap�lication process, gava materially false or inaccurate <br />infom�ation nr statements �o Lerxier (ar fa�led ta provide Lender with arry material information) in <br />cannection with the ban evidenced by the Note, including, but rbt limited to, representatians <br />canceming Bomawer's occupancy of the 1'roperly as a prfnc�pal residence. If this Security <br />Instrument Is on a I�sehald� Borrvwar shaii comply with the pt�ovisbns of the lease. If Bamower <br />aoqu�r� f� #'itle ta the Propetty, the leasehold and fee title shal) not be merged uniass Lerxler <br />agrees to the merger in writing. <br />S. Charges to Borrowsr and Protaction of Lende�'s Rights in the Properly Borrower shall <br />pay all gavemmental or municipaI cha�ges, flnes and impc�sitions that are not included in Paragraph <br />2. Borrower shall pay these pbligatians on time directly o the ent' which is awed the payment If <br />failure to p�y wouid adversely affect Lender's interest in the �roperty, upon Lender's request <br />Barrower shall promptly fumish to Lerder receipts evidendn� these payments. Borrower shall <br />promptly discha�+ge eny lien which has pnorily over this Security <br />Instrument in the manner prnvided in Paragraph 12(c). <br />If B�m�wer fails to make these payments or the property char�ges required by Paragraph 2, <br />or fails to perfo�rn any other covenants and reements cantamed in this Securiky Instrument, ar <br />there is a legal proceeding ttiat may si�nificant�r affect Lende�s rights in the Properl,y (such as a <br />proceeding in baniwptcy, for aandemnatbn or to enfor�ce laws or regul�ti�ns), then Lender may do <br />and pay whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Prop�rty and Lenders rights in the <br />Properly indud"x�gpayment pf �axes, hazarcl insurancs arid other items mentioned ln Par�agraph 2. <br />to protect Lender's security in the Property, Lender shail advance and charge to Borrower <br />a11 amaunts due io the Sec:retary for the Mortga�e Insur�nce Pr�emium as deflned in the Laan <br />Agreemerrt as wee as ail surns due to the ban servu�r for servici activities as defined � the l..oan <br />Agreement. Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this Paragraph st�ll becomo an additional debt <br />of Borrower as provided for in the Lpan Agreement and shall be secured by this Security <br />instrument. <br />B. Inspsctlon.l.render or its agent may enter on, inspect or make appra isals af the Property <br />in a reasonaWe rtt�nner and at ree►sonable times pmv�ed that Lender shap �ive the Bompwer nvt�ce <br />priar to any inspeCGon or appraisal speafying a purpase ior tFte inspectian ar appraisal whlch must <br />be related ta Lenders inter�t in tha Property. If the property is vacant or ahandoned or the logn is <br />in default, Lender may take reasonable �ctipn tn protact and preserve such vacar�t ar abandoned <br />Property withaut notice to the Borrower. <br />7. Condemnation.The proceeds of any award vr claim for damages, direct or oonsequential, <br />in connectian with any condemnatbn or other taking of arry part of the Propetly, or for oonveyance <br />in place of �aridemnation shaii be paid to Lender. The pro needs shall be applied first to tha <br />reductbn of any ind�tedness under a Secand Note and Seoond Secwity Instrument held by tha <br />Secretary on the Prvperty. and then ta the reduction of the indebtedn�s under #he Note and this <br />5ecurity Instn�ment. Any excess proceeds over an amnunt required to pay all autstanding <br />indebtedness w�der the NQte and this Security InstrumeM shaN be pa�id to the entity legally entitled <br />tn�rero. <br />$. Fe�a. l.ender may oollect fees and chargas authorized by the Secretary. <br />F'Mst Arr�erican Lo�n ProduCtian Servioas Nehr�aka HECM Securily Insaument <br />�Q 2008 FM'st AmieriCan Real EstatB $dutlpns LLC <br />FALPS # IJ6�2 : Oa108 P � 3 . <br />NMFI. �18807NE (f�FNE) <br />, <br />