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201100256 <br />p�Formance c�f �arrow�r's oovenarrts and a�re�nerds under this Security Instrumer�t and the Note. <br />7he full debt, induding amounts described m a), (b), and (c) above, if not due earlier, is due and <br />pay abie on ALT�ST 2�z'S, 2oe'1 . For th�s purpose, Bamowe�r imevocably grants and conveys <br />ta Tnrstae, in trust, with power of sale, the foibwing desa�ibed prope�ty bcated in <br />u�r•r• County, Nebraslca: <br />SES A7.'TAiC�D <br />which has the address of <br />i�OqA RIV�A <br />[c��Y) <br />100B iiJ�9T ST <br />I��] <br />,� 6eaa� <br />L��] l�+P ��) <br />("Property Address")� <br />TOGETHER WITH all the improvements now or hereafter erected on the pro perty, and all <br />easemeMs, rights, appurtenances, and flxtures now ar hereafter a part of the properly. All <br />replaoements and addit�uns shall also be vovered by this Security Instrument. All of the forego�ng is <br />refeired to in this Secur�'ty Instrument as the "Property." <br />BORROWERCOVEN�,NTS that Botrower is lawfully seised of the estate hereby conveyed and <br />has the righl to qrant and oorney the property and that the Property is_ unencumbered. garrawer <br />warrants and will defend generally the title to the Prnperty against alf daims and demands, subject <br />to arry encumbrances of reoord. <br />THIS SECURITY INS7RUMENT oombines uniform o�venants for natbnal use and narruniform <br />covenants with limited variations by jurisdiction to constitute a unifonn security instrument covering <br />realproperty� <br />UNIFORM CQVENANTS. Borrower and l.ender covenant and agroe as folbws: <br />1. Paym�nt oi Rrincipaland Interest. Bvmawer shaA pay when due the principai of, and interest <br />on, the debt evidenced by the Nate. <br />2. Payment of Propsrty Chargss. Borrower shall pay all properly cha�rgas consistinp of taxe�, <br />ground rents, flood and hazard irt�urance premiums, and spec�l a�sessments in a time1y manner, <br />and shall provide evWence of payment to Lender, unless Lencier pays property cFiarges by <br />withhoiding funds from monthly payments due to the Borrower or by charging such payments ta a <br />line of credit as provided for in the Lpan Agr�ement. <br />3. Fire. Fload and Qthar Hazard Insurance. Borrower shall insure all improvements on the <br />Property, whether now in existence or subsequently erected, against any hazards, casuaities, and <br />cordingencies, includinq fire. This insur�ance shall be maintained in the amounts to the extent and <br />fnr the petiods required by Lender or the Secretary of Mousing and l�rban Devebpment <br />("Secretrar�'). Borrower shall also insure all improvements on the Property, whether naw in <br />exister�ce ar subsequently erected, against loss by floods to the extent required by the Secretary. <br />All inswance shail be carried wlth oompanies ap roved by Lender. The insurancepa lir,ies and arry <br />renewals shall be h�d by Lender and shall incl�e bss payable clauses in fav�r �f, and in a form <br />acceptable to, Lender. <br />In the event of bss, Borrower shall give Lender immediate rwtir.�a hy mail. Lender may make <br />proof of bss if nat made promptly by Borrowar. Each insurance campany aoncemed is hereby <br />authorized and directed to make payment for such bss ta Lender instead af to Borrower and Lender <br />jointly. Insurance proceeds shall be applied ta restoration or repeir of the damaged Prope�y, if the <br />restaratfon or repak is eoonomicaily feasible and - [.enders <br />F�st Ama�ican Loan Productlon servioas <br />O 200H Frst M�rican Real Estaie sdulians LLC <br />FALPS # U801 : 05/OB <br />NMFL �8Bp7N� (QFNE) <br />Pege 2 <br />Nebraske HECM Seaufty Insqumant <br />