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201iQ0��3 <br />451019237 <br />fOC at ICtlST OIIC yCtll' �J.tCCf lI1C (IiltC Of OCCLI�7tiI1Cy, LII1�C55 L,CIl(�Ci' Otl]Cl'WISC £1.�1'CCS lll WCltlll�, WIllCII CORSCIIt 5�1��I not be <br />unreasonably withhel�l, or unless extenuating circwnstances exist which are beyond Borrower's control. <br />7. Preservntiou, Maintenance ancl Protection of the Property; Inspections. f3orrowcr shall not dcstroy, damagc or <br />impair thc Property, allow the 1'a•operly to deteriorafe or commit waste on the I'ru��e��ty. Whether or not B��rrawer is residing in <br />the Property, Borrower shall inaintain thc Property in ordcr to prcvcnt the Property from dcteriorating or decreasing in v�ilue <br />due to its condilion. Unless iT iti determined p�rrsuant Co Section S that repair e�r restoration is not econoinically feasible, <br />Borrower shall prauptly thc Property if damagcd to avoid furthcr dctcrioration or dai��age. ff in5urance or conclemnation <br />procee�ls are paid in connection with dainagc to, or thc taking of, thc Property, Borrower shall be responsiblc lor rcpairing or <br />restoring the I'roperty only if Le»aec ha� released procee�ls for �uch ��urposes. Lender rnay disburse procecds for the repairs <br />and restoration in a singlc pay�nci�t or in a se�•ies of progress p Giyments as the work is completed. If the insurance or <br />condemnation proceeds are not sufticicnt to rcpair or restorc thc Property, Borrowcr is not relieved of 13nrrowcr's obligation for <br />thc complctiai of such rcpair or resloration. <br />Lendcr or its agcnt may makc reasonablc enh i.ipon and inspeclrons of fhe Pro��erty, if it has reasonable cause, <br />Lcnder may inspcet thc interior of the improvernents on the Property. Lender shall givc Barrpwcr noticc at thc timc of or prior <br />to such an interior inspection specifying such reasonable causc. <br />S. Borrowcr's laoan Application. Borrower shall be in default if, during thc Loan applic�tion process, Borrower or <br />any persons or cntitics ��cting at the direction of I3orrower or wifh Borrower's knowlalgc or consent �ave matcrially falsc, <br />misleading, oi• inaccurate information or statcmcnts to Lei�aer (or t'�iled to providc I.ender with material informafioi�) in <br />COI111CCt1011 W1Ul the Loan. Ma.ta•ial repre5entnfions include, but a.rc not limited to, represcntations concerning Borrowa•'s <br />occupancy of the Property as Bprrower's principal residence. <br />9. Protection of Lender's Iriterest in the Property and Iti�hts Undcr this Se�arity instrumciit. If (a) 13orrower <br />fails to perform the covenants and agrccmcnts contained iii this Security lnstr�unent, (b) therc is a lcgal prnceeding that might <br />si�nificantly aft'ect Lcndcr's interest in the Pro��crty and/or rights under this Scc�irity Cnslr�unent (such as a proccedinb in <br />bankruptcy, probate, for condemnation or fo� fpr enforcement of a licn which rnay attain priority over this Security <br />Instruinent or to cnforce laws or regulations) or (c) E;orrower h�s abandoned thc P�•operty then Lendw• may do and pay for <br />wl�atever is reasonablc or apl�ropriate to prptect Lendcr's intcrest in lhe Property and rights unde� this Security Instrumcnt, <br />including prolecting 1nd/or asscssing the value of lhe Praperty, and sccuring and/or repairing the Property. L ender's actions can <br />include, but are not limitcd to: (a) p�ryin� any sums securcd by a licn which has priority ovcr this Security instrument; (b) <br />appcaring in co�rrt; and (c) paying rc:asonable attorneys' fees to protcct its inferesl in the Property and/or rights under tliis <br />Sce�u•ity Insft'ument, including its sccured posrtion in a b ankruptcy proceeding. Securing thc Property includes, k�ut is not <br />lia��ited to, entcring thc Prope�'ty to rnake repairs, Clltill�T� IOChS replace or board up doors and windaws, drain water from pipes, <br />eliininatc building or other code viol ations or dan�;ernus conditions, and havc utilities turned on or off. Allhough Lender inay <br />take action under this Scction ), Lender does nnt havc to do so and is not under any duty or ablibation to do so. It is �grccd thal <br />Lender incurs no liability for not t�kin� a�ly or all lctioi�s authorized undcr this Sectic�n 9. <br />Any amounts dis6ursed by Lender undcr lhis Sectinn 9 shall becomc additional debt of f3orrowcr secured hy this <br />Security lnstrument. Thesc amounts shall hear interest at thc Note r<<te from the datc of disb��rsement and shall bc payablc, with <br />such intcrest, upon notice trom Lendcr to 13orrower requesting paymcnt. <br />If this Sccurity Instrument is on a Icaschold, Borrower shall comply with all lhe provisions of thc lease. B��rrower <br />shall not s�n•render the leaschold cstatc and interests herein convcycd or ter�rinate ��r canccl thc ground lease. Borrowcr sh�ill <br />not WItl1011t tI1L' CX�7CCSS WCI[tEtl COI1SCIlt Of LCI](I�Y alcer or amend the ground Icase. If Borrowcr acquires fee title tn the <br />Property, lhe leaset�old and thc fee litle shall not rnergc unlcss Lender agrees to the mcrger in writing. <br />10. Mortgage l�tsurance. if Lcndcr rcquircd Mortg��e insurancc fl5 il CORLII�1017 Of ITl�IC111�T tI1C LOilll, t3orrower sliall <br />pay the pre�niwns rcquircd to rnaintain the Mortgage Insueance i�� etfect. If, for any reason, the Mortga�e insurance coveragc <br />requircd by Lender ceascs to be available 1i�om the mortgagc insurer that previously provided such ins�u and Rorrower was <br />required ta make separately designated payments toward the prcmi�uns for Mort�a�c Ins�irance BorfowCr sh��ll p �iy tlie <br />�1"CIIlll11T15 1'CC]llll'0C{ tO Ohttll❑ COVCCtI,�C SLIhSI1flCl���y equiva.lcnt tn the Mortgagc lnsurai�.ce previously in cffect, al a cost <br />substantially cquivalcnt to the cpst to Borrowcr of the Mortga�e Insurancc prcviously in effect, from an alternaCe rnortgagc <br />insurcr sclected hy Lender. lf su65fantinlly equivalcnt Mortgagc Insurance coverage is not available, Borrower shall co��ti��ue to <br />pay to Lendcr thc amount of the separatcly dcsignated payrnents that wcrc duc when the insurance covcragc ceased tn Ue in <br />effeci. Lendcr will acccpt, use and retain thcsc paymenls as a non-refi�ndablc loss reserve in lieu of Mortgagc lnsur�ince. Such <br />loss rescrve sh111 be non-refundablc, notwithst�nding the fact that thc [,oan is ultirnately paid in full, and I,ender shall not bc <br />NP;I3RASKA--Singlc f:unily--Pannic Msiul�rcddia Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMF,NT <br />!� 33R.2 Pagc G of 12 I�'nrm 31►2$ 1/111 <br />��. <br />� <br />