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2oiioo��3 <br />451019237 <br />Lender rnay require Borrower to pay a onc-timc charse for a real esl �l�e taX VC'C1�1C�1LlOt1 �3RC��OI' 1'Cp01'tltl� SeCVICO LISOCI <br />by I,encler in conncction with this Loan. <br />_5. Property Insurance. Bnrrnwer sh�ill keep thc iii�provements now cxisting or IiereaRer erected on tlic Property <br />insured against l��ss by fire, hazarclti included within the ter�zi "extended covera�e," and any other hazards including, but nnt <br />limitcd to, carthquakes and tloods, for which Lender requires insurancc. This insurancc shall be n�aintainecl in the amounts <br />(incli.iding deductiblc Icvcls) and for thc periods that Lender requires. Wl�at I.en�ler reyuires pursu�int to thc prcceding <br />sentences can changc during thc tcrm of tlic Loan. Tlie insurance carrier �rovi�ling tlle insurance shall be chosen by l3orrowcr <br />SLI��eL'T �0 I��ell(]�1'�5 1'l��lf t0 C�I1S1])T11'OV� �OCI CIIUIGC, WI]1CI] PI�Ilt SI18II IIOY }]C BXCI'C19CCI lllll'C8ti0118I]IY. LCIlLjCI' 1Y11y I"CC�LIIPE <br />Borrowcr to �ay, in connection witli this Loan, eitlier: (�) � one-lime charbe for Ilood zone deter�nination, certificution and <br />tracking services; or (b) a one charge For iloocl zone �letermination �nd ccrtitication scrviccs and subscqucnt char�;es c��ch <br />timc rcmappings or similar diangcs occur which rcasonably rnight �ffect such determination or certificatioii. Borrower shall <br />also be responsible for the payment of any fees imposed by thc Fedcral Lmccgaicy Mana�cmcnt A�cncy in connection with <br />che review of �ny Flo��d zcme defermination resulting fron� an objectian by Borrower. <br />If T3orrower fails to maintain any of tlic coverages dcscribed above, Lender may obtain insurance covei'a�;e, at <br />Lcndcr's option and Borrowcr's cxpcnsc. Lcnder is under no obli�atinn tc� purchlse any particular type or art�ount of coverage. <br />Thcrefore, such coverage shall cover I,ender, bul might or might not protect [3orrower, E3orrowcr's equity in thc Pro�crty, or <br />the coi�tents of the Property, ag<<ii�st any risk, hazard or liability and n�ight provide grcater or lesscr covera�;e than wati <br />prcvio��sly in cffcct. Borrowcr acknowledges that the cost of the ins��rance covernge so obtained might significantly cxcccd dic <br />cost of insurance that 13orrowcr could havc obt�iincd. Any amotu�ts disbursed by Lender under this Section 5 shall beco�ile <br />addition�l debt of I3orrower secured by Chis Security lnsh•�uilcnt. Thcsc amounts shall bcar intcrest at thc Notc ratc from thc <br />date of disbursemcnt und sh�11 be payable, WIYIl SUCI7 117fCPCSC upon noticc fram Lcndcr to Rorrower requesiing payment. <br />All IllSllCl111CC �"lOI1C1�5 required by i.,ender and renewals O� tiL1C�l }�0��(%1G'S shall be subject to Lcndcr's right to <br />disapprove such policics, shall include a standard mort�;agc clausc, and shall namc Lcia�ler as moriga�ee and/nr as an aaditional <br />loss payea Lcnder shall havc thc righf to hold the policies �nd rei�cwal certificates. If Lender requirea, BOCCOWCI' SI1f1�I �ll'OI71[7tly <br />give to Lender all ceceipts of paid prcmiums and rencwal noticcs. lf t3orrower obtains any i'orrn of insurance coveragc, not <br />otherwise required by Lcndcr, for damagc to, or deslruciion of, the i'roperty, such policy shall includc a stand II701'Y�,T <br />clause and shall nan�e i �ender as rnort�agee and/or as an additional loss paycc. <br />In thc cvcnt of loss, E3orrower shall give prompl notice to lhe insurance carrier and Lender. Laidcr may makc proof of <br />loss if not m�de promptly by Borrower. Unlcss Lcnder and Borrowcr otherwisc agree in writing any insur�tnce pr��ceeds, <br />whcthcr or not thc underlying insurance was required by Lender, shall be applied t�� restoration or rcpair of the Property, if thc <br />restoration or repair is economically fcasiblc and Lender's sccurity is not lessened. I7uring such repair and restor�tion period, <br />[,ender shall have lhe right to hold s�ich insurince �roceeds until Lender has had an opportunity to inspcct si.ich Property to <br />ensure the work has been complctcd to Lcndcr's satisfaction, providcd that such inspection shall be undertaken prnrnptly. <br />Lcndcr may disbursc procccds for thc re:pairs and restoralion rn a srngle payn�ent or in a scrics of progress paymcnts as the <br />work is cornpleled. Unless an agrecment is made in writing or Applicablc Law rcquires interest to be paid on such insurance <br />pre�ceecls, Lender shall not bc rcquircd to pay 13orrowcr any interest or earnings on such procceds. Fccs for public adjustcrs, or <br />other thi� partres, relained by Bocrower shall i�ot be E�aid otrt of thc insurancc proceeds ancl shall he the sole obligation of <br />13orrower. if the restoraCion or rcpair is not cconomically fcasiblc or Lcnder's se;c�u'ity would be lessened, the insur�ince <br />�rocccds shall be applicd t�� the surns secured by this Security Instru���ent, whether or not thcn duc, wilh the excess, i f a�ry, p�iia <br />to Borrower. Such insura��ce procccds shall be a�plicd in thc ordcr provi�lecl for in Section 2. <br />If F3orrower abandons the Prpperty, Lendcr may file, negoti�te and scttic any available insurance clairn and rulated <br />mattcrs. If Borrowcr docs not respond within 30 day5 to ci notice fi'om Lender that thc insurance carricr has offcrcd to scttic << <br />clairn, then Lcnder may ncgotiatc and scttle the claim. The 30-day period will begin when tl�e notice is given. In either event, <br />or if Lender acquires the Pro�crty under Scction 22 or othcrwisc, Borrowcr hercby assigns lo L,ender (�l) Borri�wer's ri�hts to <br />illly 1115L1t'F3.I1Cf: I]I lll <<n anao�mt not to exceed the amoui�ls unpaid under the Note or this Security Instrumcnt, a.nd (b) a.ny <br />other of Borrower's rights (otha• than thc right to any rcfund of uncarncd prei��iums paid by Borrower) under all insurance <br />policies covering the Pr��perty, inspfar as such rights are ��pplicable to the coveragc of the Property. I�ender rnay use the <br />insut'ance proceeds eid�er lo re��air nr restore the Property or to pay amounts �mpaid uncler the Note or thiti Security Instrwncnt, <br />whelher or not then d�.ie. <br />6. Occupancy 13orrpwer shall occupy, cst fiLlI15I1, and usc thc I'roperry as Borrower's princip residcncc witliin GO <br />days after the execution of this Sccurity lnstruanent anci sh�ll conlinue to occupy the Prnperty as Borrowcr's principal resitlencc <br />NEBItASKA-•Singlo Family-d�annie MuelFreddie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMGNT <br />4�+ ;i3R.2 Pugc 5 uf 12 <br />Fnrm 3112R I/01 <br />�� <br />i�� ' ../ <br />