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20110Q��3 <br />4sioi9zs� <br />required to p1y I�orrowcr any interesl or earnin�� on such loss reservc. I.ender can no lonber require loss rescrve pay���cnts if <br />Mortg�igc Insurancc covcrage (in the �imount and for thc period that Lcndcr rcquires) providcd by an ins�irer selcctcd by Lc�idcr <br />again becomes �vailable, is ohtained, and I,ender requires sep�u desigi7ated a�ayments low�rd tl�e pre�T�iums for Moctga�;e <br />Insur�u�cc. If l.cndcr rcquired Mortgage Insurance as a candition of making lhe I.oan 1nd Borrawer was rec�uirecl lc� ri�ake <br />separately designated payments toward the premiunts for Mortga�e Insurance, Borrowcr shall pay the pren�iums requircd to <br />mainlain Morfbage Tnsurance in effeci, nr t�� provide a non-refunaable Inss reserve, until Lender's rcquiremcnt fi�r Mort�;agc <br />Ins�irance cnds in accord�ncc with any writtcn agrcci��cnt bctwccn Borrowa• ai�d Lcnder providing for such tcrmin�ition or until <br />tC17T1111�1L1011 IS 1'CC�LIICECI I]y A]7pI1C�1.I�IC LBW. NOtlllll'� lll tlll5 SCCtIOIl ]0 a.ffcets I3orrower's obligation to pay interesC at the ratc <br />��rovided in the Note. <br />Mort�agc Insurancc rcimburscs Lcndcr (or any cntity th��t purch thc Note) for certain losses it may inci.u� il' <br />Borrowcr does not rcpay the Loan 1s agreed. Bo�'rower is not a party to the Mortgage Insurancc. <br />Mort��ge insurers cvaluatc their totul rish on all such insurance in force from timc to time, and may enter into <br />agreements with nther parties that share or znodily therr risk, or reducc losses. Thcsc a�;reeanents are on Ccrnis and conditions <br />that are satisfactory to thc mortgage insurer ana the otliec• ��arty (or partics) to thcsc agree�r�ents. Thesc fl�?fC�I11C[lY5 Illily PC;C1Ll1lC <br />thc mortgabe insurer to make payments �ising any soi.irce of funcls ihat the itiortg II15LIfC1' ]71�1y I11VC 1V11I1hIC �W}11C�1 Illfly <br />include funds obtained froan Morlgage insurance preiniums). <br />As a cesult of thesc a�rccmcnts, I.,ender, any purchaser of the Note, anothcr insurer, any reinsurer, any othcr aitity, or <br />any affiliatc of �uiy of lhe foregoin�, may reccivc (dircctly or indirectly) arnounts that derivc from (nr mi�ht be characterized <br />as) a portion of Borrowcr's paymentti for Mortgage Insw'ance, ltl CXCI1�111,�TC tOC SI1�U Ot' 1170d1tyl[l� Y�1C It101't�Ta�T,C 1115111:C:1 Iltili <br />or reducing losses. if such a�;rccmcnt provrdes that an af�liate of Lender t akcs a share of lhe insurer's risk in exchangc for a <br />sharc of the premiums paicl t�� the insurer, the arrangcmait is ottcn termed "captive reinsurancc." Furtha <br />(a) Any such ugreemerits will uot affect the amounts that Iiorrower Itas agreed to ps�y f'or Mortguge l��suranre, <br />or ar�y other ter►ns of the Loun. Such agreernents 'cvill r�ot inerease the �mouut Borrower will awe f'nr Mort�a�c <br />Insurance, antl they will raot entitic Sorrqwer to uny refund. <br />(t>) Any such �igreements will not affect lhe ri�hts Borrower has - if uny - witlt reSpect to tl►c Mortgagc <br />Insurance under the lluraieowners Protectinn Act of 1998 or any other law. 7 'hese ri�hts m�y include the right to receive <br />certain disclosures, to requcst and obtain cuncellation of the Mo�•t�a�e Insurs►nce, tu have the Mort�a�e Insur�nce <br />terminated autom�ticully, and/or to receive a rcfund of un,y Murtguge Insut•ancc premiums thut were unearneci fit thc <br />time of such cancellation or tcrminution. <br />11. Assignment af Miscell�neous Proceeds; laurfeiture. All Miscellaneous Procceds are hereby assigned to and <br />shall be paid to Lender. <br />If thc Property is damaged, such Misccllancous Yrocceds shall be lpplied tp restoration or � of the Propa•ty, if thc <br />restoration or repair is economically feasible and Lender's security is not lcssened. Durin� such rcpair and restoration period, <br />Lender shall havc thc ri�ht to hold such Miscellaneous Procccds until Lender has had an opportunity lo inypect such Prnpa•ty <br />fo ensure the work has becn complc;ted to I., ender's satisfaction, providcd that sucl� insj�ection shall bc unda•taken prornptly.. <br />Lender may pay for the repairs and restor�ition in a single disburse�nent or in a Serics of progress plyrnents as tlie work is <br />completed. iJnless an agrcement is made in writing or Applicablc Law requires interest to bc paid on such Miscellaneous <br />Proceeds, Lcndcr shall not he required to pay Borrowcr any interest pr earnings on such Miscellaneous Procecds. If the <br />resloratioiY or repair is not economically fe�sible or Lcndcr's scc�irity would he lessencd the Miscellaneous Yroccccls shall be <br />applied to the swiis sccurcd by this Security Instrwncnt WI1CfI1Cr OY 170t tI18[1 CIUC, wilh U�e excess, if Blly p�iid io Bnrrower. <br />Such Misccllancous Proceeds shall be applicd in the ocder provided for in Section 2. <br />ln lhe event of a total taking, deslruction, or loss in vall�c of the 1'raperty, the Misccllaneous Proceeds shall bc applied <br />to the su�ns securcd by U�is Security instrumcnt, whether or not then duc, with thc cxcess, if any, paid to [3orrowcr. <br />in the evcnt of a parlial lakin�;, destruction, or loss in value of the Property in which the fair markct valuc of the <br />Property im�»ediltely Uetbre the partial takinb, des[ructioii, or IosS in va]�.ic is cqual to ar greater than thc ai��ount of tl�e sums <br />sccurcd by lhis Security Instrumwrt immcdiatcly before the partial taking, dcstructioii, or lnss in valuc, unlcss t3ora and <br />Lender othcrwisc agrce in writin� L}l� SLIIT]5 SCCLICCL� by tI115 Sec�n'ity Tnstrument shall be reduced by the amount of the <br />Miticellaneous Procecds multiplied by the following fraction: (a) thc total amoimt of Uie suins sccurcd inaxncdiately before che <br />partial takin�;, descrucCion, or loss in valuc dividcd by (h) the fair market value of thc C'roperty imrnedi�tely before thc parti�il <br />takin�;, destruction, or loss in value. Any Ualancc shall be paid to �3orrower. <br />NERRASKA--Singlc I'amily--I�annic Ms�c/Freddie Mac UNIf URAIINSTRUMI;N'1' <br />�� 338.2 1'agc 7 nf 12 <br />Porm 3028 1/01 <br />�� <br />/� " <br />