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20110Q��3 <br />451019237 <br />itc�ns which can attain priority ovcr this Sccurity Instrument as a licn or encumbrance on the Property; (b) IeaseholcJ p�iyments <br />01' �,TTOLIII(� T011LS 011 �I1C'. J�l if any; (c) premiurns for any and all insurancc rcquircd by Lcndcr undcr Scction 5; and (d) <br />Mort��i�;c Insurancc prcmiums, if any, or any sums payablc by Borrower to Lendcr in lieu of the payinent pf Mortga�;e <br />insur�nce premiums in accordance with the E�covisions of Section 10. These items are called "L.scrow Ttems." At origination or <br />at t�ny timc during thc terin of thc Loan, Lcndcr may require that Cornmunity Association Dues, Fees, and Assessrnents, if any, <br />Ue escrowed by Rorrower, and such dues, fees ancl assessn�ents shall bc an Lscrow Itcia�. Borrowcr shall promptly furnish to <br />[.�en�ler all iiotices of ai��ounts to be paid undcr this Scction. Borrowcr shall pay Lcndcr thc Funds for �scrow Iten�s unlcss <br />Lcnder waivcs Borrowcr's obligation to pay thc Funds for any or all Escrow items. Lender may waivc Bocrpwec's obli�ation to <br />pay to Lender Funds fi�r any or all Escrpw Items at any [ime. Any 5uch waiver may only be in writin�;. in the event af such <br />waiver, T3orrower shall pay direcUy, when <�„a W�,zrz r1��t�i�:, lhe amoui�ts due for �ny Lscrnw itenis for which payment nf <br />Funds has becn waived by Lcndcr and, if Lcnder rcquires, sha]I tlu•nish to Lcndcr rcccipts cvidcncin� s�.ich paymenl within <br />s��ch time period as I,ender may require. Sorrowcr's oblig @1t1011 t0 Illf1IiC SUCII �7 aymcnts and lo provicle receipts shall f�or all <br />ptu•�oses bc dccmcd to bc a covcnant ai�d agreement cnntained in this Security instriunent, as thc phrasc "covaiant and <br />agreemcnt" is usecl in Sectii�n 9. If Borrawer is obligated to p�y �sa•ow Items dirccUy, pursuant to a waiver, and Borrower <br />fails to pay the aniount due for an �scrow Itcm, Lcndcr may cxcrcisc its rights �u��ler SecCion 9 and pay such aillount and <br />13orrower shall then be obligatecl under Section 9 tq rep�y to Lender any such a�iiount. Lcndcr may revoke the waiver as tn any <br />or a]1 Cscrow Itcros at any time by a notice givei� in accordance wilh Section I S and, upon such rcvocation, 13orrower shall pay <br />to Lender all Fu�ids, and in such amounts that are then required under this Seccini� 3. <br />Lender m�y, �t any timc, collcct and hold Funds in an amount (a) suf(icienf to perrnit Lender to apply the Funds �t the <br />time specified under FtL,SPA and (b) not to excccd thc n�aximum amount a Icndcr can require under RFST'A. I,.ender sh111 <br />cstimatc thc amaunt of Fi.mcls �lue on ihe hasis of current data and reasonable estiinates of expcnditures of futurc I;scrow Itcros <br />or ptherwise in accordance with Applicablc Law. <br />The Funds shall be held in an institution whose deposits are instired by a fedcrul agcncy, instrumentality, or entily <br />(including Lender, if I,ender is an institution whose deposits are so insurcd) or in any r'cderal Home I�oan Rank. Lender shall <br />apply thc Funds lo p �ly ��1� ESCI'pW �tC1175 �lp �f1tCC tI1Rt1 tI1C tI117C S�ICCIfIC(I LIII(I(;C RESPA. LC17dCC SI11II IlOt CYl f3orrowcr for <br />holding and applyin� thc Funds, annually analyzing thc escrow account, or verifying the Lscrow Items, unless I,en�ler pays <br />Borrowcr interest on the Funds and Applicable I�aw permits Lender to inakc slich a charge, LJnless an agrcemcnt is madc i�� <br />writing or Applicablc Law requires intercat to bc paid on lhe Funds, I,ender shall not bc rcquired to p1y Borrower any intcrest <br />or carninbs on the Funds. Borrowcr and Lender can a�ree in writing, howcvcr, that interest shall be paid on thc Fw�ds. C.,en�ler <br />shall give to Borrowcr, without char�e, an annual accounting of the Funds as required Uy KLSPA. <br />If there is a surplus of Funds held in escre�w, as defined undcr KL'SPA, I,ender shall account to }3orrower for the <br />excess funds in accordance with R�SPA. If thcrc is �i sllort��e of Funds held in escrow, as definea under RCSPA, Lcndcr shall <br />nolify Borrower as requircd by KESPA, aiad F3orrower sh��ll pay to Lcnticr Che amount necessary to makc up [he shortage in <br />accordancc with KI_,SI'A, but in nn i�iore than 1? monthly paymei�ts. Tf there is a deticicncy of Fu���ls held in escrow, as dctincd <br />under RESPA, Lcndcr shall notify Borr��wer as required by RL'SP�1, ancl F3orrower shall pay to Lcndcr the amouni necess�try to <br />II]t9.ICC LI[] tI]C (It',rC1�11Cy 111 �CCOCCIIIICC Wlttl RCSPA but in no more tllan IZ ITlOtlt}lIy (7 aymcc�ts. <br />Upon paymenf in tiill of all sums sccurcd by this Sec�n�ity instrun�cnt, Lendcr shall promplly refund to Borrowcr any <br />ruiads hel�l hy Lender. <br />4. Churges; Liens. Borrower shall pay all taxes, assessrnents, chlrgcs, fines, and intpositions attributablc to thc <br />Property which can aUain priority ovcr this 5ccurity lnstr�m�enl, leasehold payments or ground rents on the Property, if any, <br />111C�I CO�1l1T111I11Cy ASSOCl�lt10❑ UUCS Fees, and Assessrnents, if any. To thc cxtalt that these items are Gscrow ICcros, ]3orc <br />shall pay them in the manner providcd in Scction 3. <br />Borrower shall prompUy dischar�e any lien whicli has priority ovcr lhis Security Instruii�ent unlcss 13orrower: (a) <br />agrees in writing to the paymcnt of the obligation secured by the lien in a manncr acceptaUle to I,ender, h�lt 011�y ti0 �OI1�T �l5 <br />Borrower is performing such agreement; (b) contests thc licn in �;ood faith by, or defends against enforccmcnt of the lien in, <br />le�al prpceedings which in Lcndcr's opinion oper�te to prevent the entbrcemcnt of the lien while those proceedings arc <br />pending, but anly �uilil such proceedings arc concluded; or (c) secures from the holder of the lien an agreemcnt satisfactory to <br />Lcndcr subordinating flie lien to this Security Instrument. If Lcndcr dctcrmines that ai�y part of the Property is subjcct to a licn <br />which can attain priority ovcr this Scc�n•ity lnstr�m�enl, Lender mny give Borrower a notice identifying tl�e lien. Within 10 aays <br />of the date on wliich th�t noticc is given, 13orrower shall satisfy the lien or take one or morc of thc actions set forth �tb��ve in <br />Chis 5cotion 4. <br />NEBRASICA--Sin�;lc Plmily--Fauni� Ma¢/l�rcddic Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT <br />� 338.2 P;tgc 4 ot' 12 f�orm 31128 I/111 <br />C' � <br />�� <br />` <br />