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i�1S?�I�;�i�it�dY�.'iSi��ll �r .y:�i11i�� ��+i:� ���JA�i�i �� +M._.,'�,�.�+'�l��i'.yf.�' .��_;''�li . �� =r �� . _:.� '_'_._ <br /> � � � � lxn �i _ _^ J _ <br /> 4 �._.y �� .. � '�-�}.�-'gG'�i_ . _ <br /> �I r4�!� v.���::-�i�.�M�N��n , <br /> � "-- <br /> .,w. � _ • _ � II "..,_ r _-_.4r'____. <br /> -� ..-�;�. .a:t'dl{V'.._ <br /> �• -y- .v- ",,,:.., _ ;{,: <br /> . . . w4+iM �,��,.,. y -__ <br /> . "ti _ ..' _,— . <br /> _ r..�R7 f6�8C2"'v . __—__�--.--_ —_ _ '_�_. _ <br /> � .. ,; ... ' _ <br /> =-:�.��_-—_—� 92-1o���.c� <br /> _�=__-_�_���, candemnutiun or o�her taking�f any pun ot'�he Propeny,or i�nr convayu�KC in licu ot'coixtcmnu�iun,urc hercby u��iyneJ und <br /> �s Rhall l+e pnid to Lender. <br /> - a � �F—='-"—' In th�event af u totul tuking of iha Propeny.the proceeJx �hull Ix upplicd �u �hc sum�r,rcurcd by Ihih Sccurily <br /> ='�-��::;w�;:.,.;t„ In�+�tument.whciher ar not�hen duc, wi�h uny cxcc+�puid to Burrowrr. In Ih� rv�ut uf a pania)iaking of�he Pn,prrty in -- _---- <br /> �� . ,. : • .;,,,4,_� which the fnir mnrkct vuluc of Ihc Property Immediutcly Ixsfixe thc Iuking i�:cquul ln ur gicu�cr thun thc umuunt of�hc tium� — <br /> ' hecured by thia Secu�ily Innlrument immediulcly hetore tha taking. �ml«s t3orrowrr und l.cnJrr oth�rwi�r u�rec in wri�ing. <br /> � � w " the �uma secureJ by this Security MhtNment shull he �educed by 1he iimuum of�hr pr�xccdti inuldplicd by ihc t��Uuwin�e <br /> °�`-�'�"�' "''�=�' fr�d�m: (u)thc tolul Amount of the sums secured immedimely hefure�he�ukinR.dividcJ by lhl Ihc fuir murkct vulue��f Ihc � .�__ <br /> ' prnpcny immcdiatcly t+eforc the tuking. Any bnlance sholl bc puid tc�Bnm►wcr. 7n the cvenl nf a puniul tuking nf�hr <br /> _�, �_ ,,��• Prapetly in which the fair murket vnlue�f the Pra{xrly immcdiutcly txforc ihe luking is Ic++�han thc um��un� of�he zum+ <br /> .. �� �`�'�;aY'� ` '" yecured immediatcly beFore thr tuking,unless Bc►rrowcr unJ Lcndcr othcrwhe +ig�ec in writing ur unlc+, ►�pplicuble luw <br /> " ���'"% l�•� otherwf�se provides,�he praceedw shull ix Lpplied to�:secured hy ihiti Securi�y bis�rument whr�her or not�he numr:ar�e <br /> �, ��,.i�•;.:�. <br /> . ,.L',�:���.:,4.-�.�r.. then duc. <br /> ;!:��i�;�C�;����,; If Ihe Propeny is obundancd by Borrowcr,ar if,uf�er natice by l.enJer to Bnrruwer�hul the cunJenm�K��tt'an lo muke <br /> ° .,:�....:: ;, im uwurd or settle a cluim for dumngcs.Borrowcr fuils w respand to Lrndcr wi�hin 30 duy+af�or tlx dauc tlx notire i�given. - <br />-- � LenJer is authorized to coilect and Apply �he pnxeed,,ut iiti upiion,eithcr �o rr�kxutiun ur rcptdr uf the Pmperly or to�hc <br /> � �;.3.:;"� sums secumd by thix Secu�iry In�trumem,whether ur nut Ihcn duc. <br />—_— -Y:'�e.y n '•.. <br /> _.,,. .s;:,.��,.,,,;�t: Unless Lcnder and Burcower otherwise agrec in writing, uny applicution of pr�xeeds to prinripal ,h•rll nul exlen or <br /> �`• �' p�lponc the due dute of the manlhl�•paymcros refctTed u�in parag�uph+ I und 3��r rhungc th�amount ai tiuch puyment+. <br />-- - — � '� '" �` � � 11. Borrawer Not Ret`eased; �or6ea�uoce By Le��r Not a Waiver. Exten.ion of �hr timr fa� puyment o� <br /> - �,�a:�:4�irs�.'v�-.,Xx•. : �r�' <br /> -.��.. "�n' .� maliflcution of umonization of ihc sums xecured by this Security lnslrument Frunled by Lcr.ler�o uny�uccessor in in�rre.t <br /> - ^,�}�_.�•';;":.., of Banower�hall na�operut�tu�eleuse the liability of�hc originul Borrower�r Bixrower� aucce+snrs in intere��.Letxier _ _ <br /> ��� � i�;:�"�:�.�''��K�'°'' shull not be required to commcnce praeeding�uFai�tit:►ny xuccessur in imere.t or ret'use to exiend time i'or pnymern ur _ _ <br /> -�;;��4 3.;R,'�i••:. � '• plherwise modif)'umonizu�ian of thc xumr:+ecured hy this Sccuriry Instrumem by r�utian of uny demund mudc by the original <br /> i.,1;:,:� . :�i�7-:. � <br /> ,�;.::� �•���.�•,�,_�„�••.;.;,;�;.,,�,-,•+,•, Bonow�r ar Borrowerk succe�aor�in interesl. Any furbearance hy Lender in exerci+ing any ri�hl or remcdy �hi�ll not be u h��:.'` <br /> �,� �';�'�j�� �r�5i�'��� j�:� wuiver of or prccyude Ihe c?cerci+c of uny righ�or remedy. ,��'��1�'�y�r <br /> ��� , ,!�;�y,�,r��f���;��,���?,_ 12. Suecessors und A�.signs Sound;Joint and 5everul L1ubi8ty:Co•xlRncrs. Thc covcnantx und agreemeni�af ihi+ <br /> .j�;�{� � �;�h�,`s'„{,tJ�:;s���'�� Security Ins�rument shull bind and beneiit ihe sikcesson und a�w�ignx of LenJ.r und Borrower, +ubJect ta ihe provisiom of' ����^r <br /> .`�.t � s.'!�k,'�;�,�rr';;�;��„i�t,'`.� parugmph 17. Barrowe�r covenun�s nnd ugreementx�hull be joint and�everal. Any Borrower who co-sign� this Srcuri�y �„1;s��f�ri` <br /> ''�f?�' '� ;c;���'� :?;j���.,1_y4-�;�L Ins�rument but doex nut execute�he Note: la1 iti co-,igning this Security Intitrumem only to mongaEe,gruni und convey thut _ _ <br /> �... =��- <br /> ':;;t.'., �` �': . • '�` � ,• �' BoROwer's interest in Ihe Pn�perty under the tetmx of thiti Securiry ln�trumcn�; (b)ix not peni>nully obhguted to puy Ihe�umti - - <br /> �., �: ,;;.;,.,.; � ��.:__ <br /> :�; secured by�his Security In+lrument:und(cl agrees thut l,ender unJ�ny u�Uer surn�wcr muy ugrc'c►o cx�enJ,modify,forbeur _ <br /> `f'' " ,� •� . . or ma�:e nny uccommaclutiunh witb regurd to Ihe termx ot'this Securily Instrument or Ihe NcNC without Ihut Borrower'x <br /> ...• �. <br /> ♦ '� � • conxent. ----— - <br /> "��+: •.�.'.::.- !^�,_ �i, I.�wn('hargex. If the loun secured Ny this Sccurity In+trument ih �ubject �o u luw which ��ts muximum luan �':�' <br />_���•' , :: •• churge�.imd�hut luw i�finully intrmmtcd,o thut thc intcre.i nr nthcr I�,an churgc+collrricd ur to tk collrcicd iu�w�n«ticin -_--' . <br /> . , witb the luun exceeJ 1he�xmiiUcJ limil+. �hrn: lu)imy,uch loan chur��•h+dl Ik RQured hy thr�imuum nrre..ury���rcducc <br /> .. ihr rhurgc���ihr�xmtillyd limil:a�nd Ihi s�ny,um,ulrcuJy rullrc�cd frawi l;�xru��rr which rxre�dcd�xm�in�d limi�+will Ix �,z_:�z, <br /> .. �, rcfundcd to Rnrr��wer. Lcnikr nu�y ch�N�.r�n mul�r Ihi.rcfund hy rcJuciug�hc rrinrip:d uwed undcr thr NiN.ur by mubing u -°°°__- <br /> °. . Jirecl puymenl lu N�►nuHrc If u rcfund reducr.prinripal.Ih� n�iu�iiim will Ix�rcined n+a p��hial pr�paymrnt witlwul iuty �'�� <br />- �,�;X prcpaym�ni rhuru.u��der�h�N.x��. �.-"�"��- <br /> 14. Notic�w. Mtp nuticr lu Nurruwcr��r�widrd li�r in�hi+ ticruriiy Imtrumrnt .h;�ll tx �ivrn hy dclivcring i� ��r hy -- <br />- ` • mailin�t il by lir.l�il unlr„sipplicc�hk lua rryuirr,u+c ul'anu�hvr mr�h�xl.'I'hr nu�icr,hull i+c dirccl�d�u thr Nn►{krly <br /> Addm+,ur uny uth�r�iddrr�. Horcowrr�letii�nul�. h�• notice�u Lrixlrr. Any nulirr lo Lcnd�� �hull ix �iven hy lint �lu» <br />- • muil Iu I.cnd��r:s�Jdrr,+.�.UCd h�rrin ur imy udirr uddnr,.I.en�icr dc.i�nu1�,hy nutirc lu H��rrowcr. Any�Hni�r providrJ li�r .Y--�-- <br /> " in thi, Srcuri�y ln+trumrm tih:dl Ik Jrrnxd tn huvc Iken Eiven tu Hunt,wcr or LrnJcr whrn given u,provideJ in �hic: __� <br /> ,,, , ,. purugruph. <br /> .. ' , ,, �uvrnied b�� 1'eJetul luw and thc luw af lhe ��" '--�-=- <br /> IS. GovernfnR Law; tieverabUlty. This Srcurity In�n•wnrm ,hull lx �. �;��- <br /> ' � • � , JurisJictit►n in which�he Propeny i�IixutrJ. In�hr evem thm cuiy pnwi,irni ur cluu,r ul'thi+Sicuriry In�lrument or Ihc Nutc �=�==-! <br /> , contlicts wilh upplfrublc luw.,urh rontlici.hull n��t at'Icri u�hrr pruei.iun� ol thi,S�ruriry h►�utiuncn�or thc Nu�c�vhich ran �"�`. <br /> ' � � , bc givcn cfi'ccl withoa� thc ronllicling pnrvi�i�►n. To ihi� end thc pr�wi.iun� c�f thi. S�curity In,trunxnl unJ �hc Note ure ��w���;; <br /> � • declurcd w tx,cvcruhlr. ��'�._� <br /> � 16. Borrower's Copp. liarruw•rr.hull Ik givcn�nx runi'unnrJ rapy of ihe Nalr:md ol'thi+Srcuriiy In+trumem. � � . , <br /> 17. 71rAnsfer oP the Pr��perty or u Benefirlal Intcrcs�In Borro�vcr. If ul I ur any p:irt ot'the 1'���Fx rty or anv intcrryt in <br /> it iti.old or tmn.ferrcd lur il'a Ixneticiul int�rc.� in Hurco�crr i, +ul�i or �ran.IcrreJ anJ Barru��cr i,not u naturul�xnoiti) ;, :� <br /> withoul Lender's priar wrillcn cim��nt.LcnJrr ma�•.ul il, �,pliun. reyuire immcdi;�lr p:i)•mcnl in tull oi' by � ' <br /> . a'. . ihi�Security In�trumenl. H�nvevcr.thi<<�tian shull nut I►c exrni�ed hy L�ndrr if rxrrci.e N rf�1h1I/1lClI�l)'�C(ICI':II IAW 0S 01� '_-- — <br /> Ihe dulc of Ihis Security In+lrumen�. <br /> It'I.cndcr rxcrcix�thi,op�iun.Lrndcr,hall�i��r Burrowcr n�Nirc��1'arrrlrra�iun. The ni►tirc�h:dl proviJr a�x:ri�xl of � , . . - <br /> . not Ic,s thun 3l1 days from ihc�In�r�hc notirr i�Jrlivcred nr m��flccl�ciihin .�hich liurro��rr mu.t pa�•�cund hy ihi, _ , <br /> � 5crurity Instrumcnt. II Rnrn�wcr fail, to pa��• Ihr+c ,um,priur 1���hr r�pir:uian ul'Ihi. �xri��l. L.nder mny invokr uny .' <br /> rcmcJir.�xrniincJ hy thi,Srcurit� In�irumcnl�+ilhiHn furtlur notirr�,rJ��uunil un Burru��.r. • <br /> t � � , 18. Burro���cr'S Ri�ht ta RcintiWtc. If Rum���rr rncrh rrnain ruikliliun,. Rurroacr •h��ll h��vr �N� riEhl tu havc <br /> enforcement ol'thi�Scruri�y In.�rumcm cli�cnwinurJ ai am iimr piiu��in Uie r:u•lier„I: i,u 5 �la�••lur,urh o�hcr�xri�d u� c <br /> , ` <br /> , �m�lc I;miih••h'uiu�Ic�1w•:tYcddlc�tuc l'VINUNII IVti 1'H1 �1h:\I'..1 nd�nm t'���.n.mi. 4i51N qai�r��d n�w�crv . <br /> +: <br /> . � ' <br /> . �' <br /> � <br /> �'?�•.�' . . <br /> ..� . .. . <br /> , � . ' ' . • ; <br /> , � i <br /> , � <br /> , ,!,' �1_ _ <br />