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<br /> _�=�i',:"'"`�.���"`',,,,;� + upplicabfc lew may spccify for rcinawtcmenq before ewleof Ihc Propcny purxunnt 10 nny power oP salc contained in thio
<br /> 3ccurity Insirument;or(b)entry of o judgment enforcing thi�Securlty Instrumenl. 71w�:canditions arc lhnt Borrower: �w1
<br /> - �"'�-� e LenAr.r pll Ruma which Ihen would be duo under thia Secu�ity Instrument And the Nuto as if no aceeleradon bad
<br /> �.�,�w.���...�ty �y ��
<br /> �a�■�►a�:�►r:;cs nccurrcd;(M)wres uny default oP nny ahcr cavenanta ur aBreemen�s;(c)payR all expen�es incurred in cnfun:ing Ihla Se�:wlty
<br /> ,.°, i ' Inserument.including,but not limited to,reasonu6le attomeys'Peea; and (d)tnles such action as I.ender mvy �awmably
<br /> ,:�-�� I •�:����;� ` �� v�h,� roguiro�a aa�ure thnt the Uen oi this Secudty Instrumcm,Lenderk righ�x in thc PropcAy and Borrower 5 obliBwion to pny thc
<br /> aums seaured by �his Security tnstrument ahall cantinue unchunged. Upan «fn�tntement by Barrower, thir Security
<br /> �,.� " Inswmant and tho oblfgations c�:cured hereby shall rem;iia fully effective as if no nccelrre�fon hod occurrcd. However.thfA �,_ ._ _,_
<br /> �"��.�+k�' �iQht to rafnstnt�shnll oot apply in the case of acceleration under paregraph 17. -
<br /> �' ';.•,.�r.':.'~;,;�''r,.�� 19, Swle ot Notei Chw�e of I.oAn Servker. The Note or a punlal intcrest in thc Note(toge�her wfth this Secudty
<br /> '.�,� . .1. ., .,..
<br /> �r�•�t�l�.�;y�•� •.;�� Tnsuumont)may be sold one or more times wi�hout prior notice ta Borrower. A sale may result in a�hange in tl�ie entity
<br /> ��` �"'•;,'�',:�'���. (known aR the "Lonn 3ervlcer">that collects monthly paymenta due under the No�e cind thid Security lnstrurnent. There elso
<br /> .r�::.� . ,.z..� .. , .
<br />��� •,,l:., • s; ., mu y be one or mom changes of tha I.oan Servicer unrelated to a sale of thr Note. [f there is a change of the Loan Serv cer,
<br />�� ._ r_�,: : • : . Borrower wlll be given written noace of the change in accordunce wf�h parug�aph 14 alxwe nnd applicabk law. The notice
<br />„��. �• � ; .� wil l state the oume und adJress of the new Loan Servicer and the address to which payments shauld he made. The notice will
<br />���.;•• ;.:;,'..-.;...-• ' also contaio any other information required by applicaMe l�w.
<br /> ' � ' 211. Hozardous 5ub�tances. Borrower shall not ce�ue a pemrit�he presence,use,disposal.starage,or release of s►ny _
<br /> � . Ha2ardous Subxu►nces on or in the Property. Barower shall not do,aor allow anyone else to do,anything affecting the �-
<br /> properry thut is in violation of any Environmental Law. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to 1he presence,use,or ��:''
<br /> f...:� :, ,::�,,; ��, .. storage an the Property of small quantities of Hezerdous Subswnces that are genernlly recognized to be appropriate ta normal �_'v_,�
<br /> ; ,;��, , f,� �r � v•' �esidendal uses and ta maintenance of the Property. j
<br /> � H, t� r �,�,. d . Y Y ��«'�' .
<br />,� �' ' t„ , , , , Rortower shall prompNy give I.ender written not+ce of any investigation,claim. emand lawsuit or other actlon b an
<br />�'��, �t'�/`.,/;i,},',!+,,i'!; ::' govcrnmental or regulatory Agency ar private perty involving Ihe Praperty and any Nazardou4 Subs�ance orEnvirunmenlal
<br /> �f�
<br />,..��-�L �)��19���i:i��+it'�f 1 "4'1
<br /> , �� y� l.aw of which Borrower has actual knowledge. [f Bonower laama, or is notified b an ovemmenta! or re ulat '�;.ti:
<br /> �,S,.�t.,,; • .,,•,. ,�•�•. I {•.?F,• Y Y � B °fY �.._
<br />��;�,;;..,;� ; ;��,!f`�},1;a;d'+i�°��;r^t',:' authority,that uny nemoval or ather remediation of any Hezardoua Substance affecting the Propeny is necessary,Horcower —� I
<br /> : ,_ � " `�,;.,}`.���f��3�?c�;jh shall promptly take all necessary remedial ac�ions in accordence with�nvironmental l.aw. ' W
<br />''���;;',.::;y ' �, •_•„ As used in this ara 0."Hazardous Substanccs`are those substnnces defined us toxic or hazardous subatances by E:.:�''''
<br /> �� � ��,:• P BraPh'
<br /> ,',. 7:�i,:�.�: --
<br /> :;,:r,, �• ..�..., ---
<br /> , �. ,.: ..,; Environmental Law and the following substances: gasoline.kerosene,other flammable or toaic petroleum products,toaic —
<br />��+�`"•'.` •�:�::,,�.�, .� �� pesticides and herbicides,volatile solvenls. mater�uls conmining asbesto� or fortnaldehyde,and rndioaclive mate r�n ls. As �`��""
<br /> , ; • • used in this paragrnph 20,"Environmentnl Lnw"means fedcrAl lews and lews of the jurisdictlon wherc the Propeny is lacuted __
<br />;;; �� .., , �, tiwt relate to health,snfety or environmenlal protection.
<br /> , NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and l.ender funher covcnunt und ugree nx follaws: �y
<br />;i,;•,.' F 21. AccelerAtlon; RPmedies. Lender ahall give notice to Borrower prbr to Accelerption�ollowlog Borrower's �_
<br />�`�' , a�� ' " breach o�any covenant or agreement la thts Security Instrument Ibut not prbr to acceleration under pa�wRraph l7 = -
<br /> ' '� ���'' �p�g g��g�@!pw nrnvideA ofhel'wisel. The notke slwll epecttv: 1�1 the default: Ib1!he acUon requlred to wre the
<br />� ' �'�`' '' � , detaulli lc)p d�te�nnt 1e�.9 thon i0 duys from ihe dpte lhe autice Is Riven to Borr�wer,by whkh Ihe deP�uR must be
<br /> � �� cured;and Idl lhpt iallure to cure Ihe def�ull on ur before Ihe dple specifled In the nWice myy result In occele��llun of —
<br /> , ' � �� the sumv secured by Ihis Security In.rlrument�nd x�le of the Properly. The nolice ghall further infurm Borrower uf =--�-
<br /> � ,� the right to reinstpte afler occelerutiun And Ihe riRht t�bring a court actbn to a�.rert Ihe non-exiAtence of u detwult or �"°"` -'
<br /> • ,. qny other detense of Borrower to�ccelerAtbn�nd wle. If Ihe default is not cured on or before the d�te speclfled In e _
<br /> � ' ��... Ihe notice,I.ender at its option may require immediate puyment in full of all wms secured by this Secu�ity Instrument _--_
<br /> ' without Purther demand and may invnke the power of sele and any other remedies permilted b� applics�ble IAw. �:_�_��
<br /> ' . I.ender shall be enUtled to collect ull expenses incurred in pursuinR the remedfes provided in this paragraph 21. �,�:
<br /> ' • including,but not limited to,reasonabk atlorneys'Peev and cosl.s oP Ntle evidence. �a;l:,�-
<br /> � IP the puwer of sale is inv��ked.7Fustee shAll rec�xd a notice uP dePault in each county in which ony ps�rl of the ��
<br /> `.'�� �' Rroperty is located and shall maH cupies uf such noUce In the m�nner prescrlbed by applicable law to Horrower and lo �,,,w;;;,L:
<br /> ' the other persons prescrfbed by applicable law. Atter the Iime required by applicable law.7Fustee yhall give publir ��R'-'�-
<br /> ��
<br /> � • � � aodce of r�ale to Ihe persons and in the manner prescri6ed by appliceble law. 7tustee,wilhout demand on Borrower. �ii,�;��
<br /> � � �� shall sell the Property at public aucUon to the hlRhest bidder at the Iime and place and uoder the terrns designated ln �.,.:,.�.,_
<br /> ' � ' tbe notice oi sale in ane or more parcels and in any order 7}ustee determines. 'IYustee may postpone sale of all or any �::.:"
<br /> � . � � parcel of the Property by public announcement at the Iime and plarn ni any previuusly scheduled�le. Lender or ita �''"_`
<br /> ''�'�'�1'• �• '�' •. designee moy purchase the Properly at any sale.
<br /> C , .:.�'P ���'.�,r� • " Upon receipt ot payment of the price bid,7Yustce shall deUver to the purchaser'IYustee's deed conveying the � ..
<br /> . : � � ��.:lI. . � �.,•i�..��: Properly. The recitals in the 7Yustee's deed shall I►e prima facie evidence of thr truth oP the statements made therein. '
<br /> - •�• . 7Fustee shall apply the pruceeds ui Ihe sale in the following order: Ip1 to all costs and expenses oP exercising the power �_.____._
<br /> ,� • , �n:��„e,�.:
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