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<br /> :;�►�s.'�^?�*?�';,:'`3 per��N1F Ihnt Lciuicr requfns. 71ic insumnce currler pmvidin��hc intiuruncc+hull Ix rhocen by Hom�wcr.ubjcci�u L�nJcr�
<br /> _ --���,�;. ► upproval which shull not be unreuxonobly wilhheld. If HntY��wer fAilx�u muin�oin cuvc�agc dexcrihcd uhcwc,Lcnder muy,�1
<br /> _",.;,;,.„.�„�;,�� I.ender:�ap�ion,u�lAin coveruge�u pro�ec�LenJerk righl+�in the Prapeny in ucco�dunce whh�rugruph 7.
<br /> —°�•�''?"°!""'—"—""'� All insuruncr palicir��md mnewniti .rh:�ll Me ucceptahle to l.endcr und.h:�ll iix IuJe u+tundurd mortksiµe rlLUr:c, l.ender 6_
<br /> ..^'��t�Y�;`v�' +hall huve the rfEht ta hold�hc polirics und rencwul�. !f Lciulcr rcyui�rx. Horr�iwrr tihull pramp�ly�ivr u►LcnJcr ull rccclpt,
<br /> � � '��' � '�� •'' oi paid premiumx und renewul notices. In Ihe event of k�,�, flaROwer,hnll�ive prumpt ac�Uce�o�he inwrance curricr und
<br /> .�_"'':,'Y;;;.,,"� _-_,;,_,.;,` Lender. L.cndcr muy mukc priN�f of lo��if noi mude prompily by H�►Rnwcr.
<br /> �'� • y Unless Lendrr amJ Hurruwer aNln:rH ik�+igr�in wrltin�t.in.urancc pr�xccd.�h;dl hr upplird��►m,�urntion��r repair af m_ _
<br /> i��,.� �`; ��,�,
<br /> �-����. �he Pra rty dumaged, if�hc m�torution nr n;puir ix econnmicully feu.tiible imd l.cnder+ recu�ity i�n�N Iesrened. If the
<br /> ' ''`��`�'�`''� rc�:torm on or re pair ix nnt cconr�mieull y feu�iblc ar Lendrr� �ecurity w�►uld Ix� I��rrned. �he in+urancr prcxeedx,hull he
<br /> �.�bi.r�yr♦ 'lit` 1
<br /> `Y�JY.AS.Y:!1�i✓7l r. ,
<br /> �"�'r`� � •��:rti� applied Io�he tiumti xecured hy thix Scruri�y Imtnimenl. whcthcr��r not th�n dur. wi�h uny cxcchti puid tc� Barmwer. !f
<br /> ��.`.`�'�'` `�'��' ' ' Borrower abundonx the Properly. or dcx�x nrn unawer within 311 Juy.ii notice fmm Lender ihut the in.urunce currier hun �
<br /> s�+i,ti-�.: c►ffered ta settle u cluim.�hen Lender muy collect ihc In,urunce pr�xecdti. LcnJer muy u,e �he puxecd� �o repair ur reslorr. _
<br /> • � .• • ihc Propeny�u�a puy suma�ecured by�hi«Sccurity Inwlrumem.whcther or nut�hen due. The 3lbduy periad will hegin when
<br /> _, �, tf;::::.;�. •'''n'� �he notice es aiven. _...
<br /> �:.��':' ••�'����'"',�3:� Unles. i.ender and Borrower athe��vihe ugree in writin�;, uny applicutian ot'prikecd� �o principal �hull not extend or T_
<br />-. c;,•} ,•�• `�� p�stponc thr duc dute of th�: m�mlhly puymenl,rel'erred tu in pumgroph� I und 2 or chwigc�he um��unt of thc puymentti, It
<br /> ' ,s:p;'���• ; under purngrnph ?1 the Pmperty is ucyuimd by LrnJer, Borrowcrk righl to any intiurunrc pnlicics unJ prcxecJti resuhing
<br /> �5'"'�'� from dumuRe�a�he Pmpeny prior to the ucquisition shull pusx�o Lendcr�o the extem of the zum��ecured by�hi�5ewrity _
<br /> ..�;�,,�..�.�.•. , Inxtrument immediutely priur�o the acyui,iliun. =:=.�
<br /> -- '.°�,� ''�� 6. Occupnncy. P�eservation, MAlmenance And Proteclion af the Property; Hot��uw•er's I.oen Applicalion;
<br /> .-,•:�=�;�=..:''±�s1:•�'-` ��"�z� . Ixa�ehnlds. Borrower sh�ll occupv,estubli,h.:md use Ihr Rropeny a�BuRONer:princip:d rrsidenrc wuhin sixry days after �
<br /> fk�y�,- �, ,,;.,,;' Ihe execution of�hi+Security Inxtrument and�hall cominue ta cxcupy ihe Propeny :�. Horrowcr:principal rcsidrmr 1'ur u�
<br /> -��,�tp �:'�"i'S`': . �t^.
<br />-- ,�:_�,: r,���,y�� ku,t one yenr after Ihe date of accupancy, ualesx Lendrr otherwise ;►�rees in wriling, a�hich coment ,hall not t� w,,,
<br /> �� �� �,s, 'k � y F
<br /> ;�/.��`• �P,. � + ' r�:� � imreuxonahl withheld,or unle,s extenuudn circumstancrs exist which ure hryond Borrowar:rcxnrol. Borrow•e�shull not
<br /> 4���,,:,s,;'° t,,�. ...
<br /> .`4 � .�','��";�� � � ' ' destroy,dumage or impuir�he Prc,Fxrty, idlaw�he Pra(x�rl� [ �deteriorute.or cronmii wnste un the Pro�x ny. Sorru«•�r xhull _��=''
<br /> ;,. 4,�•�,-:,;:c �'�'.,' ---
<br /> �•�;;';S �'" 7�, .y�y}.`„f�w';_ be in clefault if uny ti�rfei�ure actian ar praceeding, whethcr rivil or criminul. i�t�egun thai in L.ende�.�cx�d 1'aith judgmeni
<br /> .t,� � �� —.
<br /> .. 1�� `� 45��.,. `•��'�,�.'; �•• , , cauld result in fa�feiturc of ►he Propert� or othcrwise muteriully impair the lien creuted hy ihi. Serurity lnstrumeni cx
<br />_;;;j' : ,;�s^i��'�`r�'"p"�': " l.ender ti securiry imerest. BoRawer may cum�uch u defuult und reinxtute,as providcd in purugrnph 18,by cuusing Ihe uctian
<br />-- �;. ���' '•� � `;_ or prceeeding to be di�mi+sed with a nding thu1,in Lender:g��al faith detc►minaiion,precludc.foHeiture of thc 8ormwer:
<br />-.�.���S .. 5' .'__�.i�.�'..7�r ^I. �. __..
<br />.L_.� ;t,� v�_: j,;r' : •.,�; interest in lhe !'rop�rty or other material impnirment of Ihe lien crcuted hy Ihix Securily Instrumem or l.ender��ccuriry ;
<br /> ���'�� ;�: inrerest. 8nrrmver.�hall ul�o he in d.:faul� if Bor�ower, durins the loun uppli�ution process, gu�c mu�eriall�• falK or �'��
<br /> `�� " ;i�i � � °
<br />''i'�;�%, ' `,°!,'+��i,;';:t'i;;i�: �� inuccurUte infurmuiion or x�u�ements to Lencle�lor failed�o provid�Lender«�i�h uny muterial inf�rmution)in connection with �-
<br /> :'..r> ; !`'��;��,'•;�"5;;��•'�S';:�.'•" Ihe luun evidenced hy thc Ncuc, inrludin�. but no� limi�ed tu. rcpns�ntati�n.roncemi�g Borrna•crti a:cupuncy of thc �%'%'
<br /> ;�: .��� _ut n_��4._ ,ri,
<br /> - . ,.—;= Prespecty a:;a principr!residenee. !f thi� Srcer+ty In�m�m�•nt i.on a Icusrhnld.Borrouer xhull romply wi�h ull thc provi+iuns �..'
<br /> • r ,• ';`�. � of thc Icunc. If Borrowcr ucyuircti tcr tillc la thr Pm�x ny,thc Icu�chold unJ thc fec tillc shull not mcrgc unlcs�l.cndcr ugmcs _4_
<br /> ' lo the merRcr in writing. �.-
<br /> 7. Protection oF Lender'w Rishts in Ihe Pruperty. If Born�wrr f:►il� u� �x:rfonn �hc c��vrnurn� anJ ugmrmems --
<br /> , , contuinrJ in thiti Srcurity Insmimcnt. ur thcrc i, :� Ir�ul pnxrrding �hu� muy .iEnilicunUy cd'i'cc� Lcndrr; ri�hl. in thr ��!"s
<br /> . � pro(x11y Iwch u�u pn�cCCding in hanl�rupiry.pmhate.l:�r cunJrmnalinn ur li�rlcilur�or lo cnli►rce Is�w.��r rcEulcui�ro�I.Ih�n
<br /> . .. Lend�r muy d��und piry li�r whul�ver i.nece+rnry lu�,nHCrt tlx value ut Ih�I'ru�xrly +utd I.rnJrr'�ri�!hl� in Ihc I'r�i(krty. —�
<br /> . • • l.enJerti+ir�i�m,ouiy include pa}•ing�in�•.um,+rrin•cd hy a lirn��•hich h:n rrioril�• uvrr Ihi,Srrurily b�,Irumenl.appr.iring
<br /> . . � in court.puyinE ren.nnuhlc sutam�y.'Icr,und rnlcrin�!�m�hc I'ru�xrty la muMe r�•pair.. Allhuu�h Lcndrr may lakc uciiim � �
<br />' undrr ihi.p:�ragruph 7.L�ndcr d�k,no1 ha�r lu do,o. �".`
<br /> ' . �� �' Any unu►unls di.huneJ hy I.enJrr wid�r Ihi. pura�ernph 7 .hull txruinc a�IJiliunal�trM ul liom�wrr ucureJ hy Ihi, _�
<br /> . . . Srrurity In,trumcnt. Unle+.Rurc�.��cr and L�ndrr u�rcc���uthrr trm�ti ul'p.�ymrnl.thc,c amoum,.hull ix.�r in�rrr,t frum thr
<br /> Jatr of di.hur.rment .0 Ihe NiNC ralc and,hull Ix� p:iyahle. with intrre,i,u{wn unlice Ir�nn I.enJer to Horruwer rcqueslin� r,.
<br /> . - . . .. a p:�ymcnt.
<br /> R. Mnrt�aRe Insurunce. If Lcndcr nyuitrd mnrtgagc inwrimcr:�. u run<liliun of mukin�: 1hc loan ,crured by thi+� �-_.
<br /> Security In,lnimcnt. (3orrowrr,hall pay Ihe pmmiunn rryuircJ lu maintain ihe m��ngaFe imurnncc in rll'rrl. If. t���r uny �L-
<br /> n:a�on. Ihc mortg,igr insururKC ca��cr��gc rcyuircd by Lcndcr lap,r, ��r r�au, tn Ix in cflccl. Norro�ti•cr +hall pay llM �;
<br /> premium. reyuired to ��htuin ruvcragr �uh.tunliidly cqui�•alrnt t�, ihc nturt�ag. in+ur:mcc prr�•iuuyly in rl'terl.at a cc»I ---
<br /> ; ,uh.rtanti:�lly cyuivalcnt ta�he ro�t lo Kcttruwer of�hc nwrt�:agc in�urarnr��rcviuu.ly in e11er1. Irum an ultcrnatc murtgugc _
<br /> � in�urcr s►pprovcd by L.en�kr. IP�uh,�aniially ryui�•aknl mnrl�:�g�in.ur+mrr r��vcragr i.not:rvuilublr.f3nrrowcr�hal) pay �o —.
<br /> � . .. . Lender euch momh u,um ryu:d t��onc-twrltih��f�hr ye:�rl�• nwr�g:�ge in.ur.u��r prrmium h�ing paiJ hy Harr��u�r u•hen the
<br /> . inzurunre rovenigr lap.ed ur cciircd 1��Ix in cffecl. Lcndrr�rill;irrrpl.u,c and rei:�in Ihc,e pa}•mcnh:i.a lu„re�rr+c in licu �__'
<br /> . . ; ,,. °y ' t:• . . uf maiyg•rgc in.urunrc. La.,rc,�n•c p:n•mcnt, muy nu lungcr tx rcquirrJ. :n Ilx� uptiun ul I.rndrr.if morlga�c in,urancc - -.
<br /> .' ., ' ri>vrragc Iin thc amount sinJ tiir thc�xri��l th:�t Lcn�lcr rryuir�,1 pr.�vidrd hy:in inu�rcr:�rr���,�•«i ny��_�„�i�r ugain hcromr.
<br /> ; ., � •rv:►ilablr:uid i,ohlaineJ.Burnxv�r,hall pay thc prcmiumti rryuirrd tn mainlain nu,n�age in.urunrr in cticct.ur tu pru��idr a -.:°
<br /> lu..rc+crvr.umil iN�rcquiremrnt liir mun�ugr imurmre end.in arrurd:mc���•iih imy ��rittcn agrrcnknt ixl�a�rn Burrower ,.:r
<br /> and Lrndrr�ir:�p��lir:ihl�la��.
<br /> 9. Inspeclion. Lcn.i�r nr il,a�cnl ma� m:d.c i�:nunahl��ntric, upnn and in.�xruun,��I Ihc Pr��pert). I.cnd�r.hall
<br /> .� givc[iorru��•er n�,lirr:�;tli�linu��I��n pri�n�tu:m m.�kiti�m��xcit'�in�rr�►,��n:iM.r.ui,r lur 1hr in,�xcu��n.
<br /> , 10. ('ondemnulion. �1'h���r�xc.d•,al':�m :i��ard ur.I.�mi I�n•d:im:�g�.. d�r�ct „r r�Niticyu�nual,in runnrcli�m��ith a�ty ,.. .:
<br /> tim�lr I�.nwl�� FuUOM�I�ie MrvAd�r\IUC 1�IFIIR�I 1\til-{tl\11�'f 1 nil•�nu 1'u�rn.�W 4411 �p�itr+,�I•.�•�+t�•�� •
<br /> . iar.il t.i4�Nuym�..4�unn I�� r .
<br /> � � 1•�IN�d?1'All IJUMF:1 p1.9:P1:1 .1.VI bll{.7'll 1 1{I
<br /> ' �.
<br /> ^ t' . . ..... ...
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