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2oi�oo��4 <br />HQ110074406 <br />6. Occup.u�cy. 13orrowa• shall occuPY, cst�lilish, aild usc thc ProperCy as I3orrowcr's principal residcnce withii� 60 <br />days after tlte executinn of tl�is Security Instrtu��ent and shail conlinue tn nccu�y the Nrnperty as l3nrro�ver's principal residei�ce <br />for at least nne yelr �fter the date nf occupancy, uniess I,ender olherwise agrees in wriling, which consenl shall not bc <br />unreasonably wiihheld, or unless extenualing circumstanccs cxist which are bcyond Borrowcr's control. <br />7. Preservation, M�►inten:ince ancl Protection of the Property; Inspections. Borrowcr shali not destroy �larna�e or <br />impair the Proper[y, allow tlle Property to deteriorate nr commit �v�tste on the Property. Whether or noi l3orrowe�• is residing i�a <br />the Property, F3orrnwer shall m�intain ihe Properly in ordcr to prcvent lhc Property Crom detcriorating or dccrcasii�g in value <br />duc co its condition. iJiiless it is determined pursuant tn Secti��n 5 that repair ar rest��raiinn is nol ecoi�omically feasible, <br />Borcower shall rromptly repair lhe 1'roperty if� dama�;ed lo avoid lurlhcr dctcrioralion or damage. IC insurance or condcmnation <br />procccds arc paid in conncction �vith damagc to, or the takin�; ot; the Prnperty, F3orrower shall be responsible for re�airing or <br />restoring ihe I'roperty only if I,ender has release�l proceeds for such pu�poses. Lcnder ntay disburse proceeds for ihc rcpairs <br />and restoratior� in a single 4�3y177L'11t or in a series oP progress naymenis as lhe work is completed. If ihe insurance or <br />con�lentnatio�� pruceeds are not suf(icient to repair or resiorc lhe Properly, 13orrowa• is not relieve�l of I_3orrowcr's obligalion lor <br />the coi��pletion of such repair or restnratioi�. <br />L,en�ler or ils agenl may make reasonable enlries upon and inspeclions of ihe Property. If it has re��sonable c�iuse, <br />Lcndcr niay ii�spect the iittcrior of the in�provci�icnts on the Property. Leiider shall give Borrower nocice at the timc of or prior <br />to such an interinr inspection specifying such reasonahle cause. <br />8. 13orrower's Lo��n ApplicAtion. 13orrowcr shall be in default if, during the Loan applicatioi� proccss, Borrower or <br />ai�y pei or eiitities acting at the direction of Borrower or with E3orrower's knowled�;e or consent gave materially false, <br />misleadin�, nr inaccur�lte infi�rmaiion nr statements lc� I,ender (or failed to provide Lender with malerial inlbrmation) in <br />connection with the L0111. M1TC1'13I repi include, but are nnt limited to, representations concerning fiorrower's <br />occupancy ��f'the Nroperty as 13orrower's principal residcncc. <br />9. Protection of 1,cndcr's Ir�terest in the Property and Rights [Jnder this Security Instrument. If (a) F3orrower <br />fails to perlornt lhe cuvenants and agreemenls contlined in this tiecurity �nstr��ment, (b) therc is a Icgal procecdiiig tl��t might <br />signiiicantly af'Iecc Len�ler's interest in the Property and/or rights under this Security Instrumcnl (such as a procccdin�; in <br />bankruptcy, probate, for condciiination or forFcicurc, for cnforccmcnt ot�a licn which may altain pric�rity over ihis Security <br />Inslr�m�eni or to en(orcc laws nr regulaiions), or (c) 13orrower has abandoned the I'roperty, theii Lcndcr muy do and pay for <br />whatever is re��sonable or appropriatc to protcct Lcndcr's interest in Chc Propa•ly and righls under ihis Seciu•ily Instrumenl, <br />includii�g protecting and/or assessin� the value of the i 'roperty, and securing and/or repairin� thc ProperYy. Lcndcr's acCions ce�n <br />inolude, bul arc nol IimiYed lo: (a) �aying any sums securcd by a lien which has priority e�ver this Security Instrument; (h) <br />appcarii�g in court; and (c) payiilg rcasoi�ablc attorncys' �CCS CO �fOLL'CC ILS 1[1CC1'CS� 111 LIIC YI'OpCI'LY illl(I/Oi 1'I�I1�S Llll(ICC �I715 <br />SCCUfIty I115L1'U117t;11t includii�g its secured position in a bankruptcy proceedin�. Securing the Property iiicludes, but is i�ot <br />limited to, enlering thc Properly fo makc rcpairs, change locks, rcplacc or board up doors and windows, drain watcr from nipcs, <br />climinate building or other codc violations or dangerous conditions, and have utilities turned on or ofi'. Although Lendcr inay <br />take actipn under this Section 9 , I.ender does not have to do so an�l is noi under any duty or obligatinn to dn so. It is agreed ihat <br />I,ender incurs nu liabilily lur noi laking any or all actions authorizcd under this Scction ). <br />Any amounts disbursecl l�y Lender under this Section 9 shall become additional debt oi' Bnrrower secured by this <br />�CGUI'lly II1S�1'LII]]CI1L. I I1C5l; a1710U11L5 SI1�lII LlCal' IIILCCCSI �i.l lI1C NOCC fStC tl'Ulil �hC CIaCC O1 Al1LI SIl".lII LIC; }7',1.yil�l�C wilh <br />such intcresl U�]OIl IIOCICC II'OIII LCIICICI' LO I30CI'OWCI' 1'CL�UCSIIiI,� �8y177Cl11. <br />ff this Security Instrument is on a leasehold Rorrowcr shall comply with all the �rovisions of the lease. l;orrower <br />shall not surrender the leaschold estate and interests herein cnnveyed nr terminate or cancel tl�e �rc�und lease. Borrnwer shall <br />nol wi�hout �he express written conscnt of Lcndcr, altcr or amend thc gi Icasc. lf Borrowcr ucquires fcc title to thc <br />Pi the It�50�70�CI and the fee title shall nnt merge unless I, en�ler agrees to the merger in wt'ilin�. <br />l�. Mort�age lnsurance. Il�Lender required Mortgage Insur�incc as a condition ol�making the: Loan, I3orrowa• sh�lll <br />pay the premiums required to i��aintain the Mortgage Insurance in ef�i'ect. It', fi�r any reason, ihe Mortga�e Insurance covera�;e <br />rcquii hy Lender ceases to be available ii the rnortgage insurer ihat rreviously provi�lecJ such insw��nce and 13nrrc�wer �vas <br />required to make separately clesignaled payments toward thc prcmiums for Mortgagc Insurancc, I3orrowcr sl�all pay thc <br />premiums required lo oblain covcrage substantially equivalent to the Moi Insurance previously in effect, aL a cost <br />substantially equivalent to the cost to l3orrower of the Mort�agc Insurancc prcviously in cfl�cct ll'0111 illl AI�CI'11�11C I7101'l�Fl�'C <br />insurer selecled by Lcndcr. If subslunLially cyuivalci�t Mort� 1ns�n•ance coverage is not available, Borrower sh�tll continue to <br />pay to Lender the amnunt oi'ihe separately �lesi�naled naymcnts that �va•c duc whcn thc ii�sur�ncc covcrage ccascd to hc in <br />N��BKAtiKA--tiingle Pamily--F:in�iic D4ac/Freddie Nlac UNIPOIt�1 I�ti'S'I'RU�11�;N'I' <br />af�^v 3382 Pagc 6 nf 12 Form 3U28 1/O1 <br />� <br />