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2oi�oo��4 <br />x�iloa��4a5 <br />ol� thc datc on which thaL noLicc is givcn, l3orrower shall satisf'y the lien or t�ke one or morc of the �ctions scl forCh ahove ii� <br />this 5ection 4. <br />Lender may rcquire L3orrowcr Co pay �i onc-timc char�e ti�r a real estale lax verificaiinn and/or reportin� scrvicc uscd <br />by Lcndci ii� conncction witli this Loan. <br />5. ProperLy Insurnncc. 13nrrnwer shall keep the improvcmcnts iiow cxisting or ha�cattcr crected on the I'roperiy <br />insured a�;ainst loss by fire, hazards iiiclude�l wilhin lhc tcrm °extcndcd coverage," and any other hazards including hut no� <br />limiied tn, earlh��uakes ai�d 17oods lOt' WI]IC}7 LCI1dC1' CGC�UII'05 1175LIY�17CZ, �I I71S 1115LI1'a�1C0 SI1�II U0 111�1I11t7:lIRCC� 111 LIIC �ll]1OU1115 <br />(including dcductiblc levcls) and for the periods that I,ender reyuires. Wlial Lcnder reyuires pursu�nc tn the pr'ece�ling <br />sentences can chang� during lhe term of thc Loan. Thc insur•aiice carrier rrovidii�g the ii�sw•ance shall be choscn by [3orrower <br />subjcct Co Lcnder's right to disapprnve Bnrrower's choice, wlaich righl shall not be exa•cised unreasniiahly. Lender rnay require <br />}3nrrower to pay in connection wilh lhis Lo�n, cithcr: (a) a one-time charge fi�r 17ood r.nne delerminalioi�, ccrlilicaCioii aiid <br />tracking scrviccs; Oi' �h� a OI1C-t11171', CI131'€',8 tl�l' 1�Ol1CI %0110 C�e��l'111111aL10R and ccrtitic��tion scrviccs and subsequent char�es each <br />time remanpings or similar changcs occur wliich i�easoiiably mi�ht a1'Fec[ such �letermination or cerlilication. Borrowcr sl�all <br />�Iso be responsihlc Ior lhe paymcnl of any Pccs impnsed by the Federal I;mergency M1na�emei�t Agency in conneclion wilh <br />the review of'any flood inne �leterminalion resulling li•om �ltl O�I�L'L'I1011 hy BOPPOWCI'. <br />If L3orrowcr C�ils lo maintain uny of Che covcrages described above, Lender may ohtain insurance covera};c, at <br />Lcndcr's option and Borrowcr's c�pense. Lender is under nn obii�alion to purchase any particular lype or amount of cova•agc. <br />Therelc�re, such covera�;e shall cover I.�ender, bul might or might not protect Borrower, I3orrower's cquity in tlie I'roperty, or <br />thc contci�ts oP thc Property, against any risk, hazard or liabiliYy and mi�;ht �rpvide �;realer or lesser cnverage lhan was <br />previously in cftect. Rnrrower �tcknowledges that ihe cost of lhe insurance coveragc so obl��incd might signilicantly cxcccd chc <br />cost of insurai�cc that 13orrowcr could have obtained. Any amnunis disbw•secJ by I.ender under this tiection S sh�ill bccomc <br />additinnll debt nf Rorrower sec�ire�l by this Security Inslrumcnt. Thcs� ��mouilts sh�ll bcar ii�terest at the Note rate from the <br />�lale al' disburscmcnt and shall bc payable, with such intei u�on nocice I�rnm I.ender tn l3nrrnw�er requesling paymcnl. <br />All insurance policies required by I.ender �nd renewals of such policics shall be sub,jcct to LL'11CIC1'�5 PI��7C t0 <br />disapprove such policies, shall iiiclude a slandard mortga�;c clause, and shall naine Lendcr as i�iortg and/or as an additional <br />loss payee. Lender shall have the right tn hold the policies and renewal cerlilicalcs. If Lender requires, L3orrowcr shall pra��ptly <br />give co L,ender all receipts of paid premiurns and renewal r�otices. [f 1.3orrower obtains any fnrm oF insurance coverage, nc�t <br />otherwise rcyuircd hy Lcndcr, lor d��mu�c La, or deslruclion of�, thc I'roperty, such policy shall inclu�le a standard mnrtgage <br />clause aiid shall name L..ei�da• as mortgagcc and/or as an addi[ional loss payee. <br />In the cvent of loss, 13orro�ver shall �;ive (�rompi nntice io the insurance carrier and Lender. Lcnder m�iy muke prool�oC <br />loss if' not made proinptly by t3orrowa•. Unless Lcndcr and 13orrower othcrwisc u�ree in writing, any insurance prnceeds, <br />whether or not the underlyin� insurance was i by Lender, sliall be applied to restoration or rcpair of the Property, iC lhc <br />resloralion or repair is ecnnomically feasihle and Lender's sec�n•ily is not lessened. [7urin�; such repair and restoration period, <br />Lendcr shall have the righf to hold such insurr�ncc proceeds until Lender has had an opporlunity to ii�spect such I'ro�erty to <br />ensure ihe wnrk has been completed to I.,ender's satisfaction, pr�vided that such inspection shall be undertaken prornptly. <br />l.,ender may disburse proceeds for lhc repairs and restoration in a single paymen[ or i�� a serics of progress paymenls as lhc <br />work is complctcd. Unlcss an agrccmcnt is m�dc in wriling or Applicahlc Law requires intcrest Co bc paid on such insurancc <br />prnceeds, Lender shall i�ot be required tn pay l3nrrower any inleresl or earnin�;s on such proceeds, Pees for public adjusters, or <br />other lhird parlies, rclaincd by 1.3orrowcr shall nol bc paid out o1` thc ii�surancc prooccds and shall bc thc solc obligation of <br />Borrower. If the restoralion nr rerair is not economically feasiblc nr Lcndcr's sccurily would be lessencd, lhc insurancc <br />p�rocceds shull bc applicd to thc sums sccurcd hy this SecGU•ity Instrumei�t whether or nnt then due, with the excess, if any, paid <br />l0 1;orrower. Such insuruncc procccds shall ba ��pplicd i�� the order� provided 1'or i�� Sectio�� 2. <br />if'Borro�n�er abandons the Property, Len�ler may Iile, ncgotiate and scllle any available in5uranCe cl�im and reluLed <br />n�atters. If'Borrower does not respond witMin 30 days to a i�ntice from I,ender lhai the insurance carrier h<ls o(�Icred to setUc �i <br />claim, then Lender may negntiate and setUe the claim. "I'hc 30-day period wi(l bcgin when the noticc is givcn. In cithcr event, <br />or if Lender acquire;s thc Yroncrty undcr Scction 22 or otherwise, [3orrower hereby assigns to Lender (a) Bnrrower's ri�his to <br />any insurance proceeds in an amouni nol to exceed lhe amounts unpaid undcr che Nocc or this Sccurity Instrumcnt, and (b) any <br />otl�er of 13orrowcr's rights (other than the right to any refund of unearned premiuii�s naid by l3orrower) under all ia�sur�u�cc <br />policics covering the Property, ii�sofar as such rights �re applicablc to lhe coverage of lhe Property. Lcndcr may use the <br />insurance proceeds either io repair or rescorc thc I'roperty or to pay amounts unpaid under the N��te or ihis Security Insirument, <br />whelher or nol chcn duc. <br />NH;RRASKA--Singlc �nmily--Fannie Mae/Freddie Msic lIN1t�QKM INS'I'KUML;N7' <br />1� 3382 P�gu 5 of 12 I�orm 3U2H I/UI <br />C <br />