<br />HQ11pp74406
<br />el�fec[. Lendcr will accept, use and retain Chese �ayme»is as �i non»rctiindablc loss resei in lieu of Mort�a�e Insurance. Such
<br />lnss reserve shall be non-rellin�lable, notwithstandin� tha fact that the Lo�tn is ultimately paid in full, and Lcnder shall not be
<br />rc;quircd fo �ay F3ori ai�y interest or earnings on such Inss rescrvc, Laidcr can no longer require loss ceserve payments if
<br />MorLga�;e Insurai�ce cnvera�;e (in the amount and for the period Lh�iC Lender requires) pi'ovided by an insur'er selecicd by Lender
<br />a�ain bccome5 available, is obtaiiicd, and Lender requires sep•�u•alely designatcd payments toward thc prcmiu�ns fi�r Mnrt�;a�;e
<br />lnsuraaice. IP I..,endcr rcyuired Morlg�agc Insurance as �� coi�ditioi� of making the l,oan and Rorrower wa5 requircd lo makc
<br />separately dcsi�naced payrnents cnward the ��remiui7�s 1�or Morlgagc Insurancc, L3orrowcr shall pay lhc prcn�iums required to
<br />mainiain Mortgage Insur�nce in eflecl, or to providc a non-refui�dable loss reserve, ui�til Lei�der's requirement for Mor'tga�e
<br />Insur��nce cnds in accardai�cc witl� any written agreeinent hetween I�orro�ver and I,ender p�'ovi�ting li�r such t�rmination or until
<br />lcrmination is rcquired by Applicablc Law. Nothii�� in tliis Sectinn 10 affects 13orrower's oblig�tion to pay ii�terest �d the rale
<br />prnvided iii the Note.
<br />Mortgage Insuraiice reiinburses Lender (nr any et�iity lhal purchases ihe Nole) for certain losscs il may inc�n• il
<br />Boi'rnwer does not re(�ay the l,oan as a�;reed. 13orrower is not a party lo the Mortgagc Insurancc.
<br />Mortgage insurcrs evaluate their tntal risk nn all such insurance in forue frc+in time lo time, and may cntcr into
<br />agreements with ��iher rarties thai share or modi(y their ri5k, or reduce losscs. Thcsc agrccmcnts arc on tcrins and conditions
<br />thal are safis(actoiy to che morlgagc insurer and the other party (or• parties) to these a�;reements. These agreements may require
<br />thc mortgage iilsurcr to make payine��ts usin� any source nf funds that the n�ortgage insurer may have availablc (which m�y
<br />include funds obiaincd I�rom Morlga�e Insurance premiums).
<br />As a result of these a�i�eeinei�es, Lei�der, any �,urch�ser of'the Note, another insurer, any reinsurer, any othec entity, oa�
<br />aiiy aftiliate of any of the lorcgoing, may rcceivc (dii or indirectly) amounts that dcrivc from (or might be chai
<br />as) a rnrtion o(' Rorrower's payrnencs for Mort�a�e Insui�ance, in exchan�;e for shariiig or moditying thc mortgage insura•'s risl<,
<br />or rcducing losses. IPsuch ag�•ccment providcs that an afliliatc ol'l.cnder lakes a sh�u•e of the insurer's risk in exchange (i�r a
<br />share ofthe prei»iui��s paid to thc ii�surer, th4 arrai�gcmei�c is otten termcd "captive rcinsurunce." I�urLhcr:
<br />(.�) Any such agrecments will npt affecY the am�unts that Bqrrqwer' h�s a�reccl to p�y for Mo��tg�ge Insur�ncc,
<br />or :�ny other terms of tlae I.oxn. Such �greements will not increase the amount k3orrower will owe for Mortgage
<br />Insur�nce, :incl they will not entitle Borrawer ta any refund.
<br />(b) Any such agreements will not affect thc righis �3orrawcr has - if any - with respect to thc Mortgagc
<br />lnsurance under the Hpmcowncrs 1'rotectinn Act of 1998 or any other law. 'I'hese rights may includc thc ri�ht' to rcceive
<br />certain disclosures, tu request and obtain e�tncellation af the Mortgs�ge Insurance, to hstve the Mortg:ige Insurance
<br />terminated autornatically, s►nd/or to reccive a wefund of any Martgage Insurance pwemiums that were unearned at the
<br />time uFsueh cancellation or termination.
<br />11. Assignmcul of IViisccll�ueous 1'woceeds; Forfeiture. �II Miscelllneoirs I'roceeds are herehy assigned to aiul
<br />shall be paid to Lender.
<br />If the Property is damaged, sucli Miscellai�cous Procecds shall be applicd to resloralion or rcpair of lhc I'roperly, if thc
<br />restoration or rcpair is economically lcasible and Lendcr's security is not Icsscncd. During such repair and resioration perio�l,
<br />l.. e„���� sha�� ha�� t�,� ,���hi io noic► sucl� Miscelllneous Proceeds until I,ender has had 1n npportunity to inspect such C
<br />to ensure thc work has becil complctcd to Lci�dcr's saCi5laction, �1'OVICICCI Cllat SUCI1 1175pCCL10❑ SIIaII hC LIl1CICPlaICCl1 �7P0171�7LIy.
<br />Lender may pay fnr the repairs and resta�ation in a sin�;le dishursement i�r in 1 series of progress payrnents as the work is
<br />completed. Unless an a�rccmcnt is inade in writin�, or Applicable I,aw requires interest to be paid on such Miscellancous
<br />Proceeds, Lender shall not be required to �ay 13orrc�wer any inieresl or earnings on such Miscellaneous I'ruceeds. If the
<br />resloracioi� vr �•cpair is not cconomically fcasible or Landcr's sccurity would be Iessei�cd, tlic Misccllancous Procecds sh�ll bc
<br />applicd to tllc sums secured by this Secui Instrumei�t whether or nnt then dG�e, with the excess, if any, paid to Borrower•.
<br />Such Miscellaneous Proceeds shall be applied in lhe order providcd for in SccCion 2.
<br />In the event ol�a total taking dcslruction, or loss in value of'the Propci the Misccllaneous Proceeds shall be applied
<br />to thc surns secured by this Security Instrutnenl, whelher or not lhc�� duc, wilh chc cxccss, if any, paid to 13orrowcr.
<br />In the event of a partial taki��g, �les[cuction, or loss in valuc of lhc ProperCy lll WIIICII [I1C lair markct valuc of thc
<br />Propa•ty immcdiatcly belore Che partial takin�, clestructi��n, or loss in value is equal lo or };reat�r lhan lhe amounl of thc s�nns
<br />secured by this SccuriLy Instrumcnt immediately before the partial taking, �lestruc[ion, or loss in value, unless L3orrower and
<br />Leiider niherwise agree in writing, thc sums sccurcd hy chis Security IiisCrurnent shall be reduced by the amount of the
<br />Miscell�ineous Nrocccds n�ulliplicd by the followin�, f'ractinn: (�) ihe iotal �tmounl of�the sums sec�n•ed inuncdi�[cly bcfore thc
<br />NEBRASKA--Single Fumily--1''annic Mt�c/I�rcddic M�c UNIFORM 1NSTRlIMCNT
<br />� 3382 Pagc 7 0l' I2 Form 3028 1/01
<br />��
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