<br />HQ110074406
<br />3. Funds for Escrow Iterns. C3orrower shall pay io Lender on the day Pcriodic Payma�ts arc duc undcr the Note, until
<br />the Note is raid in full, a sum (thc "1�unds") to provide ti�r payi��ent of arnounts due foi (a) taxes �nd assessments antl othcr
<br />ItC1775 WI71CI7 C311 1l[��Il �71"101'Ity nver this Security IiisU•umenl as a licn or encumbrancc on lhc Property; (b) lcaschold payn�ients
<br />or grnund i'ei�ts nn the Prnperty, if'any (c) premiui�is ti�r any an�l all insurance required by I,ende�� under Section �; and (d)
<br />Morlga�c: IllStll'�lI1CC pl'�I711LII11S, if any, or any sunts payablc by 13orrowcr to Lcn�lcr in lieu of the paymenl of Mortga};c
<br />Insurance nremiums in accordlnce with ihe provisinns nPSection 1(l. "1'hese items �re called "F...scrow Items." At origi�iatioii nr
<br />ac ai�y timc during tl�c tcrm of the Loan, L CIICICI' Ill�ly 1'CC�llll'C �IlilL COI11111LIIllly /�SSOGItll1011 I)UZS, F'ees, ancJ Assessmenis, if any,
<br />be escrowed by T3orrower�, 111(I SLIL'I1 CIUZS, fees and assessments shall be an F,scrow Item. [3orrower shall proniptly tl1PI115I7 t0
<br />L,cn�lcr �ill noticcs al�amounts tn be paid under this 5eccinn, I3orrower shall pay Lendei• the F'unds for �scr•ow Iterns unless
<br />Lender waives Borro�ver's oblig�tion to pay Chc �uilds for aiiy or all Esa•o�v Itcros. Lcnda• may �vaivc L3orrowcr's obli�ation to
<br />pay to Lender F'unds for ai�y or all Escrow Itei�is at any tinie. Any such waiver may only bc iii writing. In thc cvcnt of such
<br />waiver, 13orrower shall pay �lirectly, when and where nayable, the amounls due (or any I�,scrow Items for which paymeni ol'
<br />Punds has becn waivcd by Lender and, iC Laidcr rcyuires, Sllilll 1111'1115I7 CO LCIl(JCP CCGC1pL5 CV1CIl:IlCl11�* SUCI7 pay111Ci1L W1LI71❑
<br />such iime period as C,encJer may require. C3orrpwer's nbli�aiion lo m�tke sGich payments and to provide receipts shall Pnr all
<br />purposcs bc dcciucd to bc a uovcnant and agrcanent contained in this Security Instrumait, as thc phrasc °coveiiant ai�d
<br />a�i is used in Sectioi� 9. If C3nrrower is obligated to pay rscrow Items di�•eccly, pursuant to a waiver, and l.3orrower
<br />fails io pay ihe amount due lor an liscrow Item, Lcndcr may excrcisc its ri�hts under Sectioi� 9 and pay such amouiit and
<br />Borrower shall Yhen be ohligated under Section 9 to ce�ay to C,en�ler any such amount, Lender may revoke the waiver as io any
<br />or all I�;scrow Items at any time hy a nolice given in accord�nce with Section I � and, upoi� such revocaCioi�, Borrower shall pay
<br />tn I.ender all I� unds, and in such amounis, lhal are then reyuircd undcr this Scction 3.
<br />I.,encJer may, al any iime, coll�cl and hold I�unds in an amount (a) suFlicicnt to permil Lendcr to apply thc Funds at thc
<br />timc specificd under RI;SPA, and (b) not to exceed tlie ma�imum amount a lender c1n require under Klitil'I�, I,endec• 5hall
<br />estimate the amouni of I� uncJs due on the hasis of curre��t daia illl(� 1'Ci15011ilIJIC CSLII11alC5 OI C\rJCI1C�ILLII'CS Ol I`LI[LII'C ESCI'OW ICCIil9
<br />or othcrwisc in accordancc witli Applicablc Law.
<br />The Fuilds sliall b� l�eld iii an institution whose dep��siiti are ii�sure�i hy a federal agei�cy, instrumenlalfly, or enlity
<br />(incl�rding I,ender, il�Lender is a�i institulion whose dcposics are so insured) oi iii any Fedcral Home Loan Bank. I,ender shall
<br />apply the Funds to pay thc Gscrow Itans no later than the time specitied under Kl;til'A, I,ea��ler shall not ch�irge L3orrow�r lbr
<br />holding and applying the I�unds, annually analyiin�; lhe cscrow accounc, or verifying the Escrow Itcros, unl�ss Lender pays
<br />L3orrowa• intcrest on tlie Funds and Applicahle l,aw permits I,ender to titake such a charge. Unless an agrccma�l is madc in
<br />writing or Applicablc Law requires interest lo bc p�lid on the Funds, I.,ei�der shall not be required to pay Borro�ver any inierest
<br />or carnings on the Funds. F3orrnwer and Lender can �tgree in writing, however, thal inleresl shall be paid on thc I'unds. Lcnda•
<br />shall �;ive tn Borro�ver, without char�e, an annu�l accounting nf lhe funds as required by RfiSP/1.
<br />fl�ihere is �i surplus of F��nds held in esa•ow, as delined under IZGSI'/1, Lender shall account l0 13orrower l�or ihc
<br />excess f'unds in accordance with R�SI'A. IFthere is a shrn•tage of I'unds held in escrow, as detined un�ler RI;SPn, Lender shall
<br />notify liorrower as rcquired by KI.;SPl1, and 13orrowa• shall pay to Lendcr thc aniount ncccssa�y to m�ikc up che shortagc in
<br />accordai�ce with RES1'A, hut in nn mrn•e ihan 12 monthly payments. If there is a delicie��cy o(�I��mds held in escro�v, as dclined
<br />under RES('A, l,ender sh�ill nntify 13orrower as required by RF,SPA, and Borrower shall pay co Lcnder tha amoui�t iicccssar•y to
<br />make ur ihe de(iciency in accord�incc wich RCSPA, but in no more than IZ I]]OIItI1Iy �1y177Z17I5.
<br />Uron paymenl in full of all sums sec�ii•ed by this Security Instrument, I,ender shall prompUy re(�und l0 13orrowcr any
<br />I�unds held by Le„dcr.
<br />4. Ch�rges; Licns. Borrower shall p�y all laxes, asscssments, chargcs, tines, and irnppsitions aitribulalile to lhc
<br />Property whicli can attain priority over lhis Security [nstrument, leasehold paymenls or �;rnund rents on lhe Nroperty, if any,
<br />and Community /�ssocialion I)ucs, Fccs, and Assess�tients, il'any, 'I'o the extcnl lhat thesc i[cros are Escrow Iteins, I3orrower
<br />shall pay thcm ii� the inanner provi�led in Section 3.
<br />C3nrrower shall promplly discharge any lien which has priorily ovcr lhis Sccurity Instrumcnt uiiless Bni (a)
<br />agrees in writing to thc puyi��ei�t nf the obligation secured by che (icii iii a n�ani�er acceptahle to I.en�ler, bul only so long as
<br />Rorrc�wer is performing such agreeinent; (b) contests the lien in good faith hy, or defends a�ainst enforcement ol'the; licn in,
<br />legal procecdings which in Lender's v�inion operatc to prevent the enfnrcement of lhe lien whilc fhosc �roccedi�igs are
<br />pC[1C�I11� but oiily until such proceedings arc concluded; or (c) secures (rom lhe holdcr ol� thc licn a.n agrcement saiisfaciory lo
<br />Lender subordinaling [hc licn to this Security Instrui�ienL II�Lenda• dctcrmines that any part of�the I'roperly is subject to a licii
<br />which c�n attain priority over this Security Inslrumcnc, Lcnder may �ive I3orrower a noiice idenlifying fhc licn. Within l0 days
<br />NEI3RASKA--Siiigle FamilY--Fttnnic M�c/P'reddie M�c UNIFORh1 INS'I'RI;N11�;N'1'
<br />�i 3382 Page 4 ot' 12 �orm 3028 1/01
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