<br />x�2ioo�a4o5
<br />TOGETHER WITH fill tllt 1(Tl�il'DVZt11e11(S IIOW OP Ilt:i't;iIILCP CPCCLC(I OIl lI1C pCOpCI'ly and all casements, appiu•tenances,
<br />and tixtures now or herealter a parl of the �ropa•fy. A(I rcplacements and addiiions shall also be covered by this Sccurity
<br />Instrumenl. �111 of thc foregoing is referrcd to in this Security li�sirunte�it as lhe "I?r�perly." 13orrowcr understands and a�rees
<br />that MCRS hold only leg��l title to the interests gr�tnted by 13orrowcr in this Sec�u•ity Instruniei�t, but, if necessary t�� cnn7ply
<br />with law or custc�m, MI;ItS (as nomince lbr Lender and Lcnder's successors and assi�ns) has ihe right: to exr;�•cise any or all of
<br />those iniecests, including, but not limited to , the ri�ht to f'oreclose �nd sell the Yrnperty; and to lakc any �icfion required of
<br />I,ender includii�b, bi.il nol lin�iled lo , rcic�ising und canccling this Security Instrument.
<br />130KKUWER COVI�N/�N'I'S lhat l.�orrowcr is lawlully sciscd oFthc cstalc hcrcby convcyed and has lhc righl to �rant
<br />and convey the I'roperly and thai the ('roperLy is unencumbere�l, except fi�r encumbrances oPrecorc�. 13prrower warrai�is an�l
<br />will �eFeiid genei the Citle to the Property agaii�sC all claims �117L� CjE;t111t1Ci5, sub ro any cncumbranccs of rccord.
<br />TH�� SCC.j�R1T'Y �N�TR��ML,N7' COlil�)IIlCS Lllllf�01'l17 COVCI1flI1t5 tOC Iltit1011il� US(: ilI1C� I7011-Lllllf0l'lll CUVCI1�111LS WILfI
<br />limiied variations hy jurisdictinn tc� cnnstitute a uniform security insirument covering real property.
<br />11Nlf'(�RM COVL;Nl�N7'S. l3orrowcr and Lcndcr covcnant and agrcc as t��llows:
<br />l. P�yment of 1'riucipal, Interest, Escrow ltems, Prepay►nent Ch�rges, and Lflte Ch�rges. E3ori shall p��y
<br />when due the principal of, 1nd interest on, the debt evidenced by the Note and any prep�y�»ent charges and late ch�u�ges due
<br />under thc Note. Qorrowcr shall also pay funds 1:or Csa•ow ltcros pui-suant to Scction 3. Paymcnts duc undcr thc Notc and Chis
<br />Sccurity [nstrtiinent shall be madc in 11.5. currency. However, if any check nr other instruiT�ent received by I,ender as payrrient
<br />under thc Nole or this SCGIII'ily IIlSIPLI111Cl11 is rct�n•ncd co Lciidci unpaid, Lendcr may rcyuirc that any or all SLIbtiC(�LICIIC
<br />p�)�ments due under ihc Note ancl this Securily fnstrumeni be nta�l� in one or i�iore of the follo�virig 1'orms, as selected by
<br />Lcndcr: (a) cash; (h) moncy ordcr; (c) ccrtiticd chcck, baiik check, trcas�ii chcck or cashicr's chcck, providcd any such
<br />clieck is dra�vn �q�nn �n instituiinn whose deposits are insurea hy a fcderal agency, instrumentaliiy OI' 4'1ltlty nr (d) 1;lecironic
<br />Punds TransPcr.
<br />I'ayments are dcemed r•cceived by Lender wlicn received at tlie location designated in the Note or at such othei
<br />locaiion as may be desi(;iiated by Lender in accnrdance witl� the notice p�'ovisions in tiectinn iS. I,ender rn�y return any
<br />payinent nr partial paynient if Yhe paymcnt or pai payments are insufticiei�t to hring the Loai� currcilt. Lci�dci• m��y acccpt
<br />any �ayment nr parlial payment insuf7icient to brin� Che L.oan current, wilhc�ut waiver of any rights hereunder or �re to
<br />ILS 1'I�TI7l5 LO I'f:IUSC SUCII 4)i1y117C11L OI' pilCllill }7ay171(:I1L5 1❑ LI1C fU�IIPC, bul Lcndcr is nol obligated to ap�ly such paymcnls at lhe
<br />timc such paymcnts are acccpted. If cach Periodic Payment is applied as pf its schedulcd duc date, tlicn Lendcr need iiot pay
<br />interest on unapplied f�unds. 1,ender may hold such unapplied Ili���ls until 13orrower anakes paymeni to bring the I,oan c�u•re��t. II�
<br />Borrowcr docs not do so within a rc�sonablc period of'timc, Lendcr shall either apply such tunds or returi� them to Borrowcr. If
<br />�iot applied eaclier, such funds will be applied to the o�itstanding principal balance under the Note imme�liately prior to
<br />foreclos�u'e. Nn ol'fset or claim which 13orrower mi�ht have now or in the f�uture a�ainst Lender shall rclicvc Qorrowcr from
<br />ntakii�g payments due un�ler the Note and this Security Instrumei�t or performin� the covenaiits und ugrccma�ls sccurcd 6y this
<br />Seci.iriLy lnstrumenl.
<br />2. Applic�►tion oF I�ayments or P�•oceeds. t?xcept as otherwise described in this 5cction 2, all p�yn�ui�Cs acccplcd and
<br />applicd by Lcndcr sh�ill be applicd in the lollowin� ordec of prioriiy: (a) interest due �inder the Nnte; (b) principal due under the
<br />Nolc; (c) amounts due i.n�cler Section 3. Such payments shall be arplied to each I'eriodic P�ymci�t ii� the order in which it
<br />bccai�i� duc. Any rcmaii�ing amounts shall bc applicd l7rsl to late chargcs, sccond lo any nther amc�unis �lue under ihis Securily
<br />]nstrurnent, and then to reduce the principal balaiice of tl�e Note.
<br />If I,ender receives a payment i�rnm [iorrower frn• 1 delinquent Neriodic payment which includes a sufticient amount tp
<br />pay any laf� cl�ar�c duc, thc paymcnt may bc applicd to tlic dclinqucnt pay�iiei�t and thc latc cliargc. If morc than onc I'a•iodic
<br />Payn�ent is oulscanding, Laider may apply any paymci�t rcccived ti•an F3orrowcr to thc rcpaymcnt of thc Pcriodic Paymcnts if,
<br />and to the extent that, each payment can be paid in l�ull. 'l'n the exlent thal any excess exisls afler the payment is a�plied to lhe
<br />PLIII p1y1]leY1L O�OI1C OP 11101'C PCI'IOCIIG YilyII1CI1L5 such cxccss may be a.pplicd to any late cha.r�es duc. Voluntary prepayincnts
<br />shall be applicd tirst to any pi'epaynient char�;es 1nd then as described in the Note.
<br />nny applic�tion of paymcnts, insurai�cc procccds, or Misccllai�cous Procccds to principal duc undcr Chc Note shall nnt
<br />extei�d nr posipone the �lue date, or ch�nge the amou�il of the N�riodic Paymcncs.
<br />NEI;RA5KA--Single Family--Fs�nnie Mae/l�reddie Mac UNII�ORM INti1'RUMI?N'�
<br />� 3382 P�gc 3 0l' 12 1�'nrm 302R U01
<br />��
<br />