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2oii�ol�� <br />HQ11D074406 <br />(1�) "Note" nicans thc promissory note si�;nea by 13orrower aild d ��ted JANUARY fi, 2011. 'I he Notc slaces that Bnrrower <br />owes Lender FORTY TH�USAND NINE HUNDRED TWENTX AND 00/100 Dollars (U.S. '�48, 925. 00) <br />plus interesi. F3orrower h�is promiscd to pay tl�is deP�t ii7 regular Ncriodic Paynients and to pay the debl in full not laca• thaii <br />FEBRUARSC 1, 2041. <br />(G) "Property" i��eans lhe prn�erty ihal is dcscribed bclow un�ler the headinb "'1'ranslcr ol' Rights ii� the Property." <br />(H) "Lo:►n" ���eans the debi evidencc:d by thc Notc, plus interesl, any prepaymcnt ch��rges aiid late charges �lue under thc Note, <br />an�l all swns duc undcr this Sccui Ii�strument, plus interesl. <br />(1) "Riders" mcans all Itiders to tliis Security InstrumenC that are executc;�l hy 13orro�vcr. 'I'he following Ctiders arc to l�c <br />cxccirted by Borrnwer [check box as applicablcJ: <br />❑ Ad Rate Rider ❑ C'ondomii�iuii� Rider ❑ Second l lomc Ridcr <br />❑ I3ulloon Ridcr ❑ 1'lanned Unil llcvclopmciit Kider �.I 13iweekly Payment Ilider <br />❑ 1-�t Family Etida• [,.:1 Other(s) I <br />(.)) "Applicable I,:iw" n�eans all conlrolling applicable federal, staCe and local statutes, re�,ulaiinns, ordi��anccs a��d <br />administrativc rules and oi (that have the ef'(ect of� law) as wc(l as all �pplic�ablc linal, non-appc�ilable npinions, <br />(K) "('ommunity Associ��tion Dues, Fees, flnd Assessments" 1710c�175 1�I C{UOS, fees, assessments and other char��s thut arc <br />imposed on Iiorrnwer or the Prnperty by a condnntii�iunt association, homcowners association or simila�• organization. <br />(L) "L+'lectranic I�unds Transfer" means any transler o1'fui�ds, other than a transaction ori�;inated by check dralt, or similar <br />paper ins[rumcnt, which is initiated thrnugh an electrnnic lerminal, tele�honic instr�nne��t COIl1�LIlC1', or ma�nctic cape so as to <br />order, instruct, or authnriie a tinancial instituLion lo debit or credit an accoui�t. 5uch tcrin iiicludes, but is not limited in, roinl- <br />ol�-salc transfcrs, autoinated teller machine transactii�ns, tr��nslers initiatcd by tcicphone, �virc cr�nsfcrs, and autoivatu�l <br />cle��ringhoutie transi�ers. <br />(M) "Eserow Items" mcans lhosc ifans tliat are described in Section 3. <br />(N) "Misccll�neous Proccccis" means ai�y compensalion, sclticmeiit, award of darnages, or proceeds paid hy any third party <br />(othcr than ii�surance proceeds paid under the coverages describcd in Section 5) for: (i) damage to, or destruction of, the <br />I'roperly �il� COIICICI7111aL1011 OI' O�I1C1' L akii�g of all oc any pai of lhe Nro�eriy; (iii) coi�vey �lllCG' 1❑ IICLI OI GOl1CIC1111]i1LID17; or (iv) <br />misrepresei�tations u1; or oniissions as lo, lhc valuc and/or condition of the Property, <br />(0) "Mortgage Lisurance" mcans insurance protecting Lender against the nonpaymenl ol; or dclault on, thc Loan. <br />(P) "Periodic Paymeut" means the regularly sche�luled amounl duc lor (i) principal and intcrest under the Note, plus (ii) any <br />amounis under Section 3 0l ihis S�curity Instrument. <br />(Q) "RESPA" mcans the Real LsCate Settlement Procedures Acl (12 U.S.C. ti2G01 cl scy.) and its implcinenting regulalion, <br />Itegulation X(24 C.F.R. Part 3500), as they mi�,ht he <��„�:�,a�a r�����,� c��n� t� t��n�, Of Fllly �1l�l�It10171I OY' SLICC�SS01' Il',�ISl or <br />i that governs lhe same suhjccL maLter. Aa uscd in this Security Insiruntenl, "KL•;SPn" rcicrs to �ill requirements �tnd <br />restrictions that are imposcd in rcgard to a related mortgagc loan° cvci� if the Loan does not qualify as a"lederally <br />rclatod inortgage loan" under R�SPA. <br />(R) "Successor in Interest uf Borrower" mcaiis any party that has taken litle to the Yroperty, whccher or not that party hati <br />�ssumcd 13orrower's obligations iu�der the Nole tlnd/or ihis Sccurity Instrunient. <br />TRANSPI;R OF IZ1Gl l"1'ti IN "I'I 11; YIt01'�K'I'Y <br />The heneticiary of this Sccurity Inslrumcnt is MERS (solely as non�inee for I,ei�der an�l Lender's successors und assigiis) and <br />the successors and assigns of Ml?1ZS. 'I'his Securily Inslrun�ent sccures to Lender: (i) the re�ayment of lhe I,oan, and all <br />renewals, exiensions and modi(ications of the Note; and (ii) the perfi�rmance of 13orrower's covcnants and a�rccinerits under <br />this Security Insh•umci�t and Che Note. Fnr this p�u'pose, 1.3orrower irrcvocably granCs and canveys to Trustee, in U'ust, with <br />power of sale, the followin� descrihed pro�erty locatcd ii� the corn�rzY ('I'ype of Recorc�ing ,Iin•isdiction) oC HALL (Nanic of <br />Recording ,lurisdiciion) <br />ATTACH CORRECT LEGAL DESCR�PTIO�T <br />which currently has ihe address of 663 E GTLTNER ROAD, AON�PHAN, NE 68832 (" Propa•cy Address" <br />NI?I3RASKA--Single Family--Fo-�nnic Madl�'rccldie M�c LIN1C'ORM ln5'1'RUMI?N'1' <br />a�zy 3382 Page 2 of 12 Form 3028 1/01 <br />� <br />