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201100��4 <br />x�lxoo�4aos <br />Instrumcnt and obligations secured hereby shall rem�iin l�ully effective �s if no acceleration hud occurrcd. However, this right to <br />reinstate shall not apply in lhe casc of acccleration under 5eciion I 8. <br />20. Sale of Note; Ch:�nge of Lonn Scrvicet; Notice of Crievance. The Note nr a partial interesl in the Note (tn�ether <br />with this Securily Instruiiicnt) caii bc sol�l one or more timeti without prior notice to k3orrower. !1 sale might result in a chan�e <br />in thc enlity (knowii as the "l,oan Servicer") that collects Periodic I'ayments duc ui�ticr Che Note ai�d this Security Instrumcnt <br />and perforrris other mort�age loan scrvicing obligatinns under the Nolc, chis Sccur•ity Inscrument, ancl np�licablc L��v. 'I'her•e <br />also mi�ht be one pr more ch�ng�s of� thc Loun Servicer Ginrelaie�l in a s�lc of thc Notc. If there is a chang� of lhc Loui� <br />Servicer, I;01'POWCf W'III �]C �1VCt1 Wl"ItlEl1 170�ICC D� tI1C CI1�lI1bC WIIICII WIII STatP, 1�7L' 111111Z 111CI al�({I'e5S OCLIIC I1CW LO�111 Sl;l'VICOY, <br />the address to which payments should bc n�ade and any other inlormalion RGSPA requires in cnnneciion wilh a nocice of <br />transFer nf servicii�g. Il'thc Notc is sold and thereafter lhe I..,oan is scrviccd by a Loan Servicer nther than thc purchascr of the <br />Nole, thc mort�agc IQ1�1 5C1'VICII�� O�)Il� ations to Borrowcr will remain with ihe I.,oan Scrviccr or bc traiisferred lo a successnr <br />Loan Servicer ancl arc not ass�nncd by the Note purchaser unless othcrwisc provided by Che Noie purchaser. <br />Neilher Lia•rower nor Lender may cotnntencc,.join, or be,joined to any.ju�licial action (as c;ilha• an individual liti�;ant <br />OC L�1C 117L'111L7L`I' Ot � CI�SS� Llla( �ll'ISeS IP0111 IIIC OCI1Ci' �7 arty's actions pursuani lo lhis Scc�u•iCy Instruinent or that alleges thul thc <br />other party has breachcd any provision o1�, or any duly owcd by rcason of, this Sec�n•ily Instrui�ient, untii such Borro�ver or <br />1, eI1C�f',I' IlilS IIOtItICCI L}le OtI7�Y' (lal'ty �WItII SLICII IIOLICC �IVCIl 117 COYI�(1I13�7Ce W1�I1 (I1l' 1'l:L{Lill'CIt1Ct]CS Ot SCCT1017 15) of such allegcd <br />breach �tnd afti�r�led lhc olher party hereto a reasnnable period aftcr the giving nt� such notice to iakc corrective action. If' <br />Applicable Law provides a cime period which must elapsc before certain action can be takcn, thut timc period will be deemcd <br />C� he reasonablc for purposes of this para�;raph, 'I'he nolicc of acceleration an�l oppvrtunity lo curc �ivcn to Bor•rower pursuant <br />lo Scction 22 and the notice ol'accelcration given tn Bnri pw•suant to Scction 18 sh�ill be deerned to satisly the noticc �nd <br />npporlunily to lakc corractivc action provisions of this Section 2U. <br />21. Flaz�rdous Subst:�nccs. As used in this Section 21: (a) "I luz�u•dous Suhst�inccs" are thos� suhst��i�ces detined as <br />toxic or hazardous substanccs, pollutants, oi wastes by �nvironmental I,aw and lhe lollowin� subslances: �asolinc, kcroscnc, <br />other ftammable or toxic petroleum products, �oxic pesticides ai�d herbicides, vnlatile solvents, materials conLlining asbeslos or <br />IOI'111tlICIC'Ily and radioactivc m�rtcrials; (b) " E17V11'Ot1�17�17C1I �,a\N�� means le�leral laws �uul laws of th� jurisdiction whcrc thc <br />Property is locaie�l that rclate co health, salety or cnvironmcnt��l protection; (c) "F,nvironmental Cleanup" ii�cludes any responsc <br />aclion, reanedial action, or rcmoval action, as detined in F.,nvironmental I,aw; and (d) an "I�nvironmcntal Condition" means a <br />condition that can cause, contribute to, or otherwise lri�;gcr an Environmental Cleanup. <br />Bori sh�tll noT cause or ��rmil lhc prescnce, use, CIISr105�1� storage, or release of any Fla�ardous Substances, or <br />threaten io release any liaz<u•dous 5ubstances, on or in the Properiy. 13o�•rowcr shall nof do, i�or allow anyone else Yo dn, <br />anything affecting thc Property (a) that is in viplation of any Lnvironmcntal Law, (b) which creates an I',nvironmcnlal <br />C:ondition, or (c) which, duc to the presence, use, or release of a Hazardous Substance, creales a condilion that advcrscly <br />affecis the valuc ol� thc ['roperly. Thc precedin�, rivo sentei�ces shall not �pply to the prese��ce, use, nr storage on U�e I'roperly of <br />smuJl quantities of F-fazardous Suhstances lhal arc genarally recngnired tc� be approhriale io normal residcntial uses and to <br />rnaintenance o('thc I'roperty (ii�cludin� hUl 1101 �Illlll�[� L0, I1�LZa1'CIOL15 SLII]Sl1I1CC5 I(1 C01"ItiU111Z1' �)YOC�LICtS�. <br />f3orrower shull promplly give Lender written nniice of (a) any invcstigation, claiin, de�nai�d, la�vsuit nr olhe�' aclion by <br />any govcrnmental or re�;ulatory agency or privaCc p�rty involving the I'rc�nerly and any 1 la�ardous Substai�cc or F',nvironmental <br />Law oi'which F3orro�ver has actual know(cdge, (b) any I?nviro�7i�ienl�il Condition, including but not limitecl io, ai�y s�illing, <br />leaking, disch�rgc, release or tlireat of release of any I laz�irdous Substance, an�l (c) ai�y condilion caused by Che presence, use <br />or release of a Ha �ubstancc which adversely af'fects ihe value of thc Propa•ty. If F3orrower learns, or is noti(icd by any <br />governmenlal or regulatory authrn•ity, or any privale party, that any removal or other remedialion of aily Hazardpus Subsiance <br />affcctiiig the Property is necessary, I3orrower shall prnmptly lake all necessary reinedial actinns in accordancc with <br />I;nvironmenlal Law. Nnthin� herein shail crcafc any ohligatinn nn t,ender Ibr an L,nvironirocntal Cleanup. <br />NON-UNII'URM C(�VLNANTS. Borrnwer ai�cJ I,enda• tin•chcr covenant and a�ree as (c�llows: <br />22. Aceeleration; Remedies. Lender shall give notice to �3orrpwer prior to acceler�tian following Bqrrower's <br />breach of .iny covcuant or agreement in this Security Instrument (but not prior to acceleration under Seetion 18 unless <br />Applic�ible Law provides otherwise). The notice sl�all specify: (:i) the def�ult; (b) the action require�l to cure the default; <br />(c) a cl�te, not less th�n 30 days fro�n lhe date the notice is givcn to Borrower, by whicli the default must bc cured; and <br />(d) ihat failure to cure the default on or before tlie date specifie�l in the notice m�y result in �eceleration of the su►ns <br />seeured by this Secuwity Instrument �nd sale pf the 1'roperty. The noticc shall further infarm Borrowew of the right to <br />�'EI3RASICA--Single F';�mily--Fannie A1ae/I�reddic Mac UNIFORM 1NS'1'ItUM1�:N'1' <br />� 33H.2 I�age 10 of 12 Form 31128 U01 <br />� � <br />� <br />