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�oiioo�94 <br />HQ110074406 <br />charge is provided fnr under the Nnte), F3orrower's acceplance of any such refund made by direct paymet�t lo L3orrowcr will <br />constitu[e 1 waiver of �ny righl oCaclion Borrower might have �rising out oPsuch overchargc. <br />15. Noticcs. All notices given by f3orrower or I,cndcr in connectioi� with this Security Instrumenl must bc in writing. <br />Any notice tn F3nrrower in conneclion with this 5ccuricy Instrui�ient shall be deeme�l to have been �iven to 13orro�ver wMen <br />mailed by lirst cluss mail or wliei� actually delivered t�� 13orrowcr's nuticc address if sent by nther means. Notice io any on� <br />Borrower shall cnnstitute nptice to all 13orrowers unl�ss npplicable La�v expressly requires otherwise. 'I'he noticc �ddress shall <br />be the Nroperty Address unlcss Borrower has designaied a substitutc notice addi by iiotice to Lender. l3orrciwer shall <br />promptly notify Lei�der of Boi change of address. If Lcnder specitics a pcocedure for repnrting T3orrowcr's dlangc oF <br />address, then 13orruwer shall only A•cporl a change of address through lhat specilied proccdurc. Thcre inay be only one <br />designatcd nolicc address undcr tliis Ses;urity Instruiiteni al any onc time. Any notice to Lender shall be given by dcliverin� it <br />oi by i��ailing it hy lirsl class mail lo Lcnda•'s address stated herein iu�less I,ender has designate�l anotha• �ddress by i�otice to <br />I3oi Any notice in conneclion witli tliis SccuriCy [nstrument shall not he deemed to have been �;iven to Lcndci• unti( <br />actually rcccivcd by Lcndcr. If aiiy rintice required by this Sccurity lnstrumcnt is also rcquircd uiidei Applicahle Law, ihe <br />Ap�licable Law reyuircmcnl will sutisFy thc corresponding requiremenl un�ler lhis 5ecurity Insirun�cnl. <br />16. Governing L�w; Sever�bility; Itules of Construction. 'l�his SccuriCy Inslrument shall be governed by fecleral <br />law ancl ihe law of lhe in which the Property is located. All rights and obli�ations coniaii�ed in lhis 5ccurity <br />Instrwtienl are subject Co any rcquirancnts and li�nit ations of'Applicahle �pplicable Law might cxpliciUy or implicitly <br />allow the parties to a�;ree by ce�ntract or it mibhl be silent, but such silence shall not bc construed as a prohibicinn againsl <br />agreement by conlract. In lhc cvei�t Chat ai�y pi or clause c�f' ihis tiecurity Inslrumenl or lhe Nolc conilicts wiCh <br />il�plicablc L.a�v SLICIl COI]t71CT 5}lal� 170t �ttOCt O(IlOP l�POVISIOIlS 0� LI115 SCGUI'IIy II15U'UI11C17t OI' tI1C NOtC WI11Ch Cfll1 L)0 €;�VOtI <br />cCfcct withouc tlie cniit7ictin�; provisinn. <br />As used in this 5ecurity Instrumenl: (a) words of [hc masculiiic gender shall mean and inciude cnrrespondi�ig nculcr <br />wor�ls or words o1� tllc Pcmininc gender; (b) words in the singular shall mean and include lhe plural and vicc vcrs��; and (c) the <br />word "may" gives sole discretion withoul any obligation to takc any action. <br />17. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall be given one copy of the Noce and of this Security Instrument. <br />IS. '1'ransfer of the Property or .� I3eneficial Interest in liorrower. ns used in this Section I8, "Interest in the. <br />Prn4�erty mearis any legal or bei�eticial interest in fhc I'roperty, including, bul not limiied tn, those beneticial iiitcrests <br />transfcrrcd in a bond for �leed contraci for deed installment sales coiitract or escrow agrcemenl, the intenl of which is lhe <br />transfer of title by Bori at a futurc datc to a purchascr. <br />If �II or any part of the ProperCy or any lnteresL ii1 the I'roperty is sold or Lranslerred (or if 13orrower is not �t n�tur�l <br />person and a henclicial inCerest in L3orcower is sold or transferred) withoirt Lender's prior writta� conscnt, I.,cndcr may rcquirc <br />IIT]I1ICCIIF9tC []�1y1T1L`Ill IIl tl1II OI aII SLIII]S SC%CLICCCI Lly U]IS SCCUCILy II1SL1'LIIl1C;I1L. IIOWf;VZI', this option shall not be exercised by <br />Lender if such exercise is prohibited by Applicable Law. <br />If Len�ler exercises this option, Lender shall �ive I3orrnwec notice nf acceleration. Tlie notice shall provide a period of <br />ni�t less than 30 days fi�om the date the notice is given in accordance �vith Seciion 15 within which F3orrower must pay 111 sums <br />sccurcd by this Security InsCrumcnt. If Borrowcr fails to pay these sums prior to thc expir��tion nf this period, Lender may <br />invoke any reniedies permitCed by this Security Instrument without further nolice or demand on 13orrnwer, <br />19. [3orrower's Right to Reinst�te After Accele���tin�i, If 13orrower meets certain conditions, Borrower shall have <br />the right to have enforcen�ent oi'chis Security Instrument �liscontinucd at any time prior to the earliest of�: (a) live clays bef��rc <br />sale of the Prnperty pursuai�t to any pnwer of sale contained in this Security Instrument; (b) such other period as npplicable <br />Lu�v mi�hl specify for chc lcrminalion of I3orrowcr's right to rcii�statc; OI' �G� Clltl"y Ot �3 �UL��IT1CIll C[1t01'C117� [I115 SCCLII"ICy <br />Instrument. Those conditions are that F3orrower: (1) pays I.�nder all sums which ihen woul�l be �lue ui�der lhis 5ec�n•ity <br />Instrument and tl�e Note as if no acceleralion ha�l occurred; (b) cures any dcf�ult of �iny othcr covenants or agrcemcnCs; (c) <br />pays all cxpcnscs incurred in aitbrcing this Security Instrument, including, hut not limited t��, reasonable atioriieys' I�ees, <br />propei inspection and valuation fees, and nther 1'ees incurred f��r lhc purpose oCprotccli��� l,cndcr's inla•cst it� thc I'ropa•ty <br />an�l rights under this Sccurity Insh•umei�t and (d) takes such actinn as Lender may reasnnably requice tn assure U,at I,ender's <br />inferest in the Property and riglits under this Security Instrument and L3orrowa•'s obligalion to pay thc sums secured by this <br />Securily InsU'umenl, shall continue und�anged. Lci�dcr may require that Borrower pay such reinstatement suii�s and expenses in <br />nne or morc of thc following forms, as selected hy l.en�ler: (a) cash; (b) money order; (c) certificd chcck, banl< chcal:, <br />trcasurei check oc cashier's check, rrovided any such chcck is drawn upon an institution whosc deposits �tre insiu•e�l by a <br />federal ageticy, instruma�lality or cntiCy; or (d) Flectrnnic F'unds 'I �'lnsfer. Upon reinstatement by 13orrowcr, this Sccurity <br />M?13ItA51<A--Single P�inily--Fannie Mac/Fredilie Msic lINIH'OI2M IN5'I�KUMb:N'I' <br />�� 3382 Pngc 9 uf 12 Pprm 3U2R I/111 <br />C /''� <br />� �. <br />
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