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2olioo��� <br />xQrioo�aao6 <br />reinst.ite nfter acceleratiou and tlae right to bring a court .tetion ta assert the non-eaistenee of fi clefault or s�ny otl�er <br />defense of' [3orrower io .uceler.itiou and s:�le. If t1�e default is npt cured on or before the date specified in thc rtotice, <br />Lender al its uption may require immediate payment in full of �11 surns secured by this Security Instrument withput <br />further demnnd and ms►y iuvoke the power of sale and �ny otl�er remeclies permitte�l by Applicable l�s�w. Lender shall <br />be entilled tu collcct all ex��enses incurr'ed in pursuing the remedics provided in this Seetion 22, ir�cluding, but noi <br />limited to, re�sonable attorneys' fees �nd costs of title eviderice. <br />If the power of sale is invokecl, 'I sh�ll record �► notice of default in e.�ch county in which �ny pxrt of the <br />Pruperty is loc�ted and shall m�il copics of such notice in the m�nner pres�ribed by Applicable Law to Borrower .�nd to <br />tl�e other persons ��rescribed by Ap��lic.ible Law. After the time required by Applicable L�w, Trustee shall give public <br />notice of salc to the persons and i�i the m�nner prescribed by Applic�blc Law. 'Trustee, withnut demand on Borrower, <br />shall sell the Property at public nuction to tl�e highest bidder at fhe time �nd pl�ce and under the ternts designated in <br />the notice ot's.�le in one nr more p�rcels and in any ardcr'1'rustee detcrmines. Trustec may postpone sale of':ill or �ny <br />��arcel of the Pruperty by public .tnnouncement at the time a��d place of any ��reviously scheduled sale. Lender or its <br />clesignce may purcl�ase the Property at any s:�le. <br />Upon receipt of p�yrnent of the �.�rice bid, Trustee sh.�ll deliver to the purch.iser Trustee's deed cqnveying the <br />Pruperty. The recitals in the Trustee's deed shall be prina� f�cie eviclence of the truth of the statemcnts m.�de thercin. <br />'1' rustee shall apply the p�•oceeds of the sale in the following order: ( a) to .�II costs 7nd cxpenses of exercisin� ihe power <br />pf sale, .�nd the s�le, including the p�yment of the 'Trustee's fecs actually incurred �nd reasonable :ittorneys' fees as <br />permittecl kay Applicable Law; (b) to all sums secuwed by tl�is Security Instrument; and (c) �ny excess tu the persou or <br />persuns legally entitle�l fo it. <br />23. Ireconveyance. tlpon payment of all sums sccured by this Sc;curity lnstrumeni, I,ender shull rcquesC 'I'ruslee lo <br />rcconvey the 1'roperty and sha11 sw•render lhis Sccurity Insirumcnt and all notes evide��cing dcht secure�l hy lhis Secuf•ity <br />Instrumeni ic� 'I'rustcc. Trustee shall reconvcy the Property wilhout warranty to ihe person or persons le�;ally e��titicd to it. Such <br />person or persons shall pay any rccordation costs. Lender may charge such persaii or persons a fcc li�r reconveyin� lhc <br />F'roperty, but only if ihe lee is p�id to a third parly (such as the 'I�rustee) for scrvices rendered and thc charging ol'thc lcc is <br />permitted under Applicahle <br />Z4. Substitute 'I'�•ustee. Lci�der, at its npiion, may from tiiiic to timc reinove "frustee and appoint a successor trustee <br />lo any Trusiee unpointed hereunder by un instrument recorded in the county in which this Security Instrumeni is rccorded. <br />Without conveyance of ihe I'roperty, Che successnr trustcc shall succecd to all the title, powcr ��nd duties co��lcrrcd upon <br />"I'rustec herein 1i�d by Applicable I,�iw. <br />25. Request for Notices. Borrower requesls th�t copies of lhe noticc of default and salc bc scnt to I�orrow�r's address <br />which is the Property Address. <br />BY SIGNING BELOW, 13orrowcr accepts and agrecs eo the terms and covci�ants cnntained in lhis 5ecurity Insirumcnt <br />and in any Rida• executed hy 13orrowcr and recorcled with it. <br />� . ..��i <br />- SORROWER - H,AA ..� IL - ]7,�,'TE - <br />NLI3RASKA--Single Family--Fstnnie Mac/I�reddie Mstc UNIb'ORM 1NS'1'RUMF.NT <br />4�;;� 3382 Page I I ul' 12 Fnrm 3U2R V01 <br />C� � <br />
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