t� t.i .:,.�I� �l�'31`' i•k"IY r�*:r�'"�i� ����� ''. �f�Y.. iJx�� h, ���- / ,F�Y`� '1�` �y�,'���`J,74,1"�'�`.'.���.
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<br /> � � ' �-'IT. '` .<i����4!.�� •_____
<br /> - `+ ..f' �t. ' __,.
<br /> _ __ . _7 `N - - .._... . __
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<br /> •-t�f__ _- _ ,_ . _ _ __ _--�._..__-
<br /> '� u � f —
<br /> -- ..�,�� "�7�� 10�19.
<br /> y,',�-,.,.��— conckmnwiun ur Whcr takin�{ot'uny p:ut of dk Pro�ny,ur fur cunveyuncc in licu uf cwKlcmnmiun,urn c�reby uxxi�ned i+nd
<br /> --=���,':� Wu�ll 1►c puid w Lencicr.
<br /> � , , In Ihc cvcnt of u t�Nal �uking ut Ihc Property. Ihr pr�xced�nhull h� applicJ �o tiu ,um� �tiurcd hy thir. Securfty
<br /> - --- - -�__:.s=�,�� Inrtrumem,whether ur nn� �hen duc,wi�h uny exccss puid w Borrowcr. In ihr cvriu of u puniul mking��f�he Pnq,chy in __
<br /> .—._' .n._�_��rn-
<br /> � y r,�,,�� .R rr. which Ihr fuir murkct valuc�►f Ihc Pn�peny immcaiutcly hciurc ihc�uking i+cyuul lo or greutcr thun the umcwnt oP thc xum.r
<br /> , � �ccurcd hy�hiti S��;uriry Imlrumcm immrdiu�cly bcfure thc luking,unlcs�Borruwcr und l.endcr uthcrwi.c ugrcr in wri�ing,
<br /> :��.���,��� -
<br /> _ Ihe wms xerureJ by �hi�Se�uri�y In��rument�hull he reduced by �h�umuum uf�he pnxceds mul�iplieJ by ihe follc�wing
<br /> . __
<br /> Prr�:tiun: lal the totul umuun�uf th� +uim xcunJ immediutely hefi�rc�hc tukin�;,Jivided by(M►�he f'air mu�kel vulue of the
<br /> - - -`� ' PropeAy immcdiutcly Ixf�xc Ihc luking. Any balancc ahall he puid lu Bum�wrr. In thr�wcnt of u paitiul wl�ing uf tM: �-�-
<br /> s , ; Ropeny in which Ihr i'uir murke�vulue��f ihc 1'ropeny immediuiely befor�Ihe �uking i,te�.�hun thr umaunt uf the ,ums
<br /> _ � �,�; � �ccured immcdiatrly bcfore th� tW.ing, unlcs+ Harn�wcr un�i l.endcr cNhcnvi+e nRree in writinF or unlesx applicublr law
<br /> � �;,�,; otherwise provide�,the pnxc�e�l.s�hWl he•rpplicd tu the.ums Kcured hy th�s Secunry Instrument wlxthcr or not thc�um�ure
<br /> la�;i� a., .. Ihen dtu:.
<br /> .�v.�,a�•`�-�
<br /> • :u�".sn':.Y" J . If ttk Prc►pcny i+ab;u�doned by Sorrower,i�r if.after notice by LenJe��o Barrower Ihat the c��ndrmnor offen ta m e
<br /> — �.• d•..N��,,.�rr'«�'' ' an awurd ar r:etqc a cluim for dumuges.Bom�wcr fuils to rc�paind lu LrnJer wfthin 3U Juy.uf�er Ihe da�e Ihe notice iti given,
<br /> - �:�'�,`c'r��.''�#',�.a`; ' Lcnder iti authcxi�cd u►4oll��ct und apply the pmcec�d+,at i�v option, eithcr ta rr,io�utian or rcpair of the Propeny or ta the =°.
<br /> ,---��•.h.:;a,.., -..t..:�; - eums necured by this Sccurity Inslrument,whelher ar not then due.
<br /> . •. Unle�s l.ender und Borruwcr.Nhenvi�e rgree in wriling,uny applicutii�n i�f pnxeeJr to principul ,hull �rn cxtend ur
<br /> r��;;�,�.;,, postpqne t1�e due dnte of�he mon�hly payments referred�a in parrgaiphs I unJ 2�x chungr�he umuum of+ucb p•ryment+.
<br /> ��� �,f.+,�;cx,..�;,.,;• !1. Rorrower Not Released: ForbeAr+mce By l.cnder Not a Walve� Ex�entiion of the timc far paymcnt �r
<br /> - ���_-�=,- . ..
<br /> ,..��,T�,�r�'�.,+f�.,L.. ; I ,. nuxlifir•rtion of um��rtizatioi�of'thr tium.r• xecured by thiY Security Inxtnime�t grumed by Lender 10 uny wccetisor m ntemsl �
<br /> of Born�wer shnll na aperute to rrlease tlx: liubiliry of Ihe originul Bortower or B�m►wer z�ucces,ors in inlerest. Lender
<br /> • - - shail not be reyuired �o commence pr�xeeding� uguin�� su►y succe�.eor in interest or mFuse m extenJ tim� for payment or _,___
<br /> � � � othenvise madify sunortizution of Ihc tiunis tircurcd by�hi+Scw urity In�tnimem b�reuson�f uny Jemund mude by Ihc ori�inul �,•__
<br /> --=� • ^.'�:r��:!�,'� Borrower or Borrower:successon in interes�. Any forbesuance 1►y Lender in exercising any right nr rcmedy shall not lte u -
<br /> ''� : ..�zA.. ;, .
<br /> • . wuiver of ar preclude the exerci,e nf uny right or remedy. - _
<br /> =`•�� �, " 12, Successors and Assigns Bound;Jdnt and Severwl Liabllity;Casi�ners. Thc cuvcnunl�and ugrcementti of this
<br /> .. • � • �• Securiry Instrument�hull bind and Nenetit the�ucceswrs und axsignti of Lrndcr und Borrower, ,ubject ta�he provirions of
<br /> ��?� ara rc� h 17. Borrower's covenants and agrecmen!s�hvll br.joim und uverul. Any Horrower w�ho co•.igns thix Security�
<br /> :�� .:�:�..rye:'.,, , P B P
<br /> Instrumem but dc�s not executc the Note: la1 is cu-.igning this Securi�y Intiuument unly to monguge,grunt und convey thut
<br /> -- • , Bornmver�interest in the Propeny urxler the terms of�his Securiiy InstnimcnC Ib)ix nW personally obligutcd w puy�he+ums
<br /> �'e: �:�_ secured hy this Sccurity Inslnrment: und(cl agreex that L.cnder and an y rnher Bc►n+ower muy�grcc�a cxtcnd,m�,��ry,forheur
<br /> `�'�•a " � �'~�" ' u� make uny uccommodulians wilh reg+ud ro !he termx of thiy Securily Instrument or the Notc withnut �hn[ Borr�wer:
<br /> ,.� •'�f�I,+t'r' r" --
<br /> 1 , ��'�,�. consent.
<br /> �-a�`�„��. 13. Loan Cherges. If the loan�ecured By thi. Securi�y Instrument i, ,ubject to a luw which +ets mnximum loan
<br /> --��� . :,.. : _ R � charges,und thu�luw i�iiu�By iutr�preted.o thai thc inicrc�i nr othcr loan zharges co!lected cu ta br co!lected in ronstection =-_-=-
<br />-,'°ti= ;,::;. • with the loan cxceed the pem�iued I imiis,then: (ul any xuch loyi churge shall lx:recluced b�•�he umaunt necessury�o reduce
<br /> . ;.'��.,;: � Ihe charge�o�he pertniued limit:und(b)uny�umx ulready cc�IkcteJ t'rom Burruwer which excerded permitted limils a•ill he �
<br /> � refunded 1�Borrower. LenJer may rhoo�e to make thiti refund hy reducing the principal owed under Ihr Note or by makin�u
<br />�� � •• direc�payment to Bormwer. If u n:tund reduces principal,ihe nJuc�ian will bc trcutrd Ur u panial prepayment wi�hout uny
<br />- , ' prepayment churge under the Nnte. ___.
<br /> • ' 14. Notices. Any nwicc to Borrower pmvided i'or in thi.Securi�y Imtrumcn� +hall be givcn by deliverin�it or hy __
<br /> � muiling il by fir�t clusr muil unletix applicublc luw reNuiro.u+e uF unot her meihud.'fhc notire tihall be dircK:ted tu the Property =--
<br /> • , Addre.s or uny olher uddre+,Bcxrowcr dctiignutc.hy notice to Lendcr. Any notirc to Lrndcr shull t�given by fint cluss
<br />- • " mail ta Lender's uddress,tu�cd hcrein or any uthcr addrc+.Lrnder de,iEnulcti hy natirr to Borrowcr, Any nutice provided for ,
<br /> - o"� in this Srcurity Imtrument .hall tx decmeJ io huvc txcn �iven w Borrou�er �tt Lendcr when given us provided in thiy �
<br /> _- ; „ � I purugruph.
<br /> • t3. (:overninR Law; Severablllly. Thi, Scruri�y In.rwnx�nt .hall bc go�rrncd by fedcrul luw und Ihc law of thr
<br /> �• � �',' • � juriuiiction in which the Pn�peny i+I�ated. In the rvent that any prc�vi�kin�x cluusr of thi.Securi�y Instrumem or�he Note
<br />- .- ". •. %;';?: , i runtliets with upplic:�blc law.such cuntlict+hall not afl'crt ulher provi�iom uf this Serurity Imlrument or the Note whirh ran -
<br /> �;, , be given rffect wi�hou�the con0ircin�;provisiun. Ti�thi.end the prmi,iom of thiti Srcuriry In.�rument und thr Note ure
<br /> '• . ' declured to t►c tirvrrable, _�--
<br />_ . � 16. Borrower's Copv Borruwer�hull he given unr cunt��rn��J cop}.�f the Nut�and of�hi�Scruriry Imtrument. �'•
<br /> '''• • 17. 'IFansfer of the PropeHy nr a Benefirlal Inlere+t in durn iwer. II'nU ur uny puh of thr Pr���xny or any interest in
<br /> .y ��
<br /> .. - it is.old or trunsferrcd I��r if u hrneficial inlere.l in Bi�rrow�r i� �old�x tran+torrcd und Borniwer iti ixit a n�wrul penonl
<br /> � � ' '' , without LenJcri prior written rix��ent.LcnJcr muy,a� it,n�tion,rcNuirc irnmcdialc paymcm in t'ull ot'all+um�.rcured by -
<br /> � this Securi�y Instrument. Howrver.�his option shull nnt he exerri�eJ Ny Lcnder il rxercitir i�pruhibilcJ by fcderul luw us of -_
<br /> _ � � the dute of ihis Security Inslrumcnt. ---
<br /> .. ' If Lcndcr excrcius thi.r uptian.Lcndcr+h�ll Eive Borrowcr ni�ti�c uf:iccclrr:ui�m. '1'hc nrnicc�hall pruvidc a period of �.,
<br /> - !. ' nu[le„thun 30 day.fium tlx d•r�e�hr nuticr i.drlivcred or maileJ��i�hin�vhich Borc�>w�r mutit pay all rum+,ecureJ hy thi. -
<br /> ;. . ., , --
<br /> ' ;� Security Intitrument. It' BuROwer faih tu p•ry thctic,um,�iriiir to thc ex�iruti�,n ��(thi+ �xricxl. Lrndcr may invokc vm• ,
<br /> mmcdic�permittcd hy thi.Srcurit�• In,trumcnt withaut 1'urthrr nulicc urdcmand un Burcowcr. .
<br />" 18. Burruwer'ti RiRht to Reinslate. II Burrowrr mrcl. cenain c�inJiliom. Horrm�rr tihall havr thc righ� lo huvr
<br /> �' , enforcement nf this Scrurity Inxlrument di.c�attinucJ al an�• timc pria�r ro thc rurlier of: lu)5 day,(��r,urh othcr�xrial a.r• ��7,
<br /> , ; t tiin�lc hrmd� ..tuanM\t�c'FrcdUic�1ec l\IFOR�t 1\ti'1'Nl'�fE\'1'..l nu„mi C.�vrn:m�, 9�9U q�����,�1 n piurc� y�.. :
<br /> � ; f�:
<br /> ; �.
<br /> � �- .
<br /> . ..._.. ...,.� . . .�. , .
<br /> : . �� .. _. ._ .-_ .
<br /> �.. _ .. .
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