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<br /> --�°"'�`=�`-='—'� perip�,�that Lendcr requirca. The intiurancc cs►rrler praviding the insuronce shall be chosen by Ba►rower subject�o I.underi�
<br /> .--s��.��;4r�:��
<br /> T apprqvAl which sh�ll not bc unrcusonably wlthtteld. Ii Bormwer fails to rnalntain coverugc dcscribed above.Lend¢r mqy,at
<br /> -='.�'
<br /> L.erldRl;'s option,obtain coverage to protect Lender'x�ights in thc Pra{�eny in accordancc with pareg►apn 7•
<br /> — -----'"-'"f Alf in�urance policies and renowolR shull be ucceptable eo Lender and shall include o su►ndurd mortgage clause. L.e r
<br /> ,,� �,_-i��,.:- ive ta lxndrr all recei ts R - -
<br /> ±s t , shal�.b�qve the rigln to hold the po8cies and�enewuls. lf Lender requires, Borrowcr shall pcomExly g P --
<br /> �� � �� of pa��l premium9 and renewul notice:�. In the event af loss, Borrower shull give prampt notice to the insuwue ciurier nnd
<br /> — '� L,p�dg�„ Lcnder muy mnke}iroaf of lasg if not rnude pramptly by Borcawer. �ied to rcstaration ar Rpalr of
<br /> _��� •••�--=�_-_� y�� Unkss l.ender und Borrower othenvise ugree in writing.Inxuronce proceeds shull be app
<br /> - . ,. �t�e prc�perty dwnoged, if the restomtion or repair i:ecanomicully fea.ti�ble wid Lcnder'ti securiry is nnt Iescened. If�he �___�
<br /> / restaS3J�ipn or repair is not econamically fea.�ible or Lender's hecurity wauld be lessened,the insurAn�:e pracecds�hall be
<br /> �e
<br /> _� 1 �'�-., appl�4d to the sums secured by this Secudry Instrument,whether or not then due, wi�h any excess puid ta Borrower. If
<br /> �?�°` ' BamriYCr abandons ihe Roperty,or daes not answer within a0 days a notice from Ixnder that the insumncc curtie�has
<br /> �"�`�'"�"��` '� offore�ta settle a claim,then l.ender may collect the insurance praeeds. Lender may use the pmceeds to repsdr or r�eslore
<br /> .'�+'w'�fi-G;JiC�::, .
<br /> ,��,�,�� tt�e PrppeRy or to pay sums secured by this Securily Instrumen6 whether or not then due. The 30-My period will be8in w en
<br /> ,,�'.��:` - the nW�ice iA given.
<br /> � :��'.°.;.����,__: Unless Lender and Bortower otherwise agree in wri�ing,any c+pp�icauan af prcx:eeds to principal shull nut extend ar —
<br /> -��° -���"'" postpvne ihc due dnn:af the ma�thly paymcnts►eferced ta io paragraphs I und 2 or change the amount of the payments. If � Y
<br /> .' "`""''- �`�` " un�n parngraph 21 the Praperty is acquired by i.ender.Bormwer:s nght�o any insurance policies und prnceeds resulting �
<br /> . , . . •� fmm damage to the Property prior to ihe Acquisrtian shall paRS to Lender to the extent af the sums secured by this Security _
<br /> •e � � �••°�`Y � In.q��ument immediutely priur to the acquisition. �::`-
<br /> ...*�•� .....�•� ;� .,. ' 6. �Occupancy, PreservwUon, M�Intensince and.Protectlon ai Ihe Propenyi So�rawer•s I.onn AppRcallan; ��::..
<br /> - ��;;�;,;,,�.,:�".;:; i,p�eholds. Borrower sBull accupy.eatnblish.and use the Proper[y ax Bormwer;principa!residence within sixty days after _
<br /> - tfie execu�ion of this Securiry Insaumen[and shall eontinue to occupy the Propeny as BoR�werk pancipal rexidence for at `
<br /> '�- Ieusl one year ufter the dute ot accupancy� unle�s l.ender otherwixe agrees in writing, which consent ahall not be __
<br /> � �r�:•;;: �� unreasanably wilhheld.or unless extenuuting cir�umstances exist�vhich are beyond Borrowerk contral. 9ortower shall not __
<br /> destroy,damage or impair the Property,ullow the Prapehy to deterioratc,or commit waste an the Property. Sorrower shall
<br />�� �" be in default if any forfeiture uction or praceeding,whether civil or crimuwl,is begun thut in Lender!s goad fuith judgment �-
<br /> _-�.,�� � could result in forfeiture of the Praperty or alherwise muterially imp$ir the lien created by this Securiry Instrument or a
<br /> -.,,,"� L.enderK security interest. Borrower may cure such n default and reinstute.as provided in paragraph 1 S,by causing the siction -
<br /> � -' � � or proceeding to be dismissed with a ruling Iha�,in Lander's good faith de�erminsuion,precludes fart'eiture of the Bamawer R
<br /> �'�, � �• intenest in �he PropertY or other ma�erial impairtnent of the lien creaied by this Secur�ty Inslrument or Lenders securiry �.�,,;
<br /> �� � interest. Borrower shu{I alsa be in defauU iP Borrnwer, during the loan application process, gave materiully fnlse or �''�
<br /> .�,:_:,
<br /> `�" �� inaccurate infartnation or statements ro Lender(ar failed to provicie Lender w ith nny ma�orial information)in wnnection with -y,
<br />�1.���-, t�y� � the loan evidenced by the Nute, including, but not limited ta. represeMations conceming Borrowerti occupancy of the �.
<br /> . ,,;�,,,, � .; ,... Propetty as a principal residence. If Ihis Securily,lnslrument is on u len.rehold,Borrower+hall comply with ull the provisions -
<br />_.�� - of the leaxe. It borrower acqui�ss ier ii11C iu tile Pfaj�t'ty,tfsc Ic:�:ehold and the ftr tltle 4hn��not mer¢e unless Lender agrees = __
<br /> � to the merger in writing• --•°
<br /> ' 7. Protecdon of I.ender's Righla fn Ihe Property. If Borrower fails to pedom� the covenants and ngreements .sti�-
<br /> n�i�
<br /> � contuined in this Security Inslrument,or there is u legul proceeding t6at muy xigmficantly affect Lenderk rights in the _�
<br /> Property(such as a prcx:eedin�in bankruptcy. pmhate.far condemnation or forfeiture or to enforce luws or regulations),then
<br /> Lender may do snd pay far whatever In neceaw�ry�o protect tbe valut af the Property and Lenderti ri�hts in the Property.
<br /> ^ Lender's actions moy inclade paying any wmti secured by a lien which has priarity over this Security Instrument,appearing ��,�_�.
<br /> . �• in coun,puying reasonuble attarneyn'feex:u�d entering an Ilx Pmpeny to make repairs. Although Lender muy wk6 ac�ion __--
<br /> "" under this purugruph 7.Lander�1aF not havc to Jo wo. _�ti__�._"�'
<br />, . , � Any umounts disbur.ed by Lender under this puragraph 7 tihull l�ecomc udditional debt of Borrowcr secured by this � -
<br /> Security Inatrumcnt. Unless Bonow�r;u�d Len�ier•rgrer to u�her�crm�i�f payment.theu amounts xhall bear interesl from the �v�_
<br /> dute of disbursement ut thc Note rute�ncf shall t�e payablc, with interea�,up�m notire irom l.ender to Borrower reyuesting _
<br /> payment. =�=-
<br /> 8. Mortp,age Insarunce. If Lender rc:yuired mcxtguge intiuruncc a. u condition of making Ihe loun secured by thiti
<br /> Security Instrumen�.BoROwer shull pay �he prcmiums rcyuired to maintain ihe mortgage insurunce in effect. IL for smy E,-_,
<br /> reuson, the mangage incurwue coveruge reyuircJ by l.ender lap.es ar ceu+rs lo t�e in effect. Borrower shall pny the _�
<br /> ' premiums required tu obtain coverage substuntially eyuivulent io �he monguge imurnnec previously in effeet.at u cost _.�_
<br /> • • substantially cyuivalcn[to�he cos� to Borrower of�he monEuge in�urance prcviously in effert,from un ultemate mongage �;.--
<br /> ' insurer upproved by Lcnder. lf substunlially cyuivalenl m�ngugc in�urunce covem�te iti not uvhilAble,Borrower shall pay to ��-
<br /> ` � ��� � l.ender cach month a,um equul io onc-twelfth of the yrurly mor►gngc inxur:uxe premium being paid by BoROwer when the <<:-�
<br /> ,�_�i��:� inxurance covcruge lupsed or ccu+cd�o be in cffcct. Lrndcr will uccept.u+c.uiJ relain these paymcnt+uti a loss rescrvc in lieu �'�•
<br /> • d _ of mongage insurrmce. Lo+x reservc paymerns muy no longer I►e n�yuircd, a� the option of l.ender,if mortgage insurance
<br /> ' � .�° coverage(in the amount aml for�he period�F�ul Lender reyuirey 1 pruvided hy un insurer approveJ by Lender ug�in becomes
<br /> +; � uvuiluole:md i+obtained. Borcower�hull pay �he pmmiumti myuircd to rnuintam monga�;c in.unu►ce in effec�,or to provide u ��•
<br /> , • . '� lass rexerve,umil the reyuimment for mortguge in,urance ends in urcordance with uny written agreement between Borrower �
<br /> und Lender or upplicuble law.
<br /> � - � 9, Inspectiun. Lendcr or it�agcnt may malcc na�onabk cntne� upc.n and in.�xctiiin.af Ihc Propern•. I.endcr+h•rll �
<br /> ' � give Borcower no[ice ut thc lime ot'ur prio�tci an inspeclion s�x cif�•ing rcu,unublr cau.e ti,r the in.pertiun. I
<br /> ' ° • 10. Condemnption. 'fhc pn�rced�ul:�ny awurJ ur rlaim li�r damagr�.dircrt��r cc�nr�yurnliul.in runnection with uny �
<br /> . ' � tiin�lc Family-•Faanfc Nur/Freddk 11wc 1'T11F1►Rtt 1\s'I'Rl'�fEtiT•-l'ndorni t'aven:mi� 4190 �pu.pe i,�/n pr�r.v f
<br /> Gir.n INro tlu�mr.v Fbmh-hr �
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