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. 1. `, i. . . l.„,,.; .�w1 t . ,�1iJ`t�/'t�;. �i.b;�'i�yiT,+ `t{,:: -.. .--.-�...-,�� ti f• '('::Jr_:, i';",. ;. . _ �_ *r- �i�� .. <br /> ... . jr , . . ,,�,t . ; . <br /> �� <br /> � ` �_� ,: Y�. �M t. [+f30.` .�`T( fyf ��)ts��i.i�l2 [. ����.�.j1 ��.y:'?�+� �4 �� '.:jl:••`'•_ ' ' � ' +��.0 __ <br /> -��7 " . �'._ -� -. __ 1 41�.vS t�}� ��( F i� ..} ::• wi.',�+ik li�.�Yk.i=n��i1��-�' .' . �.t�t '•'�- . . - .. <br /> � <br /> '�•'. �. <br /> ' . ,s -+r_ .. � .`s.�.p��iS �/� _ _L. . <br /> ��.......4t1. _ M '�X i�.:'1'��.�_ - .� -iL'�^`�.l`.L.�.r� _�__` __. _, _ <br /> a.� `sQ" <br /> , �,.�..f. . " _ biM�Px3ACYa�.� ..' .� . _ .... :. . - � '.._ <br /> . _c'F��• � �I�' :._.. ».__ � <br /> � � __ . . _ �., .oa�r - -- '. <br /> �. • • �� r <br /> -� -�s.:�;..=�..;�f .:�• . 10�:�1 <br /> -� <br /> ---_ --- ---- applic4ble law may cpecify for reinatat�m�mt)befora aale of Ihe Propeny pursuant to any pc�wcr of sale contained in�his <br /> — --� �' Socurlty ln,urument:or(b)rnay of r judgment enforcing�his Security Instrument. Thase conditions are that eorrawer. (a) ---� <br /> --_ paya Lender �II aums which UKn would be due under �his Security Instnunent und the Note ax ii na accelemdon hrd <br /> -`__----=:_:� accu�d;(b)cur�any default of any other wvenants or agreertientx;(r)puys all rxpenar�+incuRed in enforeing this Security --- - <br /> —"�"""�""""`��=�' Instrument,including.but not Umited to,reasonable Apomeys'fees: and (d)takes such action ns l.ender may reu�orwbly — <br /> "�'�0°°"��"=-����' requirc to assure dtat the lien of Ihis Sccurity Inspument,Lender's righ4g in the Propeny und Bortawcr ti obligation to pay Ihe __. <br /> �� i suma securcd by lhia Security Insirument shell eontinue unchanged. Upon reinstotement by Bortower, this Secudty <br /> �����°•� ! lnstrument and the obligatfons securcd hereby shall remain fully effective as if no acceleration hud accurred. However,this �_ _ <br /> '���� i ri�ht to reinstate shall nat apply in the cuse of accele�tion under paragraph l7. <br /> "'� ._�, ' 19. 3de of Note; Clwn�e oT Loan&rvker. The Note or a pattiAl interest in the Notc(tc�gether with Ihic Security <br /> '� ,,,,�,:.' Instrument)may be sold one or more times without prlor notice to Borrower. A sale muy�esult in a chungc in the entity <br /> �������:�;R � (known as Ihe"L.oan Servicer")Ihat collects monthly payments due under the Note and this Security lostrument. There ulso <br /> - -_ may 6e one or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note. lf ther+e is s►change of the Loan Servicer. __ <br /> ' � i4��� . Bomower will be given wrinen notice of the change in accordnnce with paragraph 14 above und upplicuble luw. The notice =-_- <br /> _ .',��:sr�.' will state tha name and address of the new Loan Servicer und the address to which payments ahould be mode. The notice will �-�__ <br />- - .;.�� also contain any other infarmation�equired by apptkable law. �__-_ <br /> " 20. Hozardous Subsances. Borrower shaU not wuse or permit the pmsence,use,disposal,storage.or releuse of any <br /> �',����'G`��'+k�'�� Heuudous Substances on or in the Propeny. Borrower shall not do,nor nllow unyone else ro do,unything bfPecting the -- <br /> �� �~_,' Pruperty th�t is in violation af any Environmental Lnw. The preceding two senrences shall not apply to the presence,use.or <br /> =a�r� <br /> �.'a r. :•�,•,.;,;; s •. . storaga on�he Pn►perty of small quantities of Hazardous Substances that sue generally recogni�.ed[o be uppropriate to namal <br /> °-�����t;Or��.a�°}'v,:k.t::_ resldential uses s�nd to maintenance of the Properry. c <br /> -------,�:.r,���A`.'i:t'.R:�,.. <br /> �,;;;...., -� Borrower shall promplly give Lender written natice of any in��estiga�ion,claim,demand,lawsuit or other uction by nny <br /> `•""���'.�������' ' governmenwl or regulutory agency or privAte party involving the Property And any Hazurdaus Substance or Envicnnmenlal - - - <br /> 'W"'"'�"��=''����r��� Law of which Bonower has aclu�l kaowledge. If Borrower leams, or is notified by uny governmentol or regulntory <br /> �,.'r"M�`-'�" �" authorit , that an removel or ather remediation of an Huzurdous Subswnce affeclin �he n is neces� Borrower � ` <br /> ir„����.,.. <br /> '�-�-----,-.: •, Y Y Y $ �Pe Y �'• <br />;'�, � �.,,..,:. ..,.„�;?��- shall promptly[nke all necessary remedial actions in uccordunce wi�h Environmemal Law. �- <br /> = ��; '.�.:`:1�:i � As used in this pamg�aph?0, "Hazurdous Substunces"are those substances defined us toxic or hazardous substances by <br /> �� '''•`.:-'�?;;' .'"`=" '� Envlronmental and tha Pollowing subslnnccx: gasoline,kerosene,olher flammuble or toaic pelroleum prcxlucls, toxic --- <br />�.f�� �'�' � pesticides and hefiicides, volatile solvents,mAkriuls comaining asbestos or fortnuldehyde, and radioactive muterials. A� <br />-`��",�'`"''`"""�•'" used in this psura�graph 20."EnvinmmentAl Luw"means federul luws and laws of the jurisdictian where the Propeny is locuted <br /> "" ,,, that relate to health,safery or envlronmental protection. <br /> �li�`�� ' � NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower And Lendcr funher covenum und ugree us follows: =_�_ <br /> �a��, • :.' :*" � <br /> :,s.:��� � � 2l. Acceleratbn; Remedies. I.ender slwll give notice to Borrower prior to accelerAtion Pollowing Borrower s --- <br /> =�.'-� �.- .'�,,�ti� . breach of nny covens�nt or agreement in this Security Instrument Ibut not p�ior to accelerallon under paragraph l7 e''��=�" <br />'::;� �_r°�,_;i:!;j: unless applkable law provides othenvtse). 1'he notice shall specify: lal tbe dePault:!b1 the pclion required to cure the <br /> °°- — °- -° deivuli: (ci a daie.not iess than 38 days irom the dafe ihe nofiice is given io whicb ihe deiAUit mua�be = <br />:'��•>> . �• �'"��, cured;and Idl that iallure to cure Ihe default on or before Ihe dAte speciNed ln the notice may resuU in acceleration o� =� <br /> .. . �:°,j;,�;�,� the sums secu�ed by this Security Instrumenl and sale of the Praperty. The�otice ahall itirther inPorm Borrawer of <br /> , � � � �, � the right to reinstate after acceleralion and the right to brin�a caurt action to assert the non-existence of a deiault or <br /> ' � ,� • any dher dePense of Borrower M aca�eleration and sule. IP the default ls not cured on or bePore Ihe date 4peci8ed in <br /> � `',� � the notice.l.ender at its option may require immediate payment in full of All sums secured by fhis Security Instrument +'�_;- <br /> • , withoul further demand and may invoke the power of sale and any other remedies permitted by applkable law �� �� <br /> , , • •� Lender ahAll be enlitled lo cullecl ull expenses incurred in pursuing the remedies provided in this parp�raph 21. <br /> ' including,but not limited to.reasunable aUorneys'fees and cos�c af title evidence. - <br />•-. . �.,.,__ <br /> ' �� ` If the power uP sale is invuked.7Yuslee sball recurd a nutice of default in each cuunly in which any ps�r!of the �` '� <br />_., � � �� � • Property is locuted and shnll mwil cupies of�uch ooti��e ln the manner prescribed by appNcable luw ro Borrower und to °.` <br /> Ihe other per.wns prescribed by appliruble law. AfYer Ihe time required bv applicuble law,71�ustee shall Ri�•e publlc =— <br /> • • '`r..r�:� "•5 notice of sale to fhe persoas pnd in Ihe manner prescribed by upplicuble law. 7lrustee.without demand on Burrower. '��'` <br /> . ` � � shall sell the Property at public�uctiun to the highe.r-t bidder at the time wnd place and u�der Ihe terms desiRnated in � �%�•- <br /> ' the notice of'sale in one u�more parcels and in an�•order'll�ustc�determines. 'Ibuslee may poctpnne�le ul'all nr�ny <br /> parcel of the Property by public annauncemen! ut Ihe Iimr�nd plWCe of any previously srheduled u�le. Lender ur iGc <br /> dedgnee moy purchase the Property ut any sak. *~��. <br /> � �•- Upon receipt of payment of the price bld. 71�ustee shall deliver to Ihe purchuser 71�ustee's derd com•eyin�;the '.�;°�`.' <br /> �.� „ Property. The recitals in Ihe 71�uster's deed shqll be primu Pucie e�•idcnce of the truth of the stulements made therein. - • <br /> _ , 7lrustee shall s�pply the praceeds uf'the tiule in Ihe following order: lul lu�II costs�nd erpenses of exerclsing Ihe poaer ___,�, <br /> •�,,,,. . - ., __ <br /> a = ._ <br /> , . . . . --_ <br /> .. ��== <br /> . , �c�r�.. <br /> � p......- <br /> .i�T- <br />' l ' '}r��l� - <br /> .' i: ._�:,. <br />- .�i�r' -�`F� <br />,' FiKm N17J1 4�90 �pu�r5.��n�a�er�� � ' <br /> ' � <br /> r1 . ., �... .•�.,.............".,u... <br /> -. . - -� : _ - <br /> • � ,., � <br /> �` <br /> � � <br /> 1 <br />. . iy„ ,. 1 . .-- - -- --- - <br /> ,} <br />