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--��ra ,�.��� -�---.—__ �� _ tj.� .. <br /> _'�I"i�� �-'-- ^--"'w�+rw��- •;YXtf�+:cr� ' • /� _- <br /> �� , � �..�����,; . ::�� <br /> , "__' .., ..�.... .�{� ' A�� ;�Sw . �,�--. _��_..f... _- .-� <br />. �� _�_ <br /> � 92— � so�4� � <br /> _�rYy � _ �y�%.�, . <br /> H� <br /> ---�- candemnatian ur uihcr lulcing of any p:ut of Ihc Propcny.or for conveyonce in licu ui'coadcmnrillun. am hcrcby uaxiQncd wK! <br /> --- ------� shull b►p•riJ!o Lcmler. <br /> In Ihe event of u taal �akiag of�he Property, the prceecdx shull hc applied to Ihc tium.r McurcJ by thia S�curfty <br /> Instrumcnt.whcther or nW tfkm due, with uny cxcess paid tu 8orrower. In�hc evcnl ed'a p•r rllol taking n�'�h� P�►tx'rly in <br /> -�-• - ----�-•�-r which the fair markct valur oFthe!'ropeny immediutely bef�xr the tuking iti eyuul tu or�rculer ihun Ihc um��unt of Iho Kumx <br /> •::f�iti' "�`�� secured by�hfy Securiry In�trumenl immcdiuiely{xfi�re the tuking,unle.,Borrciwer unJ Lrncicrotherwir,e+�grce in wri�iog, <br /> �' _.- the aurt�s sccurcd by Ihia Secu�ity Insuument�hull be rcducrd by the umount of�he pr�KecJ�mulliplicd by �hu full�,wing <br /> ,� <br /> .�:� fraction: la)the twal umaunt of Ihe sumc securcd immedfutcly befane thc�uking,JiviJ��d by Ib)ihc fair murkei valuo af t c <br /> - -- -- Properiy imnx�liutely tx:forv ihc tuking. Any balancc shall hc piiid to eorrowcr. In tlx evcm ui u pwtiul �aking of Ihc <br /> kfi�peAy in which the fair m�ket value of thc Property immeJiutely before the�aking is Icss ihun thc umaum of tho�um� <br /> ��,�, � secured immcdiulcly befure �he tsiking, unlcss Bormwcr und l.cnder otherwisc agrcc in wd ting��r unle�x upplicoblc law <br /> _=_-"""="'�'�`''�`� othenvise provid�K.the proceedw++twll be upplicd to the tiums recured by�hiti Secu�iry Instrumeni whciher or not the aumx are <br /> _�Y.,°"�'���?� thcn due. <br /> �.���F��.j,�- If thc Propeny is ubanci�n�d hy Rnrrnwer,or if,atier nuticc by Lcndcr to Borrower thal ahe cundemnor offer,to make <br /> .:�-.a��-�_• un uwurd ur�culc u claim for damagc�,Borrowcr fuils w retipond 1a l.endcr within 30 duys ufl�rthe Jofe tbe nonce is given. <br /> = -- r ,�• Lcnder is uuthorized tu coU��t w�d upply thc procccdz,ut its option,eithcr to resta�ation or rc:puir uf the Propeny or to the <br /> _�:'�'":�'."���� sums secured by thlx Security Instrumem,whcther or not�hen due. <br /> ��;�z���a:a�'w ;�.` Unlexti Lender und Borrower othenvize ugcee in writing, uny upplicutian of pnx�r�dti to p�incipal �hull not extend or <br /> ,�i,-_,���:;�,_:.� poritpon�thc duc dute uf the mornNly puymemx mferred to i�puragmph,I And�or change the�mount of tiucN paymcnty. <br /> — -_ - ll. Borrower Not Rele�sed; ForbeA�nce By Lender Not a Waiver. Exten�ion of the �imc for payment or <br /> `'�`�'�':A��%'}�=i modificution of amartizution of 1he suma+ecured by this Seeurity Instrument�ramed by Ler�J�r to :�ny successor in interc,t <br /> � �w''�;;�j�•��.f.+�t��'.��� ., of Borrower ehull not operute ta relcusr the lia6ility of the ori�inul Borrowcr or Barrawcr's su�ccstion in intcreti�. I.ender <br /> ,-: <br /> _ ___�.a��t«w.,�'��_ shatl not be rcyuired to commrnce praceedings aguinst any successor in imereu or rcfuse to extend time or puyment ar <br /> �.,�,-r -._,,.,,,,� .. . <br /> _ •- othetwirc mudify umonizu�ion of the sums�ew�ed by this Sc�urity Irt,trument by rru+un uf uny demund madc by the arigina <br /> - �;•,;..,,i:�,;,, Borrower or Borrower's+uccessor�in imerest. Any forbeurance by Lender in exercis�ing any right or rrmedy shull nrn be u <br /> � •��!^yr"""��%• wuiver of or precluJe thr cx.:rcik of any right or remedy. <br /> ,�...�.•,a <br /> •=�� � I2. Successors and Assigns Suund:Joint and Several l.iabilily:Co-si�ners. Thc covenant+und agrccments i►t'this <br /> ,r i:;,�j�;2S;;:�;.,� . Securiry Instrument shull bind and benefit the xuccessors and a.�signs of Lender and Borrower,su6ject to the provisiam of <br /> `�=� �.,:.�:..�r;=.,., parugraph 17. Borruwcr�c c��venanlx and agreemeMx shall be joint unJ sevcrul.Any Borrower who co-si�ns thi� Security <br /> - :�; .. -.. :•�:� Instrument but daes not exrcute the No�e: lu)is co-signing�his Security Ins�roment qnly t�►mungu�e,�trunt and cwivey thut <br /> '��`:a.�:Y:sa..t�_,_: Barrower w interrst in the Propcny unJcr�hc tem��of thiti Security Instmmenr. (b)is not personully obliguted w puy thc sums <br /> z:a,�""'""'�'� �ecured hy thiti Securiry Inxtrumcnt:und Ic)agrers�hat Lender anJ uny other Borrower muy u�ree tv extend,madify.Porbeur <br /> '� ���• ��''�•� or make uny accommodalioa� wi�h regnrcl to �he tenns of this Security In�trumant ar the Notr wi�hout thut Bormwer's <br /> _,���. ' consent. <br /> �� 13. Loan Chs�rges. If Ihe loun secured by thi. Security Instrumrnt is yubjcct to u luw which .ets maximum loun <br /> -�� ''�'°`�t"�``'�" chargr.:,aad that lstis is tine!!y intcr�.+n�ted a��hat thc interert or other loun chu�Se+«Ilwcted or�o be co0ected in c�mnection <br /> �.,t.� � ' � '� with the loun excecJ thc perniiued limiis,then: (ul uny wch loun churpe.hull I�e rcduced by t Ix amoum neccssary�a reducc <br /> sa� ., the chw'ge to thr permiUcd limit:�nJ Ibl:u�y�ums ulre�dy collecleJ from Borrower which exc��eded permined limitti will lx <br />';l • , refunded w Borrowcr. Lcnder muy charc to make thi.rcfund by reJucing Ihc principul i�weJ undcr ihe Notc or by making u <br /> ° direct pvymenl to Borrower. If a rcf'und redures prinripal. thc reduction will bc treuted us a(��utiul prepuyment without uny <br />==• ° . �• prepuymcnt rhurgr undcr�hc Notc. <br /> '�;_^�� ' . 1�3. Notices. Any n��ticc to Borniwer proviikJ fur in thi+Security Instrumcnl �hull t►a:givrn Ny drlivering it ar by <br /> � � muiling it Hy first clu+s moil unlc..upplicable law rcyuire+use ut'unuther me�h�nl,71tc notice tihall he directed�o the Propeny <br />'..;';";„ ! � Addrcs,or any othrr ucldrr++Borrower d��ignutc�My �x►tire to Lender. Any nutice tu l.�ndcr tihall be givcn by fint clus. <br /> ` � " ' � mail ro Lender's udJR�,siut��l hercin or•rny other addre+ti l.eixl�r de� noticr to Bixrower. Any nutice providrd fi�r <br /> - '"4'`'"°�`''"R'�°-`�` in this Securiry Immrment .hull Ixr dcemeJ ta hnve heen �!ivrn u� Sorrowcr ur Lrtxlcr w hen �ivcn u+ pn�vided in thi, <br /> _ �f• . parA�raph. <br />-�v''�'�� �� �-'= '" 15. GoverninR Luw: tieverubility. Th�+ Srcuriiy In.trunknt +hull Ix �ovcrn�d by I'a�derul luw and Ihc luw of �hc <br /> .;.�'`.- , ' juri+diction in whirh thc Propeny i,kxu�ed. In thr event thui uny pruvi.i�m ur cl•ruu ul'this Securiry In+lromcm or the Note <br />• _;;,,.. . . contlictn with npplicuMc luw.tiuch conflirt�hall nnt•rfl'ec�oihcr pry>v i,ion,af thi,Securi[y In.trument or Ihe Note which can <br /> ,,.,�._ � be given effirt widww thc c�►nflicting proeision. To thiti end Ihe prnvisionti �►f�hiti Srcurit y Invtnimem :uiJ the Nwe are <br />_` ;±'... . „ �� decland to I�,rvcroblr. <br /> _4 `p,, " 16. B�Krower's Copy. Borrowrr,hull Ix givrn urn runturnud cupy uf�h�Notc:md o(thix S�curit�•In+trument. <br /> 17. 7�ansfer uP tbe Property or a Beneficiul Interest in&Mrower. If all ur any p:in�►t'�hc ProEx:ny��r uny intcrr+t in <br /> • it i,+nld or tr:ui.i'emd lor if a txnchciul interc.t in Borr��wrr i�tiolJ ur tramlcrrrJ:md Burn�wer i�not u nu�ural prrxonl <br /> • . without L.rndrr+prior written cun�rnt.LcnJer i�. uption,rryuire imntcdiaU���ayment in fuU uf:dl.umti uucurcJ by <br /> •�•�°,�Y .;��,_„ thi�Security Instrument. Nowcver.lhis uption tihull nut Ix exeniKJ by l.cixl4r if es�ni�e i+ �r��hiNit�d hy fedrr.�l law uti of <br /> Ihe dutc of this Sccutily Intitrument. <br />'. , . IP l.ender excni.eti thi.��ption. Lendcr.hall givr Borruwrr nuiice of:arrlcrnliun. Thr nuiir�.hull pruvidr a perial ol' <br /> ' ' not less thun 3(1 Juy+f'rxnn thc dalr Ih�nnticc i�dcliv�reJ ur mailed wiihin wl►ich l3urn,���r mu,i pay ul)tiumti tie�ured hy Ihix <br /> • " Srruriry In+trument. 11'Burmw�r fail,ta pay thr>c tiunt�priur lu tlk ��pir;�iiun ��1"this p�riu�i, l.endcr muy invokc uny <br /> ' � • rcmeJir,pctmittrJ by �hi,Securit�•In+lrumem without funher nulicr ur Jeiuund un 13urt�nticr. <br /> � l8. Borrowrr� Ri�ht to Reinxlute. If H�irruwcr mc��,crrt:un r�mditinn.. liurr�����r�h:dl havr thc righ� tu h:�vc <br /> ' . � enforcement of�hi,Secunty In,trumcnt Ji,r�miinucd ai any time priur w the carlirr�,1`. �:u 5 day•lor tiurh�,ther�x ri��J a. <br /> . Sury�lc hamd��-Fynnle�Iw�Freddk�fw l\IFO{t\t l\57'Nl �lE\'1'�-l mi��ni�G���n.�m. 9�911 ip�t�r���l��p��er,� <br /> � � <br /> —. - - - .. .— . . , , . -• , . . . .���,; ,��e-::TM. _ <br /> � --. . ,, <br /> 1 <br /> . . ., . •1 T � _ . <br /> � . <br />