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<br /> ��,��n.,,� opp���pble �ow mwy spxify far reinstatemcn�) 6cfurc eule of thc F'rupcny purnuont to uny puwcr�t nulc camuined in thiR �u
<br /> __ a.N Security I�suutnent:w(b)entry nf a Judgmcnt enfaccing�his Sccurlty Inauurnenl. Thosc conditfunx ure thnt Barrowcr: (u)
<br /> - --;;r:�,;�;%�':k paya l.cnde� all suma which �hen would be due undcr this 5ccu�ity Inxtrument and �hc Nwc ns if no acceleration hAd
<br /> ��� `.: � a;curted;(b)curcs any default oi'any aher covenonts or Agreemems;lc)pays pU expensex incurred in eni'c�rcmg thia Securlty �
<br /> '� ""' "'' "' Instrument,inc:luding,bu1 nut Ilmited to. re�sanable attome K fecK; nml(d)wkcs surh action as Lcndcr mAy reaxonably `
<br /> �' �� � y��
<br /> �.:� �..�1f�•-(F'.Ir. � ..
<br /> � ,,;;,.y�;.,� �r„:�� require to asaure that the lien of�his Secu�ity lmtrument,Lcndcr�:rightx in the Property and Borrawcr+ut�ligulion i�pay the _
<br /> �- �.}�' ,;;t�� sums Recured by thia Sccu�ity Insuument Rhall cauinue unchanged. Upan reinstatcmcnt by Ba�mwer, this Sccurity
<br /> • -�• - �� Instrument and the obligntiana secunJ he.reby shall remuin fully effective as if no ncceleration hud occurred. However,this
<br /> . -3--�-*�.e•-�.-.-- �_ �:�,-. _ ._.
<br /> � 7 ri�ht lo reinswte ahall not ppply in the euse of ucceleration under parugraph 17.
<br /> -•y' .�,• � �.,, •
<br /> '�'`°�=','F'�' lq, g�ie d IVotei Cbiw�e ot I.aan 3e�vker. The Notc or u partial intercxt in thc Note (togclher wilh this Security
<br /> - :;� ,,.T::,
<br /> ;�;,�;,,.,,„,.,,,. ''�•:' Instrument)may bc wld one or more times wi�hout prior noticc to Borcawer. A snle may resull in u chungc in Ihe entit�+
<br /> ���y• : • (known as the 'Loan Servicer")that collects monthly pAyment�due under the Note and thic Security Inslrument. There alxo
<br /> . . ;•r;'_;.,�`•�;-
<br />�.'� �r may be one or more changes of the Loan Scrvicer unreluted�o a sale of the Note. If there is a chunge of the l.oan Servicer,
<br /> --- � - Borrower wdl 6e given writren naiice ui'tlrc cii+uigc in accordancc with paragraph !4 abovr and npplicnhle luw. The notice �_____ _ _
<br />'� `` �'�' will atate the nwne and addrcss of the new Loan Scrvicer ond 1he oddreas to which payments xhould bc mude. The aoticc will _
<br /> �'�.� ,'�� �� alco conlain tuiy o�her informatian required by upplicable luw. — -
<br /> ., . .4....
<br /> � �.�'��, ,:,� 20. Hazardous Substances. Borrc>wcr ahnll not cause or permit the presence,use,disposal,storoge,ur release of nny
<br /> , , . � Hazardous Substances on or in thn Pmpeny. Borrower shall not do, nur allow anyane clsc to do,anything affecting the --
<br /> . S,�.. �.�. Property that is in violation of any�nvironmental Law. The preceding two sentences shall not upply 10 the presence,use,or
<br /> � ' ' • �, storage on the Propeny uf small quantities of Ha7ardous Substances that nre genemlly recognized to be appropriate to narmal
<br />• � � �"�'' residendal uses ut►d to maiMenance oi the Praperty.
<br /> ,. .., _e _ °
<br /> : Borrower shull promptly give I.ender written ndice af nny investigaticn,clpim,demand,lawsuit or aher uctiun y aiy �-����
<br /> '''���- '"- �'� overnmentul or re ulato a enc or rivate n involvin the Pro n and an Hnxardous Substance or Environmental
<br />;�,.,. ° ,�.._...___ _.; . g g �Y S Y P I� Y $ Pe Y Y ,_ _�- ...----
<br />.�. ��.���.�:- Law of which Barrower has actual knowledge, If Borrower leams, or is notified by uny govemmentAl or reguintory �r-
<br /> 'r authoriry,that any remaval or othe�remediution oP any HAZardous Substsuice uffecting the Propeny is necessary.Borrower ��-�
<br /> , � shell promptly teke ull necessary remedial actians in accordance with�nvironmPntal l.nw. �:�;�•�_
<br />� As used in this paragraph 20,"Hazardous Substw��es"sve those substunces defined as toxic or hzuardous substances by
<br />�" ' � � ' Environmental Law and the following substnnces: gasoline,kerosene.other fls�mmable or toxic petroleum products.loxic
<br /> �, ;. � • pesticides und herbicides,volutile solvents, materinls containing usbestos or formaldehyde, und radiouc�ive materi�ls. A+ T * '
<br /> �' � used in this paragraph 20,"Environmentnl Luw"means federal laws and law�of the jurisdiction where the Property is lacated __ i
<br />;';�•' , . • that relnte to health.safety or environmental p►'otection. !
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bortower iu►d l.ender funher covcnant and agrce us fbllows:
<br />'r• '._ n Zl. Accekration; Remedies. l.ender shall give notice lo Borrower p�for to accelereUon Pollowing Borrower's
<br /> �, • � breach of Any covenont or agreement in this Securily Instrument(but not prior to occekratlon under parwgraph 17 =- _-
<br /> � • unless agplkaMe�aw provides otberwise). The ndice shall specify: la)t6e dePault:lb1 t6e s�ction requked lo cure Ihe _ _
<br /> defauit; (c1 a date.not iett�ti�rri 30 dA3s from ihe datc ihc solicc!s glvea tfl 9orrower.by whkh IMe default must be _�_s�T*�_
<br /> cured;end(dl tbat failure to cure the detault on or 6etore the date specified in the notice may resull in acceleration oP �;��,_
<br /> the sums secured by lhis 3ecurity Instrument and sale aP the P�operty. The notke shall further inform Borrower oP `,_
<br /> ' ''� • the right to relnstate et�er wcceleralion and the right to bring a court action to assert the non-exislence of a defuult or - ��.
<br /> • ° ° � any other defense of Borrower to acceleratioa and tiale. If the dePault is not cured on or bePore the date specitied in � • �° ��
<br /> the nodce.Lender at its option may�equlre immediate payment in full of rll suma secu�ed by this Security Instrument �"�'�}�"'�';
<br /> � ` � without Purther demand s�nd moy invoke the power of sa�e and any ather remedies permitted by �ppllcAble law. � _
<br /> � ` . Lender sliell be enUtled lo collect all expenses incurred in pursuing the remedies provided in this para�raph 21. �---___ _
<br /> " including,but pot limited to.reasoaable attorneys'fees and custs of tttle evidence. —_-_
<br /> IP the power of sale is invoked,71�ustee shall record a notice of default in each county in which any part oP the ���,��;-
<br /> , ' � � � PropeMy Is locwted und shall mafl rnpi�esof such notice in the munner prescribed by applicable law to Borrower and to ,. . ,..z.:�_,,..
<br /> • the other persons prescribed by applicable law AfYer the time required by upplicable Isw.7l�ustee shall give public -��'-' �•-=-'�"
<br /> ... n :°i,e✓.':`..'
<br /> " notice of sale to the persons and in the manner pre.urfbed by applicable law•. 7lrustee.wlthout demnnd on Burrower. ..=
<br /> •• � '� shall seU the Property ut public auclion tn the highest bidder ut the time and place und under the terms desiRnated in .,,.,r_
<br /> the notice of wde fn one ur more parcels and in any order'IYuwtee determines. 'IYustee may poslpone sale ot all or any .. .,,�: -
<br /> . pArcel of the Properly by public aanouncement at the time and place uf�nv previously scheduled �le. Lender or ils �;;;�,�:��.•,
<br /> � L , desigaee mny purch�.se the Property ut ony sule.
<br /> , Upon receipt of pavment ot the price bid, 'I�ustee shall deliver to Ihe purchaser 7Yuxtee's dee�J conveyinR the L
<br /> � ..�,.:..�;;:i'.�.
<br /> ' � Property. The recitals in tfie 7Yustee's deed shall be prima Pacie evidence of the truth of the slatements made therein.
<br /> � 'Ibustee shall apply Ihe prareeds oi Ihe�ulr in Ihr Polluwfng urder. lul to al!custs und expen�es ui'exerc(sing the puwer L��
<br /> - iF::2yr;= -
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