��.J�.1��.4 srn7�t. `..I:�CVu•x`'i�ri h . =�n.�T �i,�`2."�_ti:.. w.--.. ... ,Y' i _ .� R�r A v
<br /> 1 �. � '1�; .�%:• .i�{ � -: r �Xe4 ,.L�"._ .."t_+
<br /> [ .f�� -r ,7, �l P` � �- --- ---
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<br /> -/---- ...__.- _._ .. _�-_--�--------._�_-_:
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<br /> — _v�y..� � pen�Mix�hat l.ender reyuirex. Thc in�.unuxc currfcr pruvfdiuµIhr in,uruncc,hull ix cli���;n hy H�muwer,ubjctil w LrnJcr'ti
<br /> o�proval wbich Yhall nW bc unreu.wnubly wi�hhcld. li�Hurruwrr Cui I.iu maintuin cuveruFt.dc+cribu�l alx►vc,Lrudcr muy,ut
<br /> -- t.emler's option,abtuin coveruge�u pracr�Lciaier'.v rfghtti in thc('ropeny in ucrordwx•�WAh�Y,IfJ�fA(1I1�.
<br /> --- —_��� All in�urancc pulicic�and nnnewul�,,hull lx ucceptahlc tu I.cnaer unJ.liall inr�uti�„�y�undurd mongupc rluu+w, l.ci►Jcr _^ _
<br /> � ,�.—fi shall have thc�igh�to huld�hc{xdicic.unJ rcncwul�. 11 Len�lcr myuirer.,fium►Krr+b+�1�pruiuplly Fioe tu l.ru.kr ull racclptr
<br /> � of paid prcmium�und rcncwul nutirc.. In�ix:evcnt ui lo`ti.Bum►v�cr,bull�iv��prqnlpy,����icc�u Ux in.urwuc caRicr and
<br /> � ---.,� Lxntier. 4�nder muy makc pr�x►f of lo.w if nui madc�x�►mptly hy Nurrowcr.
<br /> _�� ' �-°""� Unleti�LenJe�unJ Rixrowcr whcrwiw u�errc in wri�in�:,in+u�:�n�r pr�krcd�tihu�l Iri•uPPlir�l w re+u�ru�ion ur rrpair ui
<br /> ..`�.�___.._._ ....___...
<br /> �_ � the Pa►Qeny dumuged, if Ilu: rc+wration or repair ir econumicully leutiihle �u�d,�,enA�',t�� �rcurny i� not Irti.encd. II'ihc `"
<br /> ce+t�rnuan or repai�ia not��cunumicully fcasiblc nr Lendcr:+•ccurily w�wkl Fx� Irr�cne�. Ilk in�urun�c pnKCrJ.r rhull be
<br /> ��.__ _,rz upplied�u �hc yum�r�ecumd by �hi�+ Scrurity Imtrumcn4 wflclhrr ur n�H ihen du��.,with,�ny cxre�+ puiJ Iu Burn►wcr. If
<br /> -� Borrawcr abandunK �hc Propeny.or dcx:+nu� +u�+wcr wfthin�11 Js�yti u n�dirc 1'n►nt.�.undcr�h•rt�hc in�uruncc corric�hu+
<br /> �;;'-' offerrd tu r�eitle u rlaim.�hen Lcndcr may rullcc� �hc intiurunrr pnxceJti. Lend�r mau u�:thr pnxcrd,lo rrp;�ir ur re�iarr
<br /> :`;*.4s��'�3r,!}'�•`�;,:_.. �he Properly or w pay�um��ccured by�his Seruri�y Inrtrunxm,whe�lx r or�x►t Iher��lutl, 7'he 311-ciay�ri�xl will Megin whcn
<br /> .�;�!�����. d�e nu�ire i�given.
<br /> _T.�=�� Unless Lender and Burtc�wer othcrwitic u�tr�K in writing,uny applicati«�qt'lx��;�d. �u prinripal shull nut rxtcnd ar
<br /> ���f`_
<br /> '�,;;.':=__�b :r po,�ponc:the due du�c of thc mun�hly puymcMy retcrccd�a in p•rmgrAph. I unc����r�;ha�;4�hc umumn uf�hc payrtieni�. If
<br /> � �-'�M, under parugruph 21 Ihe Prupeny is ucyuirca by I.�ncicr,Borrower�dght tu any,�ns�r��q�r �xdi�ic. and pnxecJs retiuliing
<br /> — ariRrv�.`�' from dumnge to the Property prior to Ihe+x:yuinitiun�.hull pusti to Lcndcr Io Ihe,cztcqt�►i'thc�um,+ccured by thix Security
<br /> �v'r-'� �" Y Ins�rumcnt immcdiutcly prior w�hc urqui�itiun.
<br /> a,:�,���� 6. (lccupancy. Prescrvution, Maintenance a�d Protection nf tha Propqrlv; Borrower's I.�wn Applic�lbn:
<br /> '"'��`"" �� lxaselwlds. Borruwer shall�xcupy,c�tubli,h,Lnd u�Ihe Prupeny uy Barrowcr i p�ipc;ip+►1�esidencc within+ixry duys uller
<br /> _°' _-;�=�_��.. �• �he ex«:u�iw►uf�hi,Se�:urity In.rtrument and eball continue tu ixrupy�he Pro�x�ty ns Burruwer+prinrip�d retiidence fnr at �.
<br /> � f..,;. ._— leust one yeur aftcr �hc Ju�e of cxcup•rncy, unktir. I.enJer ntherwiti uE�w�� in.,Nri�ing, which consent +hull not be �_
<br /> _,;� . .'•',�� unreationubly wi�hheld,or unle�s ex�rnuuling ci�umxtances exi.t which uru Ixy��td.��x1��WCr's can�rol. Borrower tihull not
<br /> '��":T" ` destroy.damnge ar impair�he Propeny.ullow thc Rn�nny to deteriurutc.ur wommit,W:�ti�c on thc Pn��rty. B�nrower+hs�ll --
<br /> ��' be in defuult if uny farfeitu�oction ur praceding,whc�h�r civil nr criminal,in he�un�Ihut in LenJrr+gcx�d ti�ilh judgment --
<br /> 4 •'�*`� �'� ���Y c�wld result in forfeiwR ot'�hc Propeny ur o�henvi�c mu�eriully impai� thc�lieo�:pc:ucd by �his Serurily Instrument ar
<br /> `��o '. � "' Lender's security interc+t. BoROwer may cure tiuch a defuult und mi nsuuc,a.r pmYide�.l in para@raph 18,by cuutiin�the uc�ion
<br />-��_. �:;;- .. Y. ar proceeding�o bc Jitimissed wi�h a Nline thvt,in Lrnder:g�ad f'ai�h.cletemiinuti�n.pR�lude� forfei�ure of thc Borrower.
<br />--=;,=f V"+��•="'t'"�'•�, ' interest in tlk Properly or o�her mutcriul irnpuirniem of thc licn crcnled b�• Ihiti,Scsuriry In+trumrm ur Lcnder's �rcurity _
<br /> t':��. interest. Burrower sh�ll uls�� � in Jcluult i( Bu�ruwrr, during Ihr luim uppli�uti�m pracc,+, grvc m•rtcrially fulsc or �; ,.
<br /> �::;�'j � �' " � � inaccumte information or+�ulemcnt,to LenJer lur(•riled�o provick Lender wilh ttny.mut��rivl infonnutionl in conneciion with --
<br /> :+� �� ' sr..,y�, the lo•rn evidenced by the Note, incluJin�, but nnt limited io, r�pm,entu�ian�„canccming Borrowcrs cecupuncy ot'�he
<br /> :,��, •
<br />:::;:�w,'�`'�.`i�''r,�':�_� Proprny uti u principul re,iJencc. If thiti Sccurity In�irumcnt i.un i+ Ica.chuld.Kora�NCr.huU rumply wi�h ull the pri►vizions
<br /> .;r� '���" b":". - uf the lea�e. If Borrowcr ucywrc�lec Utl.tu th�Pmpeny.ihe ieuuiii�ld unii.�hv,irc fiffu�haii�n,i u�c��e u�i1�,+Le�r agrcc. _- —
<br /> ' to Ihc mcrger in writing. =
<br /> • ^ • 7. Protectiun nf Lcnder's Rlghts in Ihe Prupertv. If B��rn�we� fuil�,tu FxrFonn ihe ravcnantx and :�greement�
<br /> -- ' can�ained in this Sccurity Inx�rument, or tlien i,u lrgal pr�xeedin�s that muy .ignificanUy at'fect Lender's righa in the �`
<br />:.,;,� ;�;.,�?,' ..'.�•� Propeny tsuch u�a prcx:eeding i�hunkrupry.prohrte. 1'or cundc�nnation or ti►rlcilurL or lo cnlimr laws or regulationti),ihen ��':'-
<br /> •� • � l.ender may do anJ pay fur whatevrr i� ncc.+sary io �xut�rt thc�alu�:.af�hc F'ru�x�rty and Lrndcr;righa in the Pro�xny.
<br /> � �r•� Lenderti ucti��ns may include puying:my wm+ srcurc�l by:�lirii��hirh huti prinrity uvrr�hi.Srcurity Imlrument,uppearing
<br />-• a ��ss ti;.., in coun, r�in�rcawnuMc u�lurnr ,'feu,und crnerin�on �hc tfi� rt. �o mukc rc air+.Aqhou�h Lcmler mu takc uclion
<br /> °,` �' P") b Y b !� P b >
<br />-. � b �. under Ihis pumgraph 7.LcnJcr Jik.nw huv�to du+o.
<br /> _- Any amounh di,bur.cd by LcnJcr un�kr thi�paragn�ph 7 ,hall Ix•comc adJiti�mul dcht of Bum�wrr,rcurcJ by Ihi+
<br /> ~: ' �.,� Sccuriiy(n,wnknt. lh�lc.,fiurc��wrr anJ l.cn�kr a�rce in ulher I�rn�,uf paym�nl.thr.r imwunl�+hall tx�ur intrrr,t from ihc ---
<br />:_ •'t'• � ..�,S�yp, date ol'Ji,bunemenl�t thr Notc rulr and xhull f�r payahle.with intcR,l. u�xm noticc fmm Lcncler�o liurnower rcyuc�ling
<br />- `r" paymem. �
<br /> �� ..°-°... 8. MorlRa�e Insurunce. If Lenikr re��uired nwn�age i�iwrnncc a+:�c�,ndiiinn�d'making thc loan.rcured My ihi.
<br /> • .:�'�' Security Im�n�mcnt. Norrowrr .h•rll pay ih�prcroiuni+reyuired i�. muintuin thr nwn�:igc inwran�c in �Ifrrt. If. li�r any —
<br /> - w�.. " ° reawn. thc mungu�!c imuruni:c l'OVl'fit�!N nquircd hy Lrndcr lu�.c+ ur cca.c. iu 1� in �II'erl. Borrower �hall piiy ihr --
<br /> '�,;'�, • pmmiumx reyuirrJ to ubl:►in crnrr:�g� ,uh�uu�liully �yui�.ilcnt U� thc mungner +n,ur:mcc prcviuurly in �t'irrt. :u a r�»t --
<br /> � :;ti";• „ • ,ub�tamiully cyuivulcnt �o thr c��,�w H�xruucr��I ihc murt�.igr in,unm.•e pRViuu.ly in ct'tcci. frum an uhrrnute mangu�.� _- '
<br /> - " q .:`++� in+urer appnwed I��•I.ender. 11'wh�tantially�yuival�nt ntu�iga�:r inwnmcc ru�•rr:i�r i.nnt u�uilahlc.Borru�ver shull ruy tu _-
<br /> , . Lcndrr each monU�;i�um r��uul t��une-nvelflh ol�ihc �carly murl�ugc in.ur.mcr prcmium bcin� puiJ Ny tiorccxvrr whrn Ihr �
<br /> , ° insuruncc cuverugc 1:1�1Kd of CCtl�CC�lu hC 11)�IICCL l.�ItdCl'��III:ICC�rI.11�C alltl fCl:llll(�1C+C��u)I11CIth��:��uti�R�CI'�'C IIl�ICU —
<br />'-,;; :' ol'munguge in,uriincc. l.u..rc.ervc pa�•m.iu.ntay na lung�r Ik rcquircd.at thc upliun ul l.�nJrr. il morl�o�r intiuranre —
<br />:-4j:., ,, . ., covcruge(in thc smwunt:uid ti�r thc�xri.�l that Lrndrr nyuirc,�pravidr.l b�� sin�nwrcr approvrd bv l.ender azain lxrnm�� •
<br /> , . .. ._ uvailuhl�unJ i+uMuincd.Rorm�rrr,Irdl pn��hr pnm�um,rcyuirc�l u�muinUiin mon�:i�!r in.►u•anrc in cticct.��r t��pruvi�k u
<br /> � � lo+�rc�cr�•r.unlil Ihc rcyuirrment tiir mc�n�a�r in�w:�ncc cnJ,in u�rnrJuncr a i�h�m� �►rinrn a�rc�n►cnl ixtwcen Burrnwcr
<br /> ,. � and LrnJrr or:�pplic:�hlr lanv. �
<br /> ' 9. Inspeclion. Lrndcr ur it. :��rin m.�) nial� rca,unahl�enuir,upun anil m,��rruun.��I thc I'ro�xrly. Lrndcr•hall
<br /> givc Borri�wrr nulirr;u tlir timc��f ur prior tu�m impr�•tiun,�xril)i n�rra,unahlr rau,.I��r Ihc in��x�ru�m. �
<br /> . 10. ('nndcmnnli��n. 7'li�pmccrd.ul':im a��;n�l u� rl:iim lur dam���r�.�lirrit��r�on.ryurn�ial. in.�mnrrtiim with any
<br /> .�j. . ' tim�;l.•I�.nml� Pannlr�fuc�trnldir�luc�\IFI►R\II\�INI�It.\"I' 1nd.nm(,��cn.un. 4�N1 �p,itr?,��,�p��¢r.� � �.
<br /> .. ���.•.�i I.J�.W�•m:�.,h►m..Im � �
<br /> .. - , , M�ed�r�.i!I Iw��:uun.ri.� F1tu1���TqIL�i �
<br /> • �
<br /> . ,-,,....-�-�--. .__�.- . . ' . ._ ,. , �..-.�.?f r. .--.- ,s ,.. .i..�.i.,.. .. ,. � .:�...
<br /> �
<br /> ' 1 .
<br /> .,•�� �.1 . . _. . -,-
<br />