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<br /> -�•,.,.=a-�_�'..���;�. TOOETtIF.R WITH all thc imp�avetnents now or heceafter erecwd on�he prapeny.und ull es��en�ent�,uppurtem+ncex.
<br /> �nd lixturc�now or Ikreafler a part of tho property. All rcplacements a�W aeiditions s1w11 al�o be �vvered by thiw SecurilY --
<br /> _ —___= In:trument. All of�he fa+egoing is nierrrd tn in�his 3ecurity Instrument us�he"Pr�pertY•"
<br /> ��-�.�.^ , } BORROW�R COVENAMS Ihut Borrowcr is lawfully:xised uf i!k�Statc herchy canveyed and hax�he right to grLnt _
<br /> _�. • , uul convey thr Pro�Y wid that the PropeAy is unrncumbenYl,except fo�encumbrances of reeurd. ��wer wuironts and � _
<br /> �� witi defend generplly�he tlik ta Ihe Property agafnst all cloims w�d denwnds,subjcct to any enc:umbrance�c of recurd.
<br /> �,�� � THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combfncs uniiam cavcnanis fcx national use und non-unifortn covcnants with
<br /> -w �bnited variAtions by jurisdiction to�ronsti�ute u umfortn secunry insuument cuvrring real prope:Ay. --�
<br /> _ :� Y,�,{ UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bomowe�'und l.ender cove�ant nnd agree as fdlowa:
<br /> , I. Prymeal ot Princlpal wnd Interest:P�'sPaymeat aad LAte(:harge�. Aorrowcr shall promptl)paY whcn duc�hc
<br /> i of and imerest on�he debt evidcnced by thc Nwe and any prepaymem and�ate charges duc undcr the Notc.
<br /> ���° � �� Myud��or'foxes�nd lasuranca Subject to applicable law or to a written wuiver by Lender.Borrower shall pay to
<br /> --�,'-`;�,���,y,,.�� Lender on�tee day monthly paymenls are due under the Note,until the Nae is paid in[ull,p sum 1"Funds"1 for.(ul ycar�y
<br /> �:.a_-:;.:, - taacs and assessments which mny ane�n priority over this Se.curi�y Instrument as n lien on the Property:(b)ycorly leaschold
<br /> '"•`•:•="` -„a-. .. ymema ur ground r�ents on the Property. if siny: (�) yesuly hucard or propertY insurance premiums; Idl yeurly flaod
<br /> °-:�;� ..a, . •:
<br /> � '���-w,, x�• n.gurynce premiums, if ony; (e� yeuty mortgoge insurance premium�, if any; �nJ(f1 un,y xums payable by Barrower w
<br /> =�y�.�.� Lender.in acrnrdance wilh the provisions af parngraph 8,in lieu of Ihe payment of moAgage insurence prcm�ums. Thesc
<br /> �g-��-�=.-.�-�= , T;� items sve called"Fscrow Items' Lender may.at uny ume.colle�:l and hold Funds in on umount not to eaceed the maximum
<br /> ,. _ w.:,-,;.:_ .-�.' amount a lender for a federally related mortgage loan may reyuire for Bom�wer's escrow aocou�nt under the federal Rcul _
<br /> •. ,.�•.:..,,,r ., sey.("(tFSPA'7.unless another
<br /> - • " "-� ':;, ,;;.K-- - Estwe SetUcment Proccdurcs Act af 1974 as amended from timc to time. 12 U.S.C.�2[�01 cr
<br /> ��_''�'���.,-'�'°�-=_•„ law tlwt applies to the Funds sets n lesser amount. If�.Lender may,at Any time.collect and taatd Wnds in an amount oot to
<br /> ` - '°' "" � '. e x c e e d t h e lesser amount. Lender mu y e�timate the amount of Ponds due on the 6asis of curtent data and re�sonab�e
<br /> - � estimates of'eapendiwres of future Facrow Items o�othenvise in accordunce wi�h applicabte law.
<br /> ° ;:;y;..~,... 'I1ie Funds shall be held in an institution whose depacils nre insured by a federol a,gc�ncy. insttumentuliry. or entity �_
<br />.�_�; °^� ' ,, � (inc�uding Lrnder,if Lender is such an in��iwtion)or in any Fedenl Home Loan Bunk. Lender�ha��aPP�Y�he Funds!o pay _
<br /> :i?�'�����:-; d�e fucrow Items. l.ender may not churge Borrower for holding and applying the Funds,anau.�ll)'analyxing the escrow ___
<br /> _-�..:;;��.Q. ..... accounR ar �•erii'yit� the Escrow Items, unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Furrls and appiicable law permits �,_
<br /> .'� _�;;,,k,A„�;.�:.. Lender to mai;e such a charge. However.Lender muy require Borrower to pay a one•time char�e far an independent real
<br /> -,�� , estate tax mpariing service used by l.ender in cannection with this loan.unless upplicnble law qvvides athetwise. Unless an =_
<br /> .:'_�� �� ;,�.:"'-a'�. � agreement is made or applicable Iaw requires inte�st to be paid,Lender shull not be reyuired to pay 8arrower any interest or —
<br /> — ,�,"� eamiogs an the Rinds. Borrower And Lender may agr+ee in wnting,however,that interest shall bc paid on the Funds. Lcnder
<br />_Y--�•���'�• shall give to Bwrower,wilhout churge,an annual accounting of the Funds.s6owing credils nnd debits to the Funds and�he _ _
<br /> _�: . .:�;` . ` � purpose for which each debit�o[he Funds was mude. The FLnds are pledged as additional securitY for sdl sums secured by o._
<br /> ��.�na'��sc�.?`p ! this Securiry Instrument.
<br /> �y�� . . ��s;;���' ' -' If d►e FLnds held by Lender exceed the amounts petmined �o be heid by uE►�,li�abl� faw.L:�:r�:ha!! :sccount tQ =_
<br /> ;::.••:,. �,�:.,. i
<br />_•• • t'��������{��� gormwer ior�he exces� Funds in nccordance with the reqwrcments of upplicnble law. lf the amount of the Funds held by
<br /> �� ' ���`�'1������t�� Lender at any time is not sufPci��t to pay the Escrow Items when due, Lender m�y w notify Bortower in writing,and,in
<br /> ' :� '4' �s,i�l�}ijR
<br /> "r�`'�it,�4�!:;�ay,�f. • s uch cuse Bortawer sh�ll p:i y to Lender thr umount necessury to msdce up Ihe deficiency. Bo�nuwer shnll make up �he _
<br /> `�', ;,,�F`:�;?iZfiR?�;j S�{���J ' deficiency in no mom than twel��momhly pa)'mems,at Lender+sole discmtia►. .���
<br /> _ �`'.'�l�''��.•S?��:ti.{��-.� . Upon payment in full of a!1�ums s�cured by this Securiiy Instrument.Lender�hatl promptly refund to Borrower any
<br />- � �•, �.�..,.,;�
<br /> ��:` ' � E'y44:r;i,.�• Funds held by Lender. If,under parn�mph 21.LenJer,hull acyuire or sell the Property.Lender. pnor to the acyuisition or _
<br /> ' °�LS,�!�t sale of the Property.shall upply an�• FLnds held by Lender at the timc of ucquisition or sale as a crcdit ugAinst the wms
<br />�'�i;= " secured by this Security Instrument.
<br /> - �'' `` _ 3. Applicalion of Payments. Unless applicuble law provides otherwise. nll puyments rcceived by Lendcr under �;__
<br />�`'.' „ parugraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:�rs�,to uny prepayment chsuges due under the Note:second,to amoun�s payuble under
<br /> `�`'�" • " paragraph 2;�hird,to interest due:fourth,t�principal due:and lust,to uny lute charpes due under tbe Note. _
<br /> - ,,;,;,,,,,, ,,, . S. Charges; Liea�. Borrower shull pay all taxes, as�essments. chatges, finex:uid impositions attribuwble to the _
<br />_ • . ptuiperty which may uttuin priority over this Security Instrument,suid leasehold paymcnts or ground rcnts,if uny. Borrower �,
<br />~ shall puy these obligations in the mnnner provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in U�a�manner,Borrower shall pay Ihem on
<br />=�, " time direc0y to ttie person owed payment. Borrower shall prompUy fumiyh to Lcndcr all noti«s ot'arnounts to bc prid undcr �_
<br />_a:}: ? � this parngraph. 1f Borrower mukes these pa�menu direrAy,Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lender receip�s evidencing �_
<br /> , '' the PaYments. =�-
<br /> ; , t , _--
<br /> r;,�.;;�r•s Bo�rower shall prompUy discharge uny lien which has priority uver this Security Insaument unless ortower:(•r)agrecs
<br /> - ��;�';•';?�"�• in wripng to Ihe payme�t of the ubligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptublc to Lender,(b)contesls in good faith the �^�
<br /> � `:�5�'+�'" �ien by,ar defends uguinst•Gn(orcement of the lien in,legal proc�w�ding. w�hich in the Lender's opinion opemte to prevent the _-
<br /> • • enforcement of the lieo:or(c)secures from thc holder of the lien an agreement s:►ti�fuctory to Lender sulwrdinating the lien �,�
<br />_s?'_ •. � 'to tAis Securiry Inswmem. If Lender determines that nny part of thr f'ropeny i+subject to a lien which m•ry•rttain priority � '
<br /> :.,.� • over this Security Inswment.Lender muy give Bortowcr a noticc identifying Ihe lirn. Borrower xhull satisfy the lien or talce
<br /> -�- � "�';'.:!;;� -� a�ne ar more of the s►ctions sc:t forth above within 10 days of the giving of notice. �.i
<br /> ' '� :��` q. Hazard or Praperty insurance. Borrowcr shall keep thr impnwemrnt+now exi+ting or here•rfter crected on thc =_�
<br /> IF"
<br /> o ° „ • " property insured against loss by fire.hvards induded within the tern�"�Mlcrnk:J�uv�ragc"and any other hat;uils,includiug -
<br /> ,� �� floods or flooding.for which Lender requiers insurance. 71�is insurance shull he m:tintuineJ in�hr amounts and for the ��
<br /> ..,, I For�n�Y28 919Y 1/w�;�2�)4�uKes! �u°
<br /> ,�,
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