Laserfiche WebLink
,,,:; <br />� <br />f ,, <br />;, <br />, <br />� <br />�o�iooisi <br />(7) To enter my safe deposit boxes and ta apen new safe deposit boxes on my accnunt, and <br />to add to or remove any af the co�itents of ariy such safe deposit box and to close out any <br />such safe deposit box. <br />(8) To vote, in person or by praxy, and exe;rcise a11 other rights and powers as owner of all <br />securities, including government securities, that I now own or may hereafter acquire, in <br />my narx�.e and for my benefit, upoti such terms and conciitions as my Agent inay deem <br />proper. <br />(9) To apply for a certificate of title upon, and endorse and transfer title thereto, for any <br />motar vehicle ar mobile hoine of any kind, and to represent in such transfier, or assign- <br />ment, that the titl� to said motor vehicle is free and clear of a.11 liens and encumbrances, <br />except those s�t farth in such transfer or assignment. <br />(10) To conduct or participate in any lawful business of whatever nature far me and in my <br />name in which I may be engaged, whether as proprietor, partner, shaxeholder, or <br />otherwise; to execute part�aership a$reements thereto; incarporate, reoxganize, merge, <br />consolidate, arecapitalize, sell, liquidate, or dissolve any such business. <br />(11) To collect all rentals from and pay all expenses incident to any and all real estate in <br />which I am the owner of an interest. <br />(12) To lease, purchase, exchange, or acquire any real or personal property whatsoever, on <br />such tenns and conditions as my Agent shall deem proper. <br />(13) To maintain, repaix, innprove, manage, insure, rent, lease, sell, canvey, subject to liens, <br />mortgage, subject ta deeds of trust, and hypothecate all or any part of any real or personal <br />property that I now own or may hereafter acquire, as my Agent shall deem proper. <br />(1�) To rnake, execute, and deliver such contracts, options, conveyances, deeds, trust deeds, <br />security agreernents, bills of sale, leas�s, and martgages, and any and all other <br />instruments in writing of whatever kind azid natur� as may be necessary or proper in the <br />exercise of the rights and powers herein granted. <br />(1 S) To prepa�re, execute and file all federal, state, and/or local income, gift and ather tax <br />returns of all kiztds, including, but not limited to agreements under § 2032A of the Code, <br />consents to split gifts, az�d Internal Revenue Service pawer of attorney forms with <br />respect to any tax year between the yeaxs 1990 and 2Q30; to pay taxes that aze due and to <br />collect and distribute refunds as my Agent shall deem appropriate; to contest de�tciencies <br />determined by the Service or any other state or local taxing authority; to allocate any <br />generation-skipping tax exemptian to which I am otherwise entitled; and generally to <br />represent m� ar obtain prafessional representation for me in all tax matters and pro- <br />-2- <br />