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2o��ao�si <br />., <br />;,, <br />� ceedings af all kinds and for all periods between the years 1990 and 2o30 as my Agent <br />shall deem advisable. <br />(16) To make financial arrangements for rny entrance to and care at any hospital, nursing <br />hanne, health center, convalescent hame, retirement home, hospiee ar similar i�stitution <br />and to pay all bills or rnake other financial arrang�ments far the payment of such bills as <br />my Agent shall deem advisable. <br />(17) To execute any and all docurnents required to sell, convey, encumber or otherwise <br />trans£er my hacnestead, as the same is defined in �h. B�st. �t. § 40-101; to select a <br />homestead as provided far in 1�.. B�c. .Stat. § 40-102; and to take any ather action or <br />execute any other documents appropriate or necessary regarding my homestead, as the <br />same is defined in Chapter 40 af the Nebz'aska stahrtes. Such transfer can be to my <br />Agent. <br />(18) To execute ata� and all documents required tv gift, without consideration, my interest in a <br />persanal residence or hamestead as the sam� is defined in L�Ieh.. �eu. Stat. § 40-101 to <br />my spouse such that the personal residence becomes the sole praperty of my spouse. C <br />intend for this to be effective evei� if my s�ause is serving as my Agent and is therefoxe <br />making a�ift to hirnself ar herself of my interest in srach personal residence. <br />(14) Ta make gifts, grants or other transfers without consideration, either outright or in trust. <br />The recipients of any such gifts shall be lixnited to my spouse, my children and the issue <br />of my children. If a gift is rnade to a descendant of mine by my Agent, then my Agent <br />shall make a gift af substantially equal value ta all of the descendants of mine in the <br />same generation. My Agent shall not rnake any gifts that a�re n�t exclud�d from gift tax <br />by my federal gift tax annual exclusion (unless my spous� has agreed ta cansent to "gift- <br />splitting" under Section 2S 13 of the Internal Revenue Code in which case sueh gifts sha11 <br />not exceed the arnount that may be ��tcluded from the federal gift tax by tl�� federal g'�ft <br />tax exclusians available to my spause and me). '7'his annual right shall be nan- <br />cumulative and shall lapse at the end of each calenda.r year. Sueh powex to gift shall <br />cantinue to apply even thaugh one or more af my children may become my Agent <br />pursuant to this Fawer of Attorney. <br />(20) To consent to the splitting of gifts under Section 2S 13 of the Internal Revenue Code and <br />az�y successor sections thereta and/or similar provisions af any state or local giGft tax <br />laws. <br />ARTICLE II <br />ADMINISTRATNE PR4VISIONS <br />(1) My agent is furthex autharized ta take any other action necessary to do what I authorize <br />in this instrumet�t, including (but not limited ta) granting any waiver or r�lease frorn <br />-3- <br />
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