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.� ,_:�'"'�, <br />�o�ioo�sl <br />FINANCIAL <br />DURABLE POWER QF ATTORNEY <br />OF <br />JEANNICE R. PLATE <br />I, Jeannice R. Plate, do hereby make, constitut� and appoint Rudolf F. Plate as my true and. <br />lawfuI agent to exercise tk�e pawers as set forth below. <br />SUCCESSOR AGENT <br />If any Agent named by �ne shall die, becorne legally disabled, resign, be wnavailable, or (if any <br />A�ent is my spouse) legally separated or divorced from me, then I appoint Nancy Faulhaber and Timothy C. <br />Plate to serve as my Agents (both of whom are collectively referred to herein as my "Ager�t") to exercis� either <br />(1) alone or without the ap�roval or consent of any other Agent named herein; ar (2) jointly with any other <br />Agent named herein, the �owers set forth below. <br />ARTICLE I <br />FTNANCIAL POWERS <br />I hereby authorize my Agent ta exercise or perform any act, power, duty, right or obligation <br />whatsoever that I now have or may hereafter acquire, relating to amy person, r�aatter, hansaction or proper�y, real <br />or personal, tangible oar intangible, now owned or hereafter acquired by me, including without limitation, the <br />following enumerated pawers: <br />(1) To rnaz�ag� all nf my tinancial affairs; with power to incur such ob�igations on my behalf <br />as shall b� apprapriately incident to the maintenar�:ce af my praperty, to the maintenance <br />of rnyself and as otherwise may be necessary for my best interests. <br />(Z) To borrow maney far my account on whatever terms and conditions may be deemed <br />advisable, including the right to borrow money an any insurance policies issued on my <br />life for any purpose and ta pledge, assign and deliver the palicy or policies as securiiy. <br />(3) To receive and give receipt for all obligations and indebtedness due me, whether now or <br />h�rea$er accruing and to give releases upan the payment of such. <br />(4) Ta receiv�, endorse and deposit all checks, or similar instniments for the immediate <br />payrnent af mon�y ta �ne, including but not limited to Social Security chec�CS, Medicare <br />checks, Medicaid checks, Department of Agriculture checks, and other checks of the <br />United States Treasury. <br />(5) T� maintain a bank account or accounts and to draw checks agaainst the same for the <br />payment of any indebtedness or obligatiata which I may owe to athers. <br />(6) Ta be added as signator upon whatsoever checking accatxnts I may now maintain, to <br />check against and expend funds therefrorn in furtherance vf the powers otherwise herein <br />granted. <br />