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�o��ools� <br />EXkI��TT A <br />:l'arcell; Z.,s41ce Lot 6, Sa�idy 13encli Subdivision, Hxll County, Nebraslcx <br />�'a�•ce12: A trs�ct oi' l�nd cornprisi�xg n part of tlic North Ilalf of the Nartlrwest Quarter (N1/2 NW l/4) pf <br />Section Twenty Six (2G), "I'or�vnsl�ip Lleven (11) North, Raz��e Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., in �I�II <br />C011ll��' Nebrnslca, n�ore p�u•ticrilarly described ns follo�vs: <br />Beginning at a point on �}�e Norlh Line of said Secfian I'wenly Six (26}, said Paint Being Six H�rridrecl <br />Sixty (GG0.0) t"eet E��st of tfxe Nnrtl�west curt�er uf snid Sectio�t Twenty Six (2b); thence E�►stcrly alon� tl�e <br />North line of sxicC Sectioai 7'vvei�ty Six (2G), �� distayaee of One "Ctaoiisand Tliree IT�Rnclreci Tweiily Qne alid <br />Onc Hundrec�tlrs (1,321.01} feet, to tlie Narthwest corner of the Northeast Qtrartex af the Northe�st <br />Quarter af the Nortlt�vest Q�rarter (NE:I/� N�X/4 N'Wx/4); tlience Southerly alpng the West 1i�ie af saicl <br />Nortlieast Qrlarter of the Northeast (lunrter of the Northwest Qi�lrter (N�1/4 NL1/4 NWl/4), a clist�nce <br />of Six Hundred I'ifty �i�ht and Six Tentlis {658.6) feei, to the So«tliwest �ornex of said Northeast <br />Quarter of tlie Nortlieast (��tarter of tlze Northwest Qunrter {NE1/4 NE1/4 NWl/4); the�xce Lasterly <br />�long thc South Line of sf�icl Northeast Q�rarter nf' tlie �lartheast Qrrarter af the Northwest Qriarter <br />(NEI./4 Nl,l/4 NWl/4}, � dista�ice of Sis �It�ndrecl Sixty and Ni�ne Tenths (66Q.9) fcct, ta the �ast line of <br />s�►id Nortl�west Qu�rter (NWl/4); tlicnce Southerly alpng the East Line of s��id 1Vortltwest Quarter <br />(NW1/4), a distance of Six I[unclred T+'ifty-Eiglit and Five Hundredths (GSS.pS} Peet, to the South Lir�e of <br />s<<id Nortlr I3alf of tlic Nortliwest Quaarter (N1/Z NWI/4); thence �Vesterly along the South Lix�e of s�id <br />Noxth l�alf of ttie Northwest Qu�rter (N1/2 N'Wt/4), a distance af Urte Ttiousand Nine Hiinclred �iglity <br />I+ive and Eight Tenths (1,9$S.8) Feet; thence Northerly parallel to anc3 Six �Iundred Sixty (660.U) reet <br />Exst of the West Li�ie of said Section 'I'wenty Six (2G), � distarice of One Tliprrsand Three Hund�•ed <br />Twe�tty and i�ive Huiidredttis (1,32Q.OS} Feet to tlie �lace of beginning <br />