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<br /> Ta �.r�tect thR �ocurity of Ehi�s D�od o! Truy�, Trustor h�raby
<br /> cavsnant� an3 aqr�s� as tollows:
<br /> 1. �,$slt. S?$.,.ynd� - netl�t. Ta pey W�]Qi1 t�ua� th� px1L"t���l
<br /> o=, ard tRa in��x�rat on, the fndab�tac�naas �evid�»eacA by tha nats,
<br /> criarqss, t�e� �nd all othor cu�v� is providsd in th� loa�n
<br /> instru�ent�. -
<br /> Z. gjy1�. Truator is tha awnor oP t.h� prope�ty and ha� the
<br /> right and authcri.ty to aYacute thfs Daed og Trumt in rts�ct tn th•
<br /> property.
<br /> 3� T,�xg,n and �sses�mont. To pay� when due, all taxea,
<br /> specia►1 ea$eanneenta a►nd all other chargas agaiaat the proparty,
<br /> hefora th� r�am� beca�ao dolinquant, and, in tha avant Bortolicisr�
<br /> shall s4 requira, ta add to the paym�nt� rec;ufrad undar thae note
<br /> secured hareby, such amount as tamy be auff icient to enabla
<br /> Benefici� to pay such �axas, assssst�snts or other charqes as thQy
<br /> becon.a due.
<br /> 4� ���Lrance. To kaep the �provmsants now or haraatter
<br /> lc�cated on the real Qstatp d�cribQd hwr�in insur�d agafnst daxage
<br /> by Pi�6 and such pther hazards ac BerxQfic�ary say raquir�, in
<br /> amount�s and coapanies accap�lo to B�reeticiary� and with loag
<br /> payabla to Heneticiary. 2n caea o! loss under such pcliciss,
<br /> Benef�ciasy is authorized to adjust, ao2Zect and coapro�ais�, in l�er
<br /> d3scre�ti�n, all claiss th�rsundrx azaa,, at har aole optfon, is
<br /> authori�� to either apgly tha procesc'� t�a the rcatorat£on o! the
<br /> pro�gs cr upa� th� indebtedness s��d haraby, lxrt g>aysents
<br /> s^ecyuirad by tY:� r�otie shall continue until the ��s secured h�r�y
<br /> are paid in full.
<br /> 5. $�nair,, fnt�nance and vsa. T� gc�aaptly repa$r�, r�atore
<br /> ar rebu�Ta'! any bufidings or ispraveaenCse i�r or hereaifter on the
<br /> g�copertyf to kaap the property in good conditian and r�pa�r,
<br /> w�th4ttt waste and tree lra� aachar►ics or other lieas not expresslgF
<br /> s�bardf.siate@ to tha lisn h�r�eo�; �o nat xaKe, surrer or peraic-�ury
<br /> nui�anc� to exist nor to diainish or i.agair tha valua o! th�
<br /> prapa�� by any aat or oaf�sion ot' aat; and to coaply with all
<br /> require�aents o! la�r without respeGt to the property.
<br /> 6. �p=td�" a ;^„. In the ewnt tha propQrty, or arty part
<br /> th�raot� �all be taken D�y eainent dosa�n, B�nsf iCiary f s 4ntitled
<br /> . to coll� and rocaive a12 cw�p�nsatioa �a�iGh say be �a�wl for any .
<br /> P=oP��Y '�� or !or cla�ar��s to �r�rtK not takan, and
<br /> 8en�ticiary ahaeL� apply such coa�perseatiax�, at it� option, �ither to
<br /> a r�ductssan of th� indebt�dnsss sacureai h�rab� or to rapafr and
<br /> rastara � propsrty so taken.
<br /> 7� ��rt�-�-,..,�r�ca by Bsnaf;c_f�rv. Banaficfary alay� but �11
<br /> Ptave no obligatfon to, do any act wbich Trustar has aqr�eed bctt
<br /> failed to do, and Beneticiaty aay also do any act it de�s
<br /> neaesa�y to protact the lisn hQr�of. Trustor a�r�ss to rapay,
<br /> upoa d�and, any �uAa so expanded by Senalicfary !or th� above
<br /> .� . ptirpo�s, and any sw� so axpandad by Beneliciaxy shall be �added to
<br /> th� ind�bt�dn�ss �ecurod haraDy and becoae secur�d by the lien
<br /> h�r�ot. B�n�liciary shall not incur any p�rsonas liability bacavse
<br /> ot anything it aay do or ofi►t to do hereunder.
<br /> g. �iss;en��,�t e� R���s. Baaet:ciary shnll have the riqht,
<br /> govar and authority durinq the cantfinuancQ of thiz loQOa of i'ruai� �to
<br /> collect tba rants, iasues and profits of th� property and of any
<br /> psrsonal prope�rty locat�i th�reon with or wi.thout takinq possesaion
<br /> of tha property a!l�cted harQby, and Truator harQby absolutQly and
<br /> unconditianally assigns all such rents, isaues and prolits to
<br /> Ban�liciazv. Beneliciaryf hor�rever, hereby consents to Trustor�e
<br /> collQCtiwn anc� retontfon ot s�uch renta, fssues and profits aa thay
<br /> ar.crua and baco� payable, sa lonq as Trustor is not, at e9uch tias,
<br /> in d�fault with respact to pay�nt of any indebtedness secured
<br /> nor�by, or fn tha p�rlorsancQ o! any agrQaaont hereut9der. If any
<br /> �vant o! detauit descrf�ed R�realtar fn resp�ct to tLfs Deed of
<br /> Tl't18L BAall II3Ve OCGUrren fiiiu LItZ �:G7iIL2I111tI1C�� �siusiivaaiy� a8 a
<br />