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<br /> e��f � sAII�T `
<br /> THIS OEED OF TRU6T ir sada thia � day o! �
<br /> 1996, Gy a��3 amanq WILLIAt�! E. BREWER 1►HD L1W1► M. BRLWER, hueband _
<br /> and �ritq, h0rainettor rafarred to "7�ru�tor", w ���r�o� Sr =
<br /> mar�, who�� mailitlq adclrass is -
<br /> STEHLIK� 1lttornoy at Law, horo naftsr rol�rracl Co a� "Truste�+,"
<br /> whwa addr�ss ie 231 south Locuat �tr��t, ��a�d Iclar��, N� 6�8Q1; _ _
<br /> and WET2EL F�TERPRISES, INC. , for�er�y ETZEL DISTRIBB�s�,icfary. -
<br /> whaao a�draaa i� �
<br /> For valuable eoneidoration, Truator irrevocably grants,
<br /> tranaterc� conv�ya and as�igne to Truatae, in trust, with power ot
<br /> Qala, !or th� benalft and sacurity o! Baneticiary, unde�r and
<br /> subjac� to the t�r� and �oi'idi t�i`o�s� in HnAl Cotu�ty! Na�b�'aska► a
<br /> Lollowfng-dascribed propPx y� --
<br /> A tract og Zand comprising a p8rt of the West Half of the
<br /> Sout3i�est Quart�r (Wi/ZSWi/4) °� Nina i 9 F W�(ot� the
<br /> Tovn�hip Eloven (i1D North. Rancp ( � .
<br /> Sixth (6th� P.M., fn Iisll County, Nebraska, sore -
<br /> particularly deaaribsd aa fo2lows= Bsginning at tha
<br /> intaraaction ag tho east rig2aw��Q ���ly line
<br /> Sux'litiqtcn Northern Rsilroad Spur
<br /> o� Rain�s First hz�dition (also baing tt►a northe�ly line
<br /> ot Robart�s Streat); thenc� northarly along safd railroad
<br /> riqht-ol-way line, a dfstance o! one HurWrecl Nine (109.0) ,_
<br /> leet; thence easCerlp p�callel to the northerly linR of �
<br /> said Rain'� Fir�t l►ddition, a distanc� of Tvo Hundr�d
<br /> Thirty-eiqht and SevQn Tenths (238.7) leet; thence
<br /> southerly parallQi to safd railroad right-ot-way line, a
<br /> distance of One Hundrad Nina (109.0) last, to the
<br /> northerly lins at said Rain's First 7►dditicusc th�nce
<br /> wastexly alonq the northerly Ifne o! said Raf��"� Firat
<br />- 7�dditfon, a distance of Tvo Hundred ThirtY'B�.qht and
<br /> S�ven Tanthe (238.7) lieet to ths place a! bsginninq and
<br /> - - - . CCIIC31AiAq u.7y i a�:res, a�,ae :.:- 3"�.:• . -
<br /> toqether �itA all buildinqa, iaprovesents, lixtu�'es�• Stac'�sta�
<br /> alleys, paasaqaways, eaaea�ant�, righta, pr��rfi�qsa and
<br /> appurtenances located thereon or in any waY Pertainin4 tixereto, and
<br /> the re.-�ts, issues, profita, reversions and the reaaindsrs therenf.
<br /> incl�ding all such parsonal propQrty tbat is a�,t.a�chnd to tt►e
<br /> iaprov�aents $o as ts� aonsicitute a �i.A.�uc4, all of w�.£ch, including
<br /> replaceaent� and ad�ftions theretok. 3rs harsby d�c�ar�d to ba a
<br /> paYt oi tha rQal eatato convRyQd it� �rust hsreby. it b�inq agrsad
<br /> that all o! the loraqoir►g sb.atll be hereinatter relerr�d to �s tha
<br /> �PrOpgYty.~
<br /> (a) the payaant o! indebtedn�s evidanced by
<br /> Trustor's nota o! even date here�ith in ths princfpal sua
<br /> of One Hurfdrerl Sfxky Z�ao Thousan3 Do11ar8 (S16Z,y000.00) ,
<br /> toqother wit3� interQat at the rato or rates pr��tfded �
<br /> therein, or thQ principal and interest on any luturo
<br /> advance as evidenced by prw�issoxy notes s�tatinq they are
<br /> �cured hereby, and anY and all ran�vals, �wdilications
<br /> and extension� at such notes, both principal and: fntexest
<br /> on ttie notaa be�nq payable fn a.ccordanc� with �he ter�s
<br /> ss� �ns-rca �ei�ef�► a;.3 `..1�a a�:.,..-t:�zt�orn s�h�d�sle attach4d
<br /> theroto, wbich by this referenc� are hereby �adn a part
<br /> hereot;
<br /> (b) ttte pertorsance o! eacA agreeaent and covenant
<br /> of Trustor herain contained; and
<br /> (o) the payaent ot any su� or suaa of �oney whfch '
<br /> may be hereatter paid or advancQd by Benaficiary und�r
<br /> the teras of this Deed cf Trust, toqether with interest
<br /> th�reon at the rate provfded fn the note.
<br /> a
<br /> ,
<br /> .
<br /> � _
<br />