�- �
<br /> � � � :�;-�� -=
<br /> '"'��!.. .,..�. -- ,��,."'¢.""�..�...{.._.�_."__.:.:._t�._,.� _�_..�._,..�.._�_ - --
<br /> �._.._ � _,..._. � ----- - v
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<br /> _ _ --- _.. _ _.. — -- �..�:�..:
<br /> fi��...s-s-- - __.__._..
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<br /> �attMr ot zi.qbt and w3thout n�tico ta Truator or a�nyon� clafming -
<br /> und�,r Tru�tnr, and witihou� ragard to tha valu� a! tlya trta�t aetnL•a _
<br /> csr th= intsr�st o! �R �uricdiotion to appoi�thA rac iv�Yioh�tt�a �
<br /> apply to sny court having �
<br /> proparty. _
<br /> 9� ���fo; �;�n��, IL all Qr any �urt o! tha property =
<br /> ax any int�ra�t c�! Trustor thsr�in ia •old, tran4Psrred ar �urthor
<br /> encumb�rad without th� �+xpress or written consont oP Seneticiery,
<br /> Haneliciairy �y, at ito eole option, dac3ara all sumr eacured by
<br /> tt,.hh�s r�usdiesT available into�h�►r 1 under thea d�elaultd provi�ions
<br /> ccntainasi thar�in.
<br /> 10. �'�►�,*+t� o� "'**""��• AnY o� t2aa following events shall be
<br /> daaaad an avsnt o! delault horeunderc
<br /> Trustur ahall havs lailed to make payn►ent of
<br /> any install�ent o! interast, principal or prinaipal and
<br /> intorast or any other sums eacured hereby wh�n duo�
<br /> (b) There has xcurrad a breact: of or dsfauZt under
<br /> any tarw. cavanant, agrsea4nt, condition, provision,
<br /> rapreasntation ar warranty contained in thi� Da�d of
<br /> Trust, ths noice or any other laan instrument secured
<br /> he�ceby i
<br /> ��� The�co ha� been a delault by tLa Trustor in the
<br /> paY�snt ot ang prior or suba�quent lien or Qncuabrance in
<br /> r�apsct to aZI or suny psrt oE tt� prcpertYi
<br /> (d) Trustor shnil lile a vo�untary petition iri
<br /> bankrssPtaY or aha2�. be adjudicatod baak.rupt or ft�olvnnt,
<br /> or shall aslue an aasf9naent tor the banatit af creditora
<br /> in respect to tlto Pr°P�'tY f Qr a�n action to antorca any
<br /> . _ ..... . . .- �i�.. � ;r.�r�.. nr iudgs�ita..aaai�t the proporty i�
<br /> - ---. _........-- ---
<br /> ao�tsancer�.
<br /> 11. '^^°���'a {on tYnon Default. In tha svent of any d�tattlt,
<br /> Bare�ticiary aay declare all indebt�a3'nQS� secured hereby to be due
<br /> aaxd payable, arrd the 4aae shall ttr.eretu�n�c�ice o�anyakinde
<br /> v��thout any pr�sentusnt, dsaand, p
<br /> Th�rea�lter, HanQliciary naY:
<br /> � (a� �i� action�or n procoidinq t� ori b`y rr�iv�r .
<br /> bringing any
<br /> appointad by a court and withont rega�cd to tho adaqutacy
<br /> of any sacu.r.ity, enter upan and talcs pcsassaion o! ��
<br /> �raP�'tY. os' a�►Y P�!� th�reo!� in hex own naa� or in �
<br /> nasa ot th� TrustQe, and dca any acts wbicls � de�ats
<br /> . n4ca�ary and dosirable �o preserve �e o�al�u�
<br /> �arketability or rentability� ot tbue property,
<br /> . tb�reo� or int�rQSt tharein, incroas¢ � incaa�se beragr� ,
<br /> or protQCt tha sacurity her4o! and, withouct ta&�'sq
<br /> poasession o4 th� prapertY� +�s =or or other�iae col�e�t
<br /> � tha rant�, iasu� and prof�ta thsreol, inc2udinq tho�e
<br /> pa�t due anc3 ungaid, and apply the saa�, loss costs and
<br /> expenses o! operation and collQatioa, fncludinq attarezey
<br /> lsas�, upon au�y indab�dn�ss sQCUred h�reby, all in stLCh
<br />= crd�r as �enefia�ary aay deter�ins. The entering upon
<br /> a�d takin�g pos�QSSfon o! thQ trust estate, ths coliection
<br /> o! sucti rants, isaues and pY'ofits and applfcatfon thsrso!
<br /> as atoresafd shall nat cwce or waf,ve any delault or
<br /> notice of default hereunder or invalfdate any act and fn
<br /> responsa to auch d�fault or purauant to auch notice of
<br /> - d��au.� :.:.�, r.�tw±±�4t�di*� ths contfnuance in
<br /> possessicn of th� property or the collaction, recafpt and
<br /> application of rants, iasuas or profits, Truataa ar
<br /> Bw�►Qiiciary aay ba antitled to exQrcise evsry right
<br /> - providQd for in any of the loan instruments or by law
<br /> unon occurrsnce of any Qv�ent o! d�tault, includfng ths
<br /> right to ex�rcise thQ pawex o! sale;
<br />_q
<br />