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201100111 <br />(b) the receipt by Trustor of any notice or• other comamunication frorn any governmental entity or <br />autharity or from any tenants or other occupant or from any other person or source with respect to <br />any alleged or actual rclease, contamination ar ot�,er event involving a hazardous substance on, in, <br />under, onta, or from the Pre:mises, and � <br />(c) shall promptly send Trustee copies of all results of tests of underground storage tatilcs at the <br />Prem�ises. <br />13. A.PPOINTMENT OF SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE. Beneficiary may, from time to time, by a <br />written ins�ent executed and acknowledged by Beneficiary, mailed to Trustor and recorded in the caunry vr <br />counties in which th� Pmperty is located and by otherwise complying with the provisions af the applicable laws of <br />the state of Nebraska, substitute a successor or successors to the Trustee named herein or acting hereunder. <br />14. INSPECTIONS. Beneficiary, or its agents, representatives, or employees, are suthorized to enter <br />at any reasonable time and in accordance with the te�ns of existing leases and the Nebraska Landlord Tenant Act <br />upon or in an�y part of the Property For the purpose of inspecting the same and for the purpose af parformiug any of <br />the acts it is authori2sd to perform under the terms of the Tnist Deed, <br />15. OFTION TO FORECLOSURE. LTpon thc occurrence o£ any breach and upon the declaration of <br />default hercunder, Beneflciary sha11 have the option to foreclos� this Trust Deed in the manner provided by law for <br />the fareclosure of trust deeds on real property. <br />16. FORBEARANCE SY BEN��'ICIARY OR TRUSTEE NUT A WAIVER. An.y forbearance <br />by Bcneficiary vr Trustee in exercising any right or remedy hereunder, or otherwise affarded by applicable law; <br />shall not be a waiver of or preclude t}ie exercise of any such right or remedy. Likewise, the vvaiver by Beneficiary <br />or Trustee of any default of Trustor under this Trust Deed shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any other or similar <br />defaults subsequently occurring. <br />17. BEIV�FICIARY'S POWERS. Without affecting or reteasing the liability of the Trustor or any <br />other persan liable �vr the payment of any obligation herein mentioned, and withaut affecting the lien or charge of <br />this Trust Deed upon any poxtion nF the Property. BEneficiary rnay, from kime to time and without notice at t�ae <br />request of one or more Trustors, (i) release any person liable, (ii) extend or renew the maturity or alter any of the <br />terms of any such obligations, (iii) grant other indulgences, (iv) release or reconvey, or cause. to be released or <br />reconveyed, at any time at Beneficiaty's option any parcel or all af the Property, (v) take or rclease any other or <br />additional security for any obligation herein mentioned, (vi) mialce settlements or other arrangements with Trustor in <br />relation theretv. All TrusWrs shall be jointly and severally obligated and bound by ths actaons of the Beneficiary or <br />any one or more Trustor as stated in this paragraph. <br />19. ATTORNEY FEES, COSTS, AND EXPEN5�S. The Beneficiary of this Trust Deed is entitled <br />to the payment of attorneys' fees, costs, and expenses as provided in. this Trust Deed, except as othexwise prohibited <br />by law. <br />19. RECUNVEYANCE SY TRLTSTEE, Upon written requcst of Beneficiary and u�on payment by <br />'Y'rustor of Tnutce's fees, Trustee shall reconvey to Trustar, or tha person or persons legally entitled thereto, without <br />war,ranty, any portion of the Property then held hereunder. Recitals in such reconveyance of any matters or facts <br />shall be conclusive proof of the truthfiilness thereof. The grantee in any reconveyance may be descraibed as "the <br />person or persons legalIy entitted thereto." <br />20. NOTICES. Except far notices, demands, requests, or other communications required under <br />applicable law to be given in anotl�er manner, whenever Seneficiary, Trustor or Trustee gives or serves any r�otice <br />(including, without limitation, notiee of dsfault and notice of sale), demands, requests, or other comnczunication with <br />respect to this Trust Decd, each such notice, demand, request, or other communication shalt be in wriring and shall <br />be effective only if the sano�� is detivered by personal service or is mailed by ceRi�ed mail, postage prepaid, <br />addressed to the address as set forth at t}�e beginning of this Trust Deed. .Any party may at any time change its <br />address for such notices by delivering or mailing to the other party hereto, as aforesaid, a notice of such change. <br />Any norice hereunder shall be de�med to b�ave been given to Trustor or Beneficiary, when given in the manner <br />designated herein. <br />2i. REQUEST FOR NOTICE. Trustor and Beneficiary hereby request a copy of any notice af <br />default, and a copy of any notice of sale thereundex, be mailed to each p�son who is a party hereto at the address for <br />such person set forth in the first paragraph of this Trust Deed. <br />ZZ. GOVERNING LAW. . This Trust Deed shall be governed by the laws of thc state of Nebraska. <br />23. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. This Tntst Deed, and all terms, conditions, and obligations <br />herein, apply to and inure to the bene�it of and binds all partaes hereto, their heirs, legatees, devisees, personal <br />representatives, successors, and assigns. Th� term "Bene�ciary" shall mean the owner and holder of the Note, <br />whether or not named as Beneficiary herein. <br />24. JOINT AND SEVE�tAL LIABILITY. All cavenants and agreements of Trustor sha11 be jaint <br />and several. <br />Z5. SEVERABIL�TY. In the event of any o�xe or more of the provisions contsined in this Trust Deed <br />or tlxe Note or any other secutity instrument given i.0 connection with this transaction shall for any reason be invalid, <br />illegal, or un�nforceable in any respect, such invalid�ty, illegality, or unenforceability shall, at the option of <br />{1324410.2} <br />