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201100111 <br />(a) the presence or alleged presence of asbestos, asbestos-containing materials, PCB's, radon gas, or <br />Uk'FI on the Premises; <br />(b) any violatinn or alleged violation of any of the terms of this Trust Deed; <br />(c) any violation or alleged violation of any Environmental Law; and <br />(d) any release or contamination caused by any hazardous substance on, in, under, onto, &om or about <br />the Preznises; or <br />(e) any liability for personal injury, property damage or damage to the en�vironment due tv (a), (b), (c) <br />or (d) above ("Receiva.ble Claims"). <br />That the terms of this paragraph shall survive the payment in. full of all sums secured hereby and the terznination <br />and satisfaction af record nf this Trust Deed and/or a deed in lieu of foreclosure. <br />That Trustor ag,�eea that in thc event Trustee shatl pay any Receivable Claims, all such sums sha11 b� added to <br />the amvunt secured hereby, shall be deemed to be ob�igatarily advanced under the terms of the Loan Documents, <br />shall be secured hereby and shall be payable on demand by Tcustor, The terms af this paragraph shall survive the <br />payment in full of all other sums secured hereby and the terminadon and s�tisfaction of record of this Trust Deed. <br />That Trustor warrants and represents to Trustee Wat Trustor has investigated the prior ownership and use of the <br />Prenaises, in a manner consistent with good commercial and customary practice, to detenmine that the Premises is <br />£ree af hazardous substances. Trustor, in perfornning its investigation�, has considereci, anoang other factors: <br />(a) the relationship af the purchase price to the value of the Premises if uncontaminated when <br />acquired, <br />(b) commonly known or ascertainable infoxmativn about the Premises, and <br />(c) the obviousness of the presence, or likely presence, of contamination. <br />That Trustor warrants and represents to Trustee that: <br />(a) none of the real property owned and✓or dccupied by Trustor, includirtg the Premises, has ever been <br />usec! to treat, store, produce, handle, transfer, process, tra�sport, dispose or otherwise release <br />hazardous substances and/or any other substances regulated or cantrolled by the Environmental <br />Laws ar which would result in any liability therefor; <br />(b) there is no pollution or danger of polIution resulting from a condition which exists an the Premises <br />which requires any cotrective action under the Enviraruiaental Laws or which would result in any <br />liability therefor; <br />(c) no notification has been filed with regard to a release of hazardous substances on, into, onto or <br />from the Premises under the Environmental; <br />(d) neither Trustor nor any prior owner or occupier of the Preznises have receivecl a summons, . <br />citation, Notice of Violation, Administratave Order, directive, letter or other eo:namunication, <br />written or ora1, from any govexnmental or quasi-govern�nental authority concerning any releases <br />of or contaminations caused by hazardous substauces or violation or alleged violation of any <br />�nvironmental Laws; <br />(e) there are no underground storage tanks, visible asbestas, asbestos-oon,ta.ining materials, PCB's or <br />UFFI located on, in, under or about the Premises; <br />(fl there have been no releases at, upon, under or within, and mo past or ongoing migration frozn <br />neighboring lands to the Premises of any hazardous substances; <br />(g) there is no radon gas infiltrating the Buildings in excess of current state and fed�ral guidelines; aud <br />(h). all wacrantics and representations given by Trustor, or any other party, are true, camplete and <br />conrect as of the date hereof. <br />That Trustor agrees thar any matcrials or other items faund in, on, under or araund the Fcemises whic� qualify <br />as hazardous substances, or any atherwise deemed unacceptable by the Trustee, in its sole discretion shall be <br />immediately remnved from the Premises, at Trusto�'s sale cost and expense, in complianca with s�ll applicable <br />Ennvironmental Law. <br />That Trustor s�all, in addition to thosa notifications required elsewhere in ttus Trust Deed, notify 'T'rustee of <br />(a) the presence of any visible asbestos or asbestos-containing materials, PCB's (except as shown on <br />the Environmental Certificate), radon gas beyond acooptable limits, or urea formaldehyde foam <br />insulation at, in, on, under, onta ar fi the Premises, and <br />{i�2aaio.2} <br />