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� • ' ^ 201100111 <br />Beneficiary, not affect any other provision of this Trust Deed, but this Trust Deed shall be construed as if such <br />invalid, illegal, or unenforceable provision had never been contained herein or therein. If the lien of the Trust Deed <br />is invalid or unenfarceable as to any part of the debt, or if the lien is invalid or unenforccable as to any part of the <br />Praperty, the unsecured or partially secured portion of the debt shall be completely paid prior ta the payrnent of the <br />remaining and secured or partially secured portion vf the debt, and all payments made on the debt, whether <br />volunt�ry or involuntary, shall bc considered to have been first paid on and applied to the full payxnent af that <br />poz�tion of the debt which is not secured or not fully secured by ihc lien of thia Trust Deed. <br />26. TRUSTEE LIABILITY. So long as the Trustee shall aat in good faith and in reliance upon. <br />notices and other inforniation wluch it, in its sole discretion raay deem to be reliable, and so long as Trustee shall <br />exercise reasonable prudence and care in its administrativn hereunder, Trustee shall not be liable for any loss or <br />damage sustained or incurred by the Treastors or any Beneficiary or by auy other persons whomsoever, it being <br />expressl y stipulated that the Trustee shall be liable only for its own gmss negligence and wi.tlful default in the <br />premises. <br />Z7. N[7MBER AND GENDER. Whenever used herein, the singular number shall inctude the plural, <br />and the use of any gender shatl be applicable to all genders. <br />?.8. ACCEPTANCE BY TRUSTEE. Trustee accepts tivis Trust when this Trust Deed, duly executed <br />and aclaiowledged, is made � public record as provided by (aw. <br />29. STANDSTILL REST�tICTIONS. So Iong as N�braska Fund XV, �,.P. (or an Af�iliate thereof� is <br />the investor member of Bonrower, Payee will not commence (i) fareclosuz�e proceedings with respect to the Property <br />under the Loan Documents or exercise any other rights or remedies it may have under the I.oan Documents, <br />including, bnt not limited to, accelexating the I.oan, collecting rents, appoint (or seeking the appointment ofl a <br />receiver or exercising any other rights or remedies thereunder; or (ii) join with aaay other creditor in coxnmencing <br />any bankruptcy reorganization, arrangemcnt, insolvency or liquidation proceedings with respect to the Borrower (the <br />"Standstill Restrictions"). The Standstill Restrictions shall only be app[icable during the "Taac Credit Compliance <br />Period", as that term is de�ned in Section 42 of the Internal Revenue Code. <br />IN WITNESS WSEREOF, Trustor has executed thia Trust Deed as of the date and year first above <br />written. <br />MOSAIC RESIDENTIpL SERVTC�S OF <br />NEBRASKA, LLC, a Nebraska limited liability <br />company <br />By <br />Na� <br />�r�� <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br />) ss. <br />COUNTY QF ) <br />On December g, 2010, before me, the undersi�ned notary public dul iss oned and quali�ed in and <br />for saaid county and state, personally appeared ,����'ti'�v"�'�r Mosaic Housing Corp. <br />V, Inc., Managing Member of Trustor, personally known to e ta be the identieal person who signed the above and <br />faregoing Trust Deed, and he aclmowledged the execution of the same to be his voluntary act and deed on behalf of <br />the Trustor. <br />WITNESS my hand and aotarial seat the day and year last above written. <br />� GENERAI. NDtARY-State ot Nebraaka <br />NANCY HAW8UA70N <br />My Comm. Exp. May 12, 2a13 <br />,�l ; 1.,�l,� <br />{1324410.2} <br />By: Mosaic Aousing Corp. V, Inc., a Nebraska <br />corporation, Managin�g Member <br />