�j!�rn�;��n_. � `h;�:�,�t t ��):„`• :��`¢�;r� ,� -� .;r,,.'� "' � �.� � __:
<br /> 1�A�, � :; ✓ S't=��t " '
<br /> .`-:ISX;_ �JY�-Ij�, - _ _ ____.
<br /> nr . ��-':•, m-l
<br /> �� •'�5 ,-I�ta:....s;• �x'''=`=-- . -- -�--
<br /> 1�-•
<br /> - : � " �, y.���.j� T '�«k'�.'zy�a.� �_
<br /> �� , . . _ : ._. ^'';�"L4.,.._ - _ ..._. -- -- - -- ._._ . . ._
<br /> �.
<br /> ="����_::�:�:�:1,:� 9C— ���t�s -�-- �-- _
<br /> - -- .�
<br /> ��:;��
<br /> --=`-''"���t� crn��mnatiun ur c►thcr�aking of uny p�rt i�t'Ihe Piro}xrny.ur tiK c�N�veyun�c in licu nf comkmrwiK�n.ur�hcrcby uK�i�ncd wui
<br /> �y--�._�:��� � �bulR bc paiJ tu Lcnder.
<br /> — In Ihe event of u twal lakiog uf Ihc Pruperty, ti►� pnK�w�ls tih:►II ik upplird tu thc ,umy �ecund by Ihi+ Srrurity
<br /> , � Imt�umcnt. whethcr ar na�hen due. wiih any cxrc,s paid to HoROwer. In 11►c cvent��t'u paniul �uking��f ihc Propeny in
<br /> '°`-`'mm'��'�� whir•h thc feir mivkcl v�luc of the Pnsperty immcdiutcly txfoR ih�lu{,ing ir ryu:�f�u ur grcut�r�han thr omuunt uf tlx:xum+
<br /> �� ��•�'•��� � n�curcd hy�hi�Security intitrumern irnmeJiatcly ixCore thc tuking.unf�+� HnRUwer unJ lxndcr u�herwi.�:ugrcr in writing.
<br /> �``'`�'t��•""• ,� Ihu+wn++ccund by �hi�Sccurily In�INment +hall be reducrJ hy Ilx amoum uf ihr pr�KC..•�I.mid�ipli�d hy�he Ii�Dnwing
<br /> �-_:�.a,.ut,_,.�..�
<br /> t�ru�;liun: lul�hc uxul um�wm of thc sum.+ccurcd immedfately l+rPom �h�takin�•divfikd by Ibl ltx fuir murkct vuluc uf Ihe �
<br /> "� ." • � Pr.�rty imnudiatcly bcforc thc tnking. Any ha�ancc chnll Ix p�iJ to Burrowcr. In Ilu cvcnt �d'a partial tuking of Ihc ! - -
<br /> •� ':, r.� ^ P�:nY in which Ihe fuir murket vuluc�N'�he Prapeny immcdiutcly bcfi�rc thr tuking i,I�.s ihun�hr umuuo� uf�h�+uiny
<br /> '��,;,;,,;,,..�.,i�. .ecurc J imm�Jiatr ly h r f�x e t h c t�;i n g,unlcs, Bi�rrowcr:uul L�nJcr uthcrwi+� ogrce in wriiing or unle,ti upplicablc luw
<br /> �x:r,.ti :�, < <�ttkrw�.e pruvide.r.lhe pnxced.r•,Iwll lx applicJ t��the sums,ecured by thi�Sccurily IntitNmcnl wfkthrr or not Ihc sum�un:
<br /> •.;•s,�.f�i,:.:::.. s �hqn duc.
<br />� �„ . i IP�he Propcny i+nbancionrd hy Borrowcr.or il'.uftcr noiic� by Lend�r tu Harcuwcr ihut the r�mJcmnur ol'frn to makc
<br />"�,�:�y„���,;�,� un,uwunl or xUlc u claint fur Jamagc+.Bortower fail�to rc�p�md tu LcnJer within:i0 Juys uficr thc Jutr Ih�n�►ticc iti given.
<br />�' L�nJ�r i+authorircd ta cullect:u�d upply ihe pn�cerd+,at its uption,eithcr a�r�+tor�tion nr n�:�ir of the Property nr to�hu
<br />� � +um�ticcured by this Sccuri�y Intitrument. whether or nc�t then due.
<br /> � � ' -' ' Unleti.Lcnder und Bnrrowcr othenvi�e ugmr in writing,uny upplirulian of pr�xced� to principal.hull nw cxicnd or
<br /> ° ���Iponc thc duc dutc of tbe muntNly puymrnt.rcl'crrcd to in parsgraphti I ond 2 or chungc th�:un<wnt uf+uch paymcnt+. _.
<br /> 11, Norrower Not Relensed; Furbewrance By Lender Not a Woiver. Extcn�ion ol' the timc for p�yment or
<br /> !� ... , . maliGcation of umortization uf the r.ums ,�rur��i by thiti Security Inwtrument gr•rn���b>L�rxkr to uny succeti,�x in imerc.� _
<br /> n1'Barruwer+hull not operu�e to rcicax the liubiliry of�he ori�tinul Borrow�v a'B�xn*wer�.ucce,wr�in interc�t. Lend►r
<br /> ' shall ncH Me rcyuircJ to comnu:n:e prnceding�uguimt any�uccesk.r in ini��w[r+'mfu.� to extenJ timc tiir payment or �
<br />�3 -- --- - - , iuherwitie malify umoAiiution of the ,umx,c�urcJ by�hi.Srcurity In�trumr�t by�.��x��y.+�y demund m:ulc by Uir ari�zinal � _�--_.
<br />�.�.� . I�urrower or Bnrrower:.ucce�wn in intcre,t. Any forbeurnncc by Lendrr in cxe�ci.in�any ri�M or remedy shull not be u �,;,��_
<br /> r��� waiver i�i ur pmcluJe thr ezerci,e n(:uiy right ar�medy. _.
<br />;: :� l2. Successors and As.cip�nr Buund;Juint and Several Liability;Cu•si�oers. Thc ruvenant�:uid ugreementti uf 1hi�
<br />�.�� ' S�YUri1y Imuument +hull bind und tx�xti�the.ucre,tion unJ u..sign. uf Lendrr und B.�rruwrr, xuhjrc:t w thc provi.iom�>i __
<br /> p•rrugruph 17. Burrower i covenums und agreemem.sbidl be juint;u�J tirverul. Any Borruwer whu co-sigm �his Security
<br /> j � In+�n�ment but dor+not execule the NMe: lu 1 i�co-,i�ninR this Seruriq•lmtrument unly lo rnurtguge.grant und comey�h:it �,�,y::zR
<br /> ' Burrower ti interc�t in Ihe Pr.►perty under the tcrms of 1hi.Sc�curitV In.trument: t l�l iti not per�unal ly i�Bliguted��pay thc�um+
<br /> �- ticcurc�)hy thiti Securiry Imlrumem:anJ Icl agree,thut Lencler:►rxi;u�y other B�xn�wer may agrcc�u exienJ,mudify,forbear _
<br /> ' or make uny accommuclations with regarJ tu�he lertnx�t'thix 5ecurity Inst�unknl or lhe Nate wilM�ut thut Bcxrowrrw �_���_
<br /> ��r: .
<br /> consen6 =
<br /> 13. I.aan Cha�es. li�the luun.erured by thi� Sctiuriry lnurum�nt i� tiubjecl w u luw which xts muximum luan _._ ____
<br /> _ rhurrex.nnJ�hut I•rw is fin;tlly iqttrpreted so that thc int�res�ur ��tller luun rhurn��rollccted or w Mr cuUec�eJ in cunnection �,��__
<br /> id�6'�:-...._
<br /> . - with the�oun exceed thr pemiit�ed limils.�hen: lul um �uch loan enurge vhuil tx reduccd Ly tih amouni ncc��;:::sry'sa reduce ,-�,,. .1-
<br /> the charge lo the pertnittcrl limit: und Ibl any +umti alreudy coUected Imm BorroW�r which exceeded(►�rmiUcJ lintit,will ix
<br /> refund�tii to Borrowrr. Lender may chuo.�tu mukr thi,rcfund M��rcducing 1he prinripal owed under the Note c►r by makinF u '�.',�.�;,:.:
<br /> i.�.• _�_•_
<br /> dircrt paymem to B�xrower. If u rctund rcdures prnxipul,the redurtion will be trcuted uti u partiid prepaymcnt wilhoul am — �
<br /> pnp•ryment rhargc undcr�hc Notc. ���°`�`��
<br /> la. iVdiees. Any notice to Bort�wer pruvicleJ t:,r in Ihi,Sa�uriiy In.trument tihall be�iven by Jclivrring i� ur hy ��-
<br /> mailing it by fint cluss muil unle�ti upplirublc I•rw rcyuirt.u+r oi'�nutixr mrthcxl.The n�dic�.hull he directeJ u�the Pro�xny •'��-�• �-r-����
<br /> Addrt:sx or any uthcr addrr"Borrowcr d��+ignalr+hy nutirr lo Lcn�icr. Any �x��icc lu LcnJcr tih•rl�Ix givcn by fint rlu,+ �ti� ''
<br /> mail to Lendcr�uddre„+tu�rJ hcrcin nr any�►thrr addre,+L�rxl�rdc�ignatc,by notirc tu 8��m�w�r. Any nulir�pruvidcd I'ur ' ,y �;,.
<br /> • in Ihi� Security Intitruntent +hull Iw Jcrmc� �o have txen Eivrn U� Burruwer or LenJcr whrn givrn a. pruvidecl in thi. �".��:
<br /> parugraph. �•�;, ',;,'"'
<br /> 15. Uovernin�;Luw; tieverubility. 7'hi. Scrurity In.trumcnl .hull Ix g�wrrnrJ hy I'cJcral law and thc luw oi'thc •;:,--_
<br /> juriuliclion in whirh Ihc Pm�xrty is I.KiucJ. In thc rvcnt that any pn�vi�ion or clautie��t'�hi�Srrurily In,lrumcnt�►r thc Notc ' ., : •`'._::
<br /> contlic�.�cith upplicaMc law.,unc�on0icl.hall nut attcct�xher prov i,ionr ul Ihi.Sccuriiy In,lrument ur the Nule which ran .
<br /> lx giv�n effert withoul �hc rnntlicti��; pmvi,iun. lii thi�end die pnwi,iun. �H Ihi,Securil} In+lrument and thr Notc ure ��;;�:;;�y;':-- '`
<br /> �tF�>�,�-�,
<br /> derlareJ t��Ix.rveraMr. `:,.`�
<br /> . ��.�:�, 16. Borruwer's Copv. Hurcuwcr�hall Ik gi�cn une cunti►rn��J cupy ul thr Nul�:md�,1 ihi,Sccuriiy In+tt�umcn�. ��•i�•_._�-•_
<br /> ' 17. Transfer oPthe P�operh' uru deneficiLl lnterezt in Boirox�er. If au��r u�,y rart ul il�r Pn��xhy or an� int�rctit in �- t.E,�:.-:;'�
<br /> �3�;=
<br />; it i� wld ur tru�xFrrrcd I��r if a Ixncliciul intcrc.t in B„rr��wcr i.w�ld��r tran+frrreJ cmJ [ioru���•cr is m�l a nulur•rl�xr�onl �'a:i:;:-=::
<br /> ,�S,.;t..{;.t,.=...
<br /> . wilhout Lrndrr�prior wriurn cunsunt. LcnJrr mu�•.:u it.o�ti�•n.rcyuirr immrJiutr pa}mrm in 1'ull ul'all�um>.crured by , „i,.M ,;�-
<br />� .n:1cu ,:��
<br /> � • thi�Seeurity In.rlrumenl. Hounvcr. �hi���ptiun�hall nut Ix czcrciKd hy Lcndrr if r.rcrcnr i,pnihibilcJ by irdrral luw a�uf „•;u=-,._.
<br /> ,, ,.. , n �„�.
<br /> ' : '. . ,�: •..:� the date uf thi.Security In.trumrm.
<br /> , •1;'��.'�•• '`, li'Lender rxcrnise��hi.��ptK�n.Lernkr,h�ll givc Norru��•rr nut icc uf:Kr�lrrati�m. Thc nutire,hull providr a�xri�xl ol � '
<br /> . r. �,;,�r.n'Y,"' -
<br /> ;',:':;y, • � nol les+thun�U duy�from the dair the nulicc i.drlivereJ ur rna i IrJ w•ithin which Horru���r n►u,t p:rv all,utn,�etureJ B�•thi� ' . �
<br /> . i`• �• , ,Security In+lrumeni. If Born���•cr Giik m pay Ihr,r ,unn pri ur tu thr rxpiratiun uf thi. �xriuJ. Lr�xlcr mcq im•ukc an}• 1'...'.i.,, ,�,.•�•�
<br /> �`•:
<br /> • rcmedicx�xmiincd h� thi,Srruri��� In.t rumcm��ithuut t'urthrr n�nirc ur Jcm:uid un H��rro��a�r. ,�,... .
<br /> 18. BorroNer's RiRht to Reinstule. II Huim��•rr m�ct.rcrtain rundiliun�. Burru��cr �hall ha�r thr righl tu ha�•c ,
<br /> enforcrment uf'thix Secunt� Imirurnent Ji�ruminu�d at any uiim pri�K w�hr c:ulirr��t: i ai��lay,lur wrh u�hrr�kri�xl a+ � :s
<br /> ' timFk Famil� • Funnic�loc�P'nddlc\Wrl\IF11R�I1\�'fRl�IE\T •Imlum�l'���rn.ml. 4,411 i��,�er��,�np��erv ��{L •, .
<br /> • ��
<br /> i ,
<br /> t
<br /> �
<br /> t
<br /> �
<br />' ' �• .�1 - - - -—� - --
<br />