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<br /> =���'�� appNcnbk luw ntey r�wcify f'ur rclnh�a�en�enll bcforc iwle of'tix f'rupcny purxuant to�ny powcr oi'xalc cunwiacd in this
<br /> •�r�%s:.:.z.��.'.� S�curity instrument:or(b)cntry uf e JuJ�mcM enturcin��hfa S��►urlty Inxtrument. Thu�c cunditiunw ur�e that Borr+ower. (a)
<br /> �� paye Lender all xum� which �hen would bo due under Ihir Security Inslrument and thc Ncxe as if nu accele�tion had
<br /> -���" '� occurted;(b)cures an defuWt af un dher covenant.r or a rcemeo��r;lc►payx vll ea n�es incuReel in enforcin �his Securit
<br /> p�� t�%'..��e*� Y Y 8 Pe 8 Y —
<br /> �.- Insuument, includlnF. but nnt limiud to,reaumable attomey+'fers; und (d1 takes such acd�x�nx 1 xnder may rcazawbly =
<br /> �����?^ ufre to s�vsure that thc licn of'1hi.r Sccuril Instrunxnt.Lc�ulcrk ri htw in thc Pn rt and Borrower's obli aUvn to the
<br /> .r � ' �1 Y 8 � Y B P�►Y
<br /> i Kums securat by thfa Securily Insitumenl ahall cauinue unchun�ed. Upon reMstalennent by 8orrower, thfa Securlry
<br /> ,�;' � InstNment und the obligutiunx icecured txrcby xhAll remain fully el'ic�tive us if na accelervtiun hw!acurted. However,this
<br /> . .:.._ :
<br /> `.. °s�z � n�ht to rcinstate shall not apply in thc casc of accelcra�ion und�r parnBroph 17. ""
<br /> .,�. ._ 1 ' . l9. Sak af Note;Cb�o�e ot l.oaa Servker. 'R�e Nute ur upaniwl inlerect in the Note(logether wilh this Security
<br /> '"°` a,�. : � Inswment) may be�old ane or more timew withaut prior no�icc tci 8orrowcr. A�wle may rc:sult in a change in Ihe entity
<br /> -•�y..�..-,,�"�•ra,'.t�a . '• llcnown as tfx:"Loan Servker")that collecta monthly payment�duc w�der tlu Nwe and Ihis Security In.rttument. 7'here alsn
<br /> may be one or more change,r•of Ihc Loun Servicer unrclatcd to a salc of thc Note. If�here is u change of�hc Loon Scrvjcer,
<br /> �� Borrower will be given wriuen notice uf the change in uccordance with ps�ragraph 14 ubove and applicoble law. The notice W__
<br /> _ . �����. : . will state Ihe name und uddrcss af Ihe new Loon Servicer and the addmws to which paymenGg stihould be made. The notice will
<br /> -� .:,_,,�„y.�� aso cont�in Any aher infacmAtion reyuir�by upplicable law.
<br /> ,, � ���'-`''. 20. lla�ardous Subotaaces. Barmwer shall not cuuse or permit the presence,use,dispnsal,storage,or release of any
<br /> __ � `� •4�` Hazardaus Subsluncew on ar in Ihe Propcny. Borrower shall na do, iwr allow anyorm else to do,anything affecting �he
<br /> �' , . ; . Property thut is in vlolation of ony Hnvironmenwl l.aw. The preceding two sentences ahoil rrot apply to the presence,use,or
<br /> .:.� s�orage an the PrapeAy of sm�ll yuantities af Huzardous SubRlancea�ha�are�enerully recosnized lo be appropriate to norm�l
<br /> '� residential uses smd to mainteruu�ce of the Pro rt
<br /> '�,.�,h�.>.s�,'�..,.'�;:•. �; � ruu c pe y.
<br /> - -- Borrower shall promptly give Lender written notice oF any invcstigation,c1Aim,demand,lawsuit.or ather action by Any
<br />- � . �"�'�`1--_i°";:":.. . ' gnvemmental or regul�tory ugency or private party involving the Propeny end any Hazardous Substenc�or Envimnmentel --
<br /> ., .
<br /> " , � Lnw of which Ba�rower hus actual knowledge. If Bortower leams, or is notified by any govemmental or regulatory =
<br /> " • uuthority,that eny removal or aher remedlation of any Hazardous Substunce nffecling Ihe Property is necessury,Borrower
<br /> . �� ahall promptly take ull necessury remediai artions in accordance with Environmenwl LAw. �
<br /> As used in this paragmph 20,"Hazardaus Substances"are those subgtances defined as axic or hazurdous substunces by =_�-
<br /> � ;; - Environmental Luw and�he following substances: guwUne, kerosene.other flummuble or toxic petroleum products,�oxic
<br /> pesticldes u�d herbicides,volAtile wlvents, materials containing asbextos o�fornwldehyde,und radioactive materials. As
<br /> . . used in this parngraph 20,"Environmental Lnw"mea�w federallYws and laws of the Jurisdiction whe�the Property is lacated
<br /> , •�• . • . tlutt relate to hcullh,safety or environmemnl protection.
<br /> NON-UNIFQRAR COVBNANTS. Borrower and l.ender further covenant and ngree as follows:
<br /> °n n� 21. AccelerAUon;Remedies, I.ender shnll give notice to Borrower prior to accele�tlon fdlowing Borrower's
<br /> breach of any coveaant or agreement in this Securlty Instrumenl(but not prlor to acceleratbn under paraQ�ph 17
<br /> unless applicable law provides otherwisel. The notic�shwll specity: (a►the default;lb>Ihe aclion required to cure tbe
<br /> . `'�'. '� '`''�. dctauli;ic3 s d�te,sat tess thwa:.8 ti�3s fro� iit�dotr iiir��di��h given tu Surruwrr,by whici�i6e deiauii must 6e
<br /> � . cured;and ld)that failure to cure the default on or bePore the date specified in Ihe notice may resull in acceleratlon of
<br /> �° the sums secured by this Security Ingfrument And s�le of the Properly. The potice shall ferther inPorm Borrawer of
<br /> , Ihe right to reinstale aiter acceleration and the rlghl to bring a court action to Assert the non-existence of s�dePautt or
<br /> � • Any other dePense oP Borrower to aceelerallon pnd sale. If the detault is not cured on or before the date speciiied in
<br /> � �°�! the notice.Lender at ils option may require immediate payment in i'ull oPs�ll gums secured by this Security Instrument �._
<br /> �� ��` without further demand And may invoke the powcr of sale And any Wher remedies permitted by applkabk law. _�
<br /> Lender shall be enlitled to cdlect all ezpenses incnrred in pursuing the remediey Ex�uvided in tbis par�graph 2l,
<br /> ' including,but not Ilmited to.reasanable atrorneys'fees+�nd costs of title evidence. �:,:.`
<br /> ' , li lhe power of sale is invoked,71�uKlee shyll record s�notice of dePault in eacb county in whirh any part af the
<br /> . Property Is located and shAll m�il copies of such potke in the m�nner prescribed bv appltcable IAw to Borrower s�nd to
<br /> � - � � the other persons prc�scribed by applicuble I�w. Afler Ihe time required by appltcable luw.'I�ustee shaU give public ��
<br /> � ` noNce of sale to the�persons and in Ihe manner prescribed by s�pplicable Iww 7lruslee.without demnnd on Borruwer, °
<br /> , shall sell the Property at public auclton lu the hlghest bidder ut tbe time und pluce und under the terms desigos�ted in �'°��
<br /> ' the notice of sale in one or moee parcels nnd in nn� order 7Yusfee determines. 'IY�uslce muy postpune ic�le of�II or any �
<br /> parcel oPthe Property by publk announcement�t Ihe time und place uf�ny prev(�wsly Kheduled w�le. l.ender or i1�
<br /> , designee may purcAase Ihe Pruperly�t any sule. rF-
<br /> Upon receipt of ps�yment uf the price bld.7Yustee shull deliver to Ihe purchaser'IFustee's deed conveying the —'"°
<br /> • Property. The recitals in the'I�us�tee's derd xhall be prlm�Pacie evidenrr of Ihe trulh uf the statement�made therein. !'"
<br /> ., e d
<br /> • � :..:�:;; , 7lrustee ahall apply the pruceed,r af the sale in Ihe fulbtring order: lal to afl costs vnd expenses otexercising t6e power ��-'
<br /> �_,
<br /> �--°.
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