�� �.�r���{��.��b����t� ,1;,;�1?' .�, e�. .L�.. �I! r!•��i�R�P'' �. ��LJ�� ' R`.�i��.����� t1o¢1��� _�'f'=is=•__ - .s �.�^'"_. _ __ —�--
<br /> 'Nt�Le.,�-.. �' �`.i�.J' �'
<br /> 6l Jf�N •� �'4
<br /> .� - _ " _ ._ "��-��b�(I�:.F.�rN Y).Y"""'�w . .. -
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<br /> r � _,.•;{'n'.3, -..j�,, -
<br /> �� " __'» _ �.t. . . . ;�..� .r- _
<br /> �� �::� T. �u�...��.,i.�..�
<br /> - . � � a:��a�r1YW�.��t...- -- �,n.. .,._ - __ --_ -- - �- � � ---�"-�� � .
<br />__-�- -- - . :; � _ ��3 -
<br /> _,�,�.,,;�� 92
<br /> _— perialr th:u Lcndcr rcqulti.. 71ic in�.urniu:r rurtiQ+prnvklinK�Ite insururk��hall iic rhuKn by Born�wcr�ubjec�to Lcncicri
<br /> _ � �pprowrl w•hk h rhLll nc�t he unr�w��nably wi�hbcl� 11'&wmwu fuilw tu maimuin covcrugc d..crihrd ubuve,LcnJcr�rwy.W
<br /> Lende�`opfon,aM�in cavcragc to p�ut�c�LctNkr ti righ��io thv Nr��cny in�c�udmxc wi�h puuQr++ph 7.
<br /> - == All in�urwice p_�liclee wNl ntnuwuln hhull tx u��.•eptohle�u ln:nJer urwl.hull inrlude a h�unJnal mnNgage clau+�e. l.ender
<br /> �ball have ihe�ight tu h��l�he�x�Hci4r unJ rrnrw�uli. If I.cndcr nyuirrx.Barruwcr+huU pn►mplly�ivr to Lcixkr ull rerciplx
<br /> -- ���-..,__—�—�=�� of p:+id prrmium�+�nd rcnrwal�x►tirr,. h��fir c��r+��►f lu.., Hum►wrr ,hull givN pnan�mNkc to dw inru�,uirc cwri�r and
<br /> --- :'� l.c�nder. Lender muy mute pnx�f ol'luy�if ix+t��w�pcumplly by N�Kruwer.
<br /> Unlr�r Lc�xtcr w�d&►rn�wer whcrwiK ugrtr in wntinK,in+urau►c�pnxc�Ytti+hull Fm Lpplicd lo rc.turution ur rcp�ir uf
<br /> �---�''� Ux Pru�x;rty d;unuged, it ehc n:,t�trution or rr�►i�r ir er�momirully I'eurihle �md I.rnikr; kcuri�y i� n�d Ic..rncd. 11'thc �,
<br /> �� � m�turauun or rcprir i� n�u cc�►numlcully fcuwiblt �x L.rixkr: xrurfty wuulJ tx I��su�ncJ, �Iw io+ursuxx pr�wecJ�tihnll bc
<br /> �m opplicJ 1�Ihe sums x�rucd hy Ihi:�S�curity IntitrunH:nt. wlx�ltrr or �u�t �hen Juc. wi�h uny cxrer, pufJ �o &►rrow�r. If
<br /> Barmwer alundom tha PruExrty,ur d�w.nnt unxNCr wi�hin ul duyr u n�+ticc fnmi L�nJcr tha� tixe in�uruncc rurricr hu.�
<br /> -- offered lo tielllt a clafm,�hen Lemier muy cnll..t ihe ip+u�ancc pnke�dti I.rn�k•r nu�y utie�Ix�pnr«dx w mpair or m,ton
<br /> �' �he Property ur ta puy�um�: +�:u�rd by thi.r Srcwi��•InYuument.wtwdxr ur�wt Ihen dur. T1x ill•duy�xriixl will heYin wlu:n
<br /> , rJ6��__
<br /> ������ : Ihe notice is given.
<br /> =< ,•,._ � Unlr�r Lrnder und Rortnwcr oihcrwiK agrt�c in writinb,uny upplK�tion��f pnkcrd,tn princip:d�t�ull r�H rxtcnd or —_
<br /> '�'+�'�_�_'-�j po�tpune tl►e duc dato of ihv momhly puyimnt c rcfeRCd to in par.�grrph.r I unJ 2��r chunge�hr wnuunt ol'the puymenlx. If 4
<br /> • �T under parngmph�1 thc Property is :uyuircd by L.cncicr.Rurruw�r:riFF.t t��ur�y in�urancc pulicic�ar�J pr„��wJ.�c,uhing
<br /> ��'��-�;;*`- •,.r' :- � f�am damu e tu Ihe Pra rt riar w�he c►c uiyiti4x�sh:dl ti,tu Lriukr�o thG eztcot uf Ilw wmx.rrured by thi�Security
<br /> �.: ,�,_., r, • 6 P� Y P 4 �u..
<br /> _ Inxtrument immediutelypricttta the ucyuisiiiun.
<br /> _,..,...._ ' = 6. (kcuponca; PreservAtlon. Mainten�nce s�nd Protection ot the PropeHy; Borrower's Loan ApplicAtian:
<br /> �r� t�''�',''��:x LeasehaWs. BaROw^er�hufl oc�up�•.en�ubli,h.wtd u�a:�he Propeny us Dorrower i:principul resiJence wi�hin,ixty Jayx vfter �`
<br /> ����.�r •'" the ezeculion uf'thi�Se;urity(n�uwiwnt And xhxU continue to uccupy the Propeny•rs Burn�wcr's princip•rl rc�idence fur al
<br />" --'�u�� le:ut ane yeur uf�er tlie dule of cxcupaiu:y. unlesy Letxkr ahenvi.rr agrees in wriiing. which cun,en� ,hull nul lx —
<br /> —�-°'"�" 4`r�'� 6� unreasonabl wilhheld,or unless extenuuting cin�urmtanc���ti.t whirh arc tKyunJ Born�wer;cumrol. SaROwrr tihull no�
<br /> - -. . :X x;�.,...:, y
<br /> ^��; , ;.;. dc�tray,damoge or impair tho Property.ullaw� thv Propeny tu deteriorutc,or cummit wa.tc on the Nmpeny. Borcawer xhull _
<br /> � ;,,;�,��•-,•,• ' be in defuult if uny f'ort'ei�urc ucti�xe or procceaing.w•hclhcr ci�•il or crimin•rl.i�lxgun that in Lcrxlcr+gu�xl i'uith juJgmern
<br /> .--'� '�;-'-f:• '�*;',. could result in farfeitum of�he Property or cxh�rw�ise mutrrially impulr Ihe lien cm•r�eJ by this Sccurity h»tromeM or
<br /> � � ��.ti'��� �• Lenderk xxuriry interr�l, Bu�we�muy curcrt�u�:h a defuult iuH1 rcin.t:ur,�,pracid�J in par,�tiraph 18.My cuu.ing thr action
<br /> �''`�+ �.��';,''
<br /> or proceeding ta be di�.missed wi�h u ruling tha�,in L.:nder:g�wd taith�kterminu�ion,precludrti to�feiturr of�hc Borrowcr:
<br /> =-��s' : '�� imere�t in ihe !'raperty or aher muteriul impaimxnt of tl►e lien rrcuteJ by�his Securily In,trument ar Lcndcr:.ccurity
<br /> ,.:��� .' �, '. :�. intere�t. Borrower xhuN alu� tx in defuult if Borruwer. during Ihe loun upplicntiun procr.,. guve muteriully falus ur —
<br /> y� �;;t;:,;!;• � inaccumte informalion ar+tatNmentti ta Lcndcr�nr fuilyd to pmviJc I.cixlcr wi�h nny mutrrial infurnm�iunl in conncc�ion wi�h
<br /> -#- ,:;,��`;4¢.�r�;. �� the laun evielenced by the N��tr, inrluding. hui not limited to. r�pr►�Kntatium rutx�ming Borrower; �xcupancy ot'the ---
<br /> � ;!�,,,. PrapenY a.a principul residenee. If thi+SccuritJ• In��rument i.��n u la�,ehold.Borruv►rr�t►all cumply wi�b ull�he provi.iun, _--
<br /> ...
<br /> ° -=Y.��i `�` {•'� of the lea�. I!'4�+rmwer acquir�.fee tide to tl�Nn�:rty.thc Ic•rk hofd wK1 du fec tiUc:halt n►x mrrFe unle�x Lendcr ugrcrs
<br /> - ". -„�;�;,'sa�'�� ta the merger in writing. -
<br /> - , 7. Protection ot I.ender's Rigbtx in the Propert,r. If Burruwrr fail+ tu perfurm �hc cu�rnanls anJ a�reemcn�ti
<br /> � ��;::; ., contained in this Secudiy Instrument. or Ihere i.u Icgul puxeeding �hat ma� �ignifKantly uficct Lendcr ti righn in thc
<br /> ' '''�:-������ Propeny Isuch uc u proceeding in bunkruptcy,prnba�r,fnr rundemnation ur fortci[un�x tocnti►rre lawti or regula�ion.),1hrn �'
<br /> . :,:,:,�:+.
<br /> - . . l.cndcr muy du nnd puy f�r whu�ev�r is necex+ary a► pn�trct thc valu�ot'�he Pr�xrt� and Lendcr:right� in thc Property.
<br /> '-,��� . �:�i���` l.enderi uctions m�y inclucle puyin�uny wm� �erumd hy u licn wbirh lu.pri.wit����er thi.Serurily In,trument.apprarinE �}-
<br /> `, - . in raun,puying reoxonablr anorney.'1'er�and eniering on Uk I'ra�xrty w nial.e n�ir..Althuu�h Lendrr muy tuke action
<br /> ... •� i'' � , under this purugmph 7.Lcnder dac.rxit h:wr t��ik„o. �.��
<br /> . Any umoum�+di.bened by I.enJrr undcr ihic par•rgruph 7.hall lkrumc adJitional dcbt of Bi�rruwcr+ccured by�his __
<br /> -: `. '�<< �'°" � Serurity Inslrument. Unle.�Barrower und Lenck�agrre to�ntkr terni.��t'pa�ment.ilx.�am�wn�.,hull Ixur intere.t 1'rom the =
<br />