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<br /> ����_ . . . TOaETHER W ITH ull lhc impmvementx nuw cx hcnaft��crectrd c►n�hc propeny,und ull cu�emcm�.uppunenance�,
<br /> --�.,,•,��y� c�nd �xwres naw ar hercaf�er u psut ai the propeny. All nplucementti urxl ucWhion+�hull uIM�ho covered by�hiw Securiry
<br /> ''����"=�'- — - fnstrument. All af the fnregoing i�rcPened to in IhfK Securiry Inatcument as d►r"Propeny." -
<br /> ,''��"�"-�� "`''' BORROWER COVENANTS�hai BuRawcr iK IAwfully r�c�ncd oP thc es�ute hcreby cunvcyed und hux Ihe�ighl to grnnl
<br /> -���.r�, r:•.':
<br /> � ' and convey I��i Hroperly uml thwi�he Pmperly i�unrncumbened,except fex encumbrunrc�nf racaM. Bormwer wummts and
<br /> ��`t'"'-��� wlll defenci generolly�he title tc►ihe Propeny against aU cluime and�kmnndy,��nj�w�to any oncumbrnnces of n�cord.
<br /> � � THIS SECUItiTY INSTRUMENT cambfne� unifomi covenant:+ for nntiimal use und nnn-unilam� covenanlA with � -
<br /> �:�� ,°., limited vuriulionx by jutindiclian lo canti�itute u unifortn�x.�curity instrument cuvering�eul pm�wny. � •�-
<br /> ���••�°� "�: ; UNIFORM COVENANTS. BoRawer and l.cndar covcnant and ogrcc ar foUaws:
<br /> �"�;"�'�„y' � 1. Payment of PrinclpAl�nd IntenMt;PrepAVmant s�ad LWte Cha�ges. BoROwer shidl prumpdy pay when duc 1hc
<br /> ;��'�?���...-�y '�h� principul af and intcrest on thc debt evidenced by tha Motc und uny prepuymcnt und I��c churgar duc undcr�hc Notc.
<br /> -'� : ::. ° 2, Funds for'Ibxes And Insurance. Subj�t lo upplicublc luw ur�o a wri��en wuiver hy Lendcr,Borrower ahall pay to
<br />� " ' . Lender on the duy monthly paymenls um due undcsr�ha N��t�.until�he Note iy paid in full,�num 1"Funds")for:lul yearly
<br /> � . tuxex und as�essmenta which muy ultuin priority uver thin S�curity Instrument u,u lien on iha Pmpeny; Ib1 yeurly leasehuld
<br /> ' ° payments or g�ound rcnts an the Propeny, if uny: Icl yenrly hazurd or propeny inxurnnce prcmiumx; /d) yea�ly flncnl ___
<br /> ��` '. in4urnnce premiuma, if uny; Icl ycarly mortRugc innurancc prcmiums, if any; nnd 111 uny �+umh puyublc by Borrowcr to - -
<br /> R�� • •:*; • _�_.���_ :_ Lendcr.fn accordoncc with Ihc pmvision�uf pu�Rrrpb 8,in lieu of ihc payment of mahgage insur�ncc premiums. 'fhcsc `
<br /> _ ' ������ �� items ure culled"Esrn�w Iteo�.,." Lender muy,ut uny lime.collect und hold!'unds in an amounl nol�o exceeJ�he muximum _
<br /> " omount u lendcr for A federnlly relaled mortgago luun may rcquire fur Barrawcr� eticrow account under thc federul l2cal
<br /> � `� ���� E�tate Settlement Procedures Act of 1974 oe amund�sd fram tim��o timc, 12 U.S.C.#2fi01 er zry.l"RESPA"),unlcsz anothcr
<br />��,. .. •`�' °;,, + luw that applies to the Funda se�a u lesser Amount. If w,Lendar mny,nt Any time,collect und hnld Funds in an umounl not to
<br /> b��€r°��8:;' czcced the lesrcr amount. Lender muy estimuta th¢ amount of Fundg due on Ihe busis of curnent data and reasonablc
<br /> �;.,,,:• �
<br /> g_,,,_ _- - -=.;,t_�- . es�imates of expenditures of fulum Escruw Itame or�xh�nvine in ucc�Kdunce wi�b upplicablo law. �_ _�
<br /> The Funds shAll be held in An institu�ion whose dapositx urc insured by u federal ugancy, instrumentality, ur cntity
<br />�'r:.� , . . (including L.endcr,if l.ender is guch an institupon)or in:my Federnl Homc LoAn Bnnk. L.endar sb�ll apply[he Fundz to pay ��
<br /> - the Escrow Items. Lender may no�churge Boirower fw holding nnd applying the Fundx, nnnually i�nulyzing the escrow °2""
<br /> ,o�:i.,,
<br /> • �:�.• nccount,or verlfying Ihe �scrow Ilems, unless Lender puyy Borrowcr intcrest on thc Fundx und npplirablc law permits
<br />^"'� �`•�� • l.ender ta make such a chnrge. Howcver, Lendar may nequire Borrower lo puy a onc-time ohur�c for an iadependem reul
<br /> ' " •'/� esU►te tux reporting service uxed by Lender in cannaction with Ihix loon.unlcs�upplicublc luw pmvidc.r ulherwise. Unless un ��"A"_"''"°�-`
<br />'�' • ° �"t�"���' ' agreement is made or applicable law require�intemst ro be paid,Lender shull not bc required to puy Borrawer uny interes�ur
<br />� - ° •.���`��;� ,�' camings on the Funds. Borrower and Lendar muy aarec in writing.howcvcr,thal intcrc+i sball 1►e paid on 1he Funds. L.cnder
<br /> "',. • shull give to Borrawer,withau�chnrge,an annuul vccounlinR�f�he Fundx,�howing credils und debit, to the Funds und the
<br />,. ' .,.'��,,:i��..,'.. purpose for which cach debit to the Funda wna made. Tha FunJs ure pledged ax uddi�iannl sacurity fo�all sum�secured by
<br />�; .,,,;:ti, this Security Instrumcr�.
<br /> r . • _:.-, If the Funds held by Lender exceed ihu amountx permittcJ w lx held by upplic�blo luw, Lender shull uccount tu
<br /> �- -' ,..•.�•..�,..� .., . .
<br />� , - Bunuwc� i'in ti�c cx�r.,i=uod,i�i�+�cardan�c wlth the r�quirzments of appl':cablc law. !i thc amaunt of thc Fundr held by __ --
<br />� ��" Lender at uny time is not xui'ficicnt io poy �he E.x:row ftems when due,Lendcr may�o naUfy Borrower in writing, und,in
<br /> '?� � such cASe Barrawer shull pay to Lcnder thc nmount necessary io make up thc dcliciency. Borrower rhall muke up the
<br /> �• de6ciency in no more Ihun twelve monthly puymants;,ut L.ender's sale discre�ion. -�_
<br /> "4�`'�' Upon payment in full oi'all rums secured by this Securiry In+trument. Lcnder xhall pmmplly mfund to Bunowcr:my F�---3�,:
<br /> . � �:;,.�� Funds held by L.ender. If,under parug�aph 21.L.endrr tihull �icyuim or scll thc Property. Londcr,pnor to thc ucquisitiun ur
<br /> _ . L�' sale of�he Property. shall upply •rny Fundr,heW by Lender al the time of acyuisilion or xale as a credil uguim� ihe sums �Y""_,e,_ '.
<br /> _,_w�,_ :,_�., secured by this Security Instrument. ° ��:-°
<br /> . � 3. Application oP Pwyments. Unlcss upplicublc luw provides othrrwi.e, s�ll puymems n:ceived by Lcnder undrr ��ry �' �.
<br /> j : parngraphs 1 und 2 shull ix applied:first,to uny pn�puymem churges due un�r�he Nute;.eccmd,to umoums payuble under ___
<br /> parugruph 2:Ihird,to inicrc�t duc;fourh,to principul due;und luti�,to uny lutc chargeti due under�hc Notc. •��-��--=�
<br />� 4. Ghorges; Liens. Borrower �hull pay aU Iuxcs, u�scsgmcm.. churgrti. finc> and im�x►sitians u�tribuiablc ta �hc �_:'""�"
<br />� Propeny which may uuain prioriry ovcr thiH Securi�y Inti�rument,und leusehold paymcnts or gmund rem�,if uny. Borruwcr �;_�__�-.----.
<br /> , : . shall puy these obliguliam in the m:�nncr providaJ in pur.�graph 2,or if no�paid in th�i munnor.BoROwer shull poy them on 6i�
<br /> � time directly to thc person ua•cd puymenl. Burrower rhnll prompUy furnish to Lender all nuiiceti ot�amounis w t►►s pvid undrr
<br />�; " � � tbis patagcaph. lf Borrower mukes ihese paymems dimcUy, Borrower shall prompUy fumitih �o Lrnder rcceipts eviciencin� �"'M'-_`�t
<br />_ . . ';:i,%'' the puyments, '"`
<br />• � „ Borrowe�shall promptly dinchurge uny lien which ha.prK�riry ovcr�his Securiry In,�rument unlcs+ Barruwer:(u>agrecs �-��-.�
<br /> . in writing to the puyment of the obligaiion xecured by the licn in u munncr acceptablr tn Lender.(h1 conte�i.in gcx►d fuith Ihc �s_��
<br /> �' lien by,or defends uguinst enforcement of thc lien in,Ic�[ul pnxccJings which in Ihc Lcndcr'r�upinian openuc to prcvcnt thc _ .�= _-
<br /> •. enforeement of the lien;nr(c)�ecurcs f'rom the hulJer ol'Ih�licn an ugrecmrnt.ali.fuctory�o Lender sulx►rdinuting the licn � �'"-°
<br />;� to this Security Instrument. If Lender dctermines thu�uny pun uf�he Prcrykny i.+uhject a►;i Ifrn which muy ultuin priority
<br />� � over Ihis Security Instrument.Lcnder muy give Burtowcr u nuticr identifyin�;�hr lien. Borrmver shull xaiisl'y the lien or takc -
<br /> � x.►::r.;.�::
<br /> ' . .. ° one or more of Ihe actium set fonh abovc within IU diiyti��f Ihc giving ut'n��tirr. „.,.,;�?"'�+',
<br /> S. Hazard or Property Insurnnce. Bum�wcr+hadl kcep ihc impruvrmrnt,n���v exir,�ing��n c�rcullcr crcctcd on thc �`•"'
<br /> , Property insured�guinxt loss by lire,huzarcla Included within the tcrni"�strndrd roveru�:e"and am•uthcr hatards,including h, ,
<br /> , floods or flaoding, 1'or which Lender rryuires innurance. 1'his in.urancc .hall hr mainluined in IIk umounts und for the t.
<br /> �h'.,
<br /> ��,..
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