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1/3/2011 4:32:55 PM
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1/3/2011 4:32:54 PM
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��������� <br />(0) "Periodic Payment" means the re�ularly scheduled amount due for (i} principal and interest under tl�e <br />Note, plus (ii) any amounts under Section 3 of this 5ecurity Instrument. <br />(P) "Rk�SPA" means the Reai Estate Settlement Procedures Act (�3 U.S.C. Section ?6�1 et seq.} and its <br />implementina regulation, Re�ulaCion X(24 C.F.�Z. Part 3500), as they mighT be amended frozn time to <br />time, �r any additional or successor legislation or re;ulation that governs the same subject matter. As used <br />in this Security Instrument, "R�SPA" refers ta all requirements and restrictions that are imposed in regard <br />to a"federally related mortgage loan" even if the Loan does not qualify as a"federally related mortgage <br />loan" under RESPA. <br />(Q) "8ucc�ssor in interest of Borrower" m�ans any pariy that kxas taken tit1� to the Property, whethcr or <br />nat that party has assumed Borrower's obligations under the Note and/or this Security lnstrument. <br />TRANSFER �F IiIGHTS IN THE L'ROPERTY <br />This Security Instrument s�cures tn Lender: (il the repayment of the Laan, and all renewals, e�tensiozas and <br />modifcations of the Note; and (ii) the perfornaance of Borrower's covenants and agreements under this <br />Security Instrument and tk�e Note. For this purpose, Borxower irrevocably �rants and conveys to <br />Trustee, in trust, with power of sale, the following described property located in tlie <br />County of HALL : <br />[Type of Recording .iurisdiction] �Nsme of Recnrding Jurisdiction] <br />A tract of Iaud compris►ng a part of the Southeast Quarter (SEZ/4) of Section Foeer (4), Tuwnship Twelve <br />(12) North, Rs�nge �leven (1�.) West of the 6th .P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, an,ore part"rcularly described <br />as follows: Beginning at the southeast eorner of said Sautheast Quairter (SE1/4); theace running westerly <br />alon� the south line of said Southeast Quarter (SE1/4), u distance of Eight Hundred Thirty One and Sixty <br />�'our Hundredths ($31.64) feet; thence deflecting right 90°32'00" and running nartherly a distance of <br />Two Thousand Seventy Five and �orty Seven Hundredths (2075.47) feet; tl�ence detlecting ri�;ht <br />89°26'3�4" and ruuning easterly a distance of .Eight Hundred Thirty One and Sixty Faur Hundlredths <br />(831..b4) feet, to a point on the east line Uf said Southeast Quarter (S�1/4); thence def�ecting right <br />90°33'26" And runnin� southerly along the east line of said Southeast Quarter (SE1/4) a distance of Two <br />Thousand 5eventy Five and �ighty Two Hundredths (2075.$2) feet, to the point of be�inning, <br />EXCEP7'ING a tract of land more particularly de�eribed iu Joint Tenaut Warrauty Deed filed May 3, <br />?001 in the Register of I)eeds Dffice as Document No. 200104054. <br />Parcel ID Number: 400190095 <br />82�6 N 17�D7H RD <br />Dannebrog <br />("Pr�perty Address"): <br />which currently has the address of <br />[Street) <br />[city], Nebraska 68$31 [zip Code) <br />TC]GETHER W]'TH all the improvements now or laereafter erected on the prnperiy, and all <br />easements, appurtenances, and fixturea now or hereafter a�az of the property. All replacements and <br />additions shall also be cavered hy this Security .(nsuument. All of the foregoing is referred to in tlais <br />Secuzity Instz as the "Property." <br />�3QRRUWER (;OVENANTS tkaat Boz�ower is lawfully seised of the e5tate hereby conveyed and has <br />the rigkit tv grant and convey the Property and that the Property is unencumbered, escept for encumbraz�,ces <br />of record. Borrower warrants and wi11 defend generally the title to the Property against all clauns and <br />demaiads, subject tn any encumbrances oi record. <br />NEBRASKA - Single Family - Fanrrie MaelFreddie Mac UNlFORM 1NSTRUMENT <br />�•6(NE) �os��> r�aqea or �s Initial � <br />n �.� <br />Z31026 <br />Form 3028 11p1 <br />
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