<br />AS a result nf these agreements, Lender, any purchascr oF the Note, anolher insurer, any rei[a�urer,
<br />any ot}�er entity, c>r any aftiliatc of any of t}ic ti�rcCnin�, rnay rcccivc (dircctly or indircctly) amounts I.hat
<br />detive lrom (or migfat he characterize�l as) a portinn [�f Iii�rrr�wer'ti paymcnts fi�r Mortgagc Insurance, in
<br />exchange lor sharing or modityinK Ihe morlgaee insurer's ritik, or reducing lotities. If �u�h agrecme►rt
<br />provides that an aililiale of Lender takes a sliare of the insurer's risk in exchange l��t a sharu nf thc
<br />premiuins paid to the insurer, lhe arrangemenl is ollen lenned "cuptive rein�urance." Further:
<br />(a) Any tiuch a�;reements will n�►t affect the amounts that Borrowcr has agrccd to pay f�►r
<br />Mortgagc Insurance, nr any nther terms n!' the Lnan. Such agreements will not increase the amount
<br />Borrowcr will owe ibr Mortgagc rnsurancc, and thcy will not cntitic Borrower to any refund.
<br />(L) Any such agrcements will not affect the rights Borrowcr has - il� any - with respect to the
<br />Mortgage Insurance under the IIumeowners Protection Act of 199R ur any uther law. These rights
<br />may includc the right tn receive certain disclosures, to request and ubtain cancellation of thc
<br />Mortgagc Insurancc, to havc thc Mortgagc Insurancc tcrminatcd automaticAlly, and/nr to receive a
<br />refund uf any Mort�;a�e Insurance premiums that were unearned at thc timc of su�h caneellatioa or
<br />termination.
<br />ll. Assi�nment uf Miscellunevu5 Proceeds; Turfeiture. All Miscellaneous Proceeds are hereby
<br />assi�ned to atad sk�all hc paid to Lcndcr_
<br />If the Properly i� dumaged, �uch Mi�cellaneous Proceeds shull be applied tn re�taration or repair of
<br />the Pr��perty, if tlze restoration or repair iti ccot���tt►ically featiible and Lendcr's security is not lessened.
<br />During such repair and restoration period, Lcnder shall have thc right to hoid such Miscellaneous Proceeds
<br />until Lender has had un opporiunity lo inspect such Property to ensure the wotk has been conapicted to
<br />Lender's satisfaction, provided thal such inspection shall be underiaken promptly. Lender may pay fi�r thc
<br />rcpairs and restoralion in a sinele disbursement or in a series o£ progtess payinenis as the work is
<br />c��mpleted_ IJnletis an a�rccrncnt iti madc in writin� or Applicablc Law rcquires interest to be paid on such
<br />Mi�cellaneouti Prr>ceeds, Lender shall not he require�l tn pay I3orrnwer any interest or earnings on such
<br />Miscellaneou� Proceeds. If ihe resturation or repair iti nol economically feasible or Lender'ti ticcurity would
<br />be lesseneci, t.he Mtticellaneous Pt'pceecl5 �hall he applied lo the �ulns tiecurea hy thlti Sectrrity Instniment,
<br />whether or not thcn due, wilh the excess, if any, paid to Borrower. 5uch Miscelluneous Proceecis shall bc
<br />a�plicd in thc ordcr provided Por in Scction 2_
<br />Li the cvcnt ot' a total takin�, destr�iction, or loss in valiie of the Property, ihe Mi�celldneouti
<br />Procceds shall be applied to the sums secured by this 5ecurity Instrument, whelher or not then due, with
<br />the excess, if any, paid tn 13orrnwer.
<br />In the evcnt nf a partial taking, destniction, or loss in value of the Property in which the lair market
<br />value of the Ptoperty immuliair:ly hef��re the part.ial 1.ukin�, destruciion, ar lotiti ita valuc is cqual to or
<br />greatet than the amount of the sums secured by ihi� Secutity Instrument imrrt��liately bcfnre the partial
<br />taking, destr�iction, or loss in value, unless Borrowcr and Lender otherwise agree in wriiing, the sum�
<br />secured by this 5ecurity Instruinenl shall be reduced by the amount of the Miscellaneouti Procecd�
<br />multirlied hy thu Fi�llowing fraction: (a) the total amount pf the tiurriti sccured immediately before lhe
<br />partial taking, destniction, or loss in valuc divided by (h) thc fair market valLie of lhe Property
<br />imnnediatcly beforc the partial taking, destnictinn, or los� in valuc_ Any balance shall be paid to $orrower.
<br />In the event oF a partial taking desiru�iion or loss in vulue of lhe Property in which thc fair market
<br />value o£ tlae Pr��perty immediatcly befi�re the partial taking, detitn�etion, or loss in value is less lhun the
<br />am�>unt of thc suniti ticcurcd irnrncdiatcly befi�re the partial taking, dctitn�ction, or loss in value, unle�ti
<br />Borrnwer and Lender olherwise agree rn writing, the Miscellaneous Proceeds shull be applied t.v the sutt�ti
<br />secured by this Sccurity Instnunent whether or not the sums arc then due_
<br />If the Property is abandoncd by C3orrower, or if, after noticc by Lender to Borrower that the
<br />Oppn�ing Party (as defined in the next sentencc) offerG to make an award to settle a claim lor damage�,
<br />$orrower luils io tesp��nd tu Lender wil.hin 30 duys aller the date the notice is given, Lend�r i� authnrized
<br />to collect and a�ply the Miticellanec�us Ptuceeds eilher io restoration or re�air nf the Pr��perty or to the
<br />eums securea hy tltis Sccurity Instnuncnt, wl�ether or not tf�en duc. "()ppo�ing Party" mcans the tliird party
<br />thut owes Borrawer Miscellaneous Procee�lti nr the party againtit whorra iiarrnwcr has a right of action in
<br />tegard tu Miscellaneaus Proceeds.
<br />T3nrrower shall be in deEault if any action or procccding, whether civil or criminal, is begun lhal, in
<br />Lender's judgn�erat, could result ir� fi�rfeiture ��f the Prn[�erty ��r c�tl�er rnatcrial impair►ncnt of Lender's
<br />intcrest in the Properly or righls under Ihis Security lnstniment. Borrower cun cure such u defa�.ilt at�ci, if
<br />NEBRASKA- Single Family - FannieMae/Freddie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT
<br />�-6(NE)�oa��� P2ge9of15 a,i�iais: Form3028 1/01
<br />0
<br />