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2011U4444 <br />9. Prutection nf Lender's Interest in thc Property arul Rights Undcr this Sccurity Tntitrument. If <br />(a) Borrower tails tr� perfi�rrn th� covcnants and agrcemcnts contained in this Security lnstrumenl, (b) therc <br />is a legal proceeding that might si�ttificantly affect Letzder's intere�t in the Property and/or righl5 undtr <br />this 5ecurity In�tniment (such as a proceeding in hunkruptcy, probuie, Ior condemnut.ian nr fprFeiturc, for <br />enforecrnent nf a)icn which may attain prinrity ovcr this Security Instnunenl or to enfi�rce laws or <br />re�ulations), or (c) I3nrrowcr has abandoned the Property, then Lender may do and pay 1'or whatever is <br />rcasnnable or appropriate to protecl Lender's interesi in Ihe Property and righls under tk�is Security <br />Instnunent, including protecting and/or assessing the value oF lhe Properly, and securing and/nr repairing <br />lhe Property. Lender's action� can inclucle, but are not liinited to: (a) paying any surnG �eeured by a lien <br />which has priorily over ihis SecuCily Ilatitruincnt; (h) aJ,pearing in court; and (c) paying reasonable <br />attorncyti' fceti tp protcct itti intcrctit in the Property and/or rights undcr this Sccurity InsLrument, including <br />itti secured positior� in a bankniptcy proceeding. Securin� the Property includes, but i� no1. lrmite�l to, <br />entering the Property to make repairs, change locks, repluce or board up doors and windows, �lrain water <br />Froin pipes, eliininate building ot olher code violations or dungetous conditic�ns, and havc utilities turned <br />on nr off_ Although Lender may take action under this Section 9, Lender does not huve to do en and is not <br />uncier any duty or ohligatiun tn dp so. It iti agrccd tkiat L�n�ler incurs no liability fi�r not taking any or all <br />actionti aulhorized undet 1hi5 Seclion 9. <br />Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this Section � shall become addifionul debt of Barrower <br />secured by lhis Securily Insl.tument. These amnunt.� shull beat intetest at the Note rate from the date of <br />di�hur�enient und sh:�ll he �ayable, with stxc}� int�rest, upun natice ('rom L�nder to Borrowcr requesling <br />paymcnt_ <br />If this 5ecurity Instnnnent is on a leasehold, $orrower shall comply wilh all ihe prr�vitiipns of the <br />Icase_ If Borrowcr acquires fee title to the Property, the leasehold and the tee title shull nnt merge unless <br />Lender agrees tu ihc merger in writin�_ <br />1D. Mortgage Insurance. If Len�lur requirca Martgage .Insuranct ati a condition of making the Loan, <br />Borrower shall pay lhe premiums required t.o maintain the Morlgage Insurance in effect. If, fi�r any rcason, <br />tl�e Mortgage Insurance coverage required by Lender ceases lo be uvailable 1'rom lhe mortgage insurcr that <br />rr�viously p�rpvide�l tiuch insitrance and I3orrow�r wati rcquirccl to rnakc scparatcly dcsignated puyment� <br />tnward the prCmi�.i�x�s fi�r Mnrtgage Insurar�ce, Borrpwer s}tall pay t�ie pretxaiums rcquired to oblain <br />coveraee substantially equivalent to lhe Mort�age Tnsurance previously in elTect, at a ca�t subtitantially <br />equivalent lo the cost 10 Botrower ol' 1.he Mott�age Insurance previously in effect, fr��m an alternate <br />znorige�;e insurer selectecl hy Le��]er. It suhstat�tially eyuivaleT�t M��ttv�at;e In�i�rance coveragc is not <br />available, T3nrrower shall continue to pay to Lender the amount of the separately designal.ed payments ihat <br />were due when the insurance coverage ceased to be in effect. Lender will accepl, use dnd retain thesc <br />paymcntti as a nc�n-refundable loss rescrvc in licu of Mort�agc It►surance. 5uch loss reserve shall be <br />nc�n-refi�ndahle, nutwithtitar�aing the fact that thc Lnan as ultimatuly paid in fi�ll, and Lender shall not he <br />required tn pay T3orrower any interest or earnings on such loss reserve. Lender can no Innger require los� <br />rescrvc payments if Mortgage Insurance coverage (in the amount and for the period thut Lender requires) <br />providecl hy an instrrer selected by Let�der again hecomee available, is ahtainea, and Lendcr requires <br />�eparaiely de�ignated payments iowa.rd the premiumti for Mortgage In�urance. If Lenaer requircd Mortgage <br />In�utunce a� a condition of making ihe Loan and Borrower was tequired tc� make separatcly designated <br />payments toward the premiu►ns for Mnrtgage Tnsurancc, I3�rrower shall pay the premiuin5 reyuitecl ta <br />►naintain Mortgage Insurance in effect, or to provide a non-refiindable loss reserve, until Lencier's <br />rec�ult'etnent ri�t Mo.Ctgage Ins�uance ends in accordance with any written agreemtnt betwecn Borrower and <br />Lender providing for such t.enninution ar until terminati�n i� required hy Applicahle Law_ Nothing in this <br />Section 10 affect� i3orrower'� ohligation to pay interest at the rate provided in the Nole. <br />Mortgage Insurance reimburscs Lender (or any entity that purchases the Note) lor cetlain loyses it <br />rnay incur if I3orrowcr docs not rcpay thc Loan as a�recd. C3orrowcr is not a party to lhe Mortgage <br />Insuranc e. <br />Mc�rtgag4 in�urers 4va.luate their tc,tal risk on all such it�surat.zce ir� fi�rce frn�r� time to tiine, and may <br />entcr into agrecments with othcr parties that share or modify their risk, or reduce losses. These ugteement� <br />are on termti at�d conditiot�s that are satisfactory to thc tnortgagc in�urcr and thc nthcr party (or partie5) to <br />thesc agreements. '1'hese aereeinents may require the mortgage insurer to make paymeniti using any soitrcc <br />of fiinds that thc rnortgagc insiirer may have available (which inay includc i%mds obtained itoln Murt�a�e <br />In�urance premiums). <br />NEBRASKA- Single Family - Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT <br />�-6(NE)�ua��� Page8of15 iniciai Form3028 1/p1 <br />c] <br />