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�oi�00044 <br />acceleration has occurred, reinstatc as provided in Sectinn 19, hy causin� the actir�n ��r proceeding to be <br />dismissed with a niling that, in Lender's jud�ment precludes forfciture of the Property or other material <br />impairrnent af .Lend�r's intete�t in the Properiy or rights under thi� tiecurity Intitnunent_ '1'he prpceeds of <br />any awurd or claim lbr damages that are attrihutahle to ihe impuinnenl o£ Lender's inlerest in ihe Pruperty <br />are hereby assigncd and �hall he pai�l 1.o Lendet. <br />All Misecllartcous Proceeds that ure nol applied to restoratinn or rcpair of the Property tihall bc <br />ap�lied in the c>r�ler pravided for in Section 2. <br />12. Borrower Not Relcased; ForUeaeance By Lender Nut a Waiver. T:xtcr�siorz of the time fi�r <br />payinent or modification of amcrrti?atinn pFthe �ums secured by this Security Instniment granted by Lender <br />to $orrower or any 5ucec�GOr ir� iriterest uf B��tr�>wer shall not operate to release the liability nf C3orrower <br />or any 5uccessorG in Interetit of F3r�rtr�wer. Lender shall not bc required to com�nence proccedingti against <br />any Strccessot in Inletest oP Borrower or to refi�tiu tu exlend time 1'or payment or ��therwise modity <br />amorl.ization of ihe sums sectiired by thi� Security In�trumenl by reason of any demand made by the original <br />Botrowet or any Successors in Interest of Iiorrowcr. Any lorbearance by Lender in exercising any right or <br />retnudy including, without lirnitation, Lender's acccptance nf haymenis frnm third persan�, entitieti ot <br />Successors in Inletest of Borrower or in amounts Icti� tlian the amount then due, shall not be a waivet of or <br />prcclude thc cxcrcise of any ri�ht ur remedy. <br />13. Joint anrl Scveral Liability Co-signerti; Successors and Assigns Bound. Botrower covenants <br />and agrees that I3orrower's i�bligatinns and liabiliiy shall be joint and ticveral_ Hnwcvcr, any Borrower who <br />co-signs this Sccurity Instnuxtent hut does not execute thc Note (a "co-sign�r")= (a) i� co-tiigning this <br />Security Insirument only 10 mortga�e, grant and convcy tlae ca-5igner'ti interest in ihe Property undet ihe <br />terms of this Security Inslrument; (b) is not per�onally ohligated to pay lhe �umti secuted by this Security <br />Instnunent; and (c) a�rces that Lender and any �>t.her $orrower can agree to extend, inodify, fonc�ar or <br />makc any accornrnodatinnti with regatd to ihe 1.enns of this Sccurity Intitn�rncnt nr thc Notc without the <br />co-signer's consent. <br />Suhject to lhe provisions of� �ection 18, ariy Successor in Interest of Bortowet who assuines <br />$orrower's obligations undcr this 5ecurity In�trulnent. in writing, and is approved by Lendcr, tihall obtain <br />all of Borrower'� rights and h�zaetit� undet ihis Security Instnunent_ I3orrowcr �hall not bc rcicased trurn <br />I3orrnwcr's obli�aiinns and liuhilily under this 5ecurity Instn�ment unletis Lender agrees to Such relea�e in <br />writitrg_ '1"he covetxantn and agreelnents of this 5ccurity Instrument shall hin�l (except a� provided in <br />Section 20) and benelil. Ihe successors and assign� of Lencler. <br />14. Loan Char�;es. Lender may charge Borrower fces for ticrviceti perfnrrned in connection with <br />$orrower's default, for the purpnse nf nrntecting Lender's interest in thc Property and right� undcr this <br />Security Innitument, includine, but not limited to, attorneys' feeti, property inspecl.ion and valuation fees. <br />It� regard to any olher fee�, the absence of expre�s autl�ority in ihis Security Insitument to chatge a ypecilic <br />fec to Borrowcr tihall not b� cpntitrued as a prohibition on thc char�in� of �uch fec_ Lender tnay not charge <br />fees that are expressly pmk�ihited hy thi� Securil.y Instn�ment or by Applicable Law_ <br />If the Lc�an i� s��bject to a law which sets maximurri loan charges, und that law iti �nally inierpreied so <br />thal the inletesi or other loan charges collected or to be collecled in connection with the Loan exceed the <br />pennitted limits, then: (a) any tiuch lnan charge �hall be reduccd by thc amount ncccssary to re�luce th� <br />chatge to ihe penniited limit; and (b) any tiu►ns alr�ady collected lioin $orrower which exceededperniitted <br />limitti will ht refunded tn Bc�trower. Lender may choosc tn mdke thi� refirnd hy re�lucing 1he ptincipal <br />owed under the Note or by tnaking a direct payment to Iiorrnwer_ I� a rcfi�nd reduces principal, th� <br />teduction will be treated as a partial prepayment without any prepayment charge (whcth�r or nnt a <br />prepaymenl charge is provided for undcr the Nott). Borrower's acceptance of any such refund made by <br />direct payment ta Borrawet will constitute a waivcr of any ri�ht ol' action 13ptxc�wet might have aritiing out <br />of such ovcrck�argc. <br />l5. Notiecs. A.11 not.ices given by $orrower or Lendet in connection wiih this Secutil.y Instruinenl. <br />must be in writing_ Any notic4 to Borruwer in connection with this Security In�tn�ti�cnt shall he deerncd to <br />have bccn given to Bnrrc�wet when mailed by first clasti mail oC whel� acival�y deliveTea to Borrower's <br />noticc address it sent by other means. Notice lo any nnc I3orxowcr shall cnnstitut4 notice to all Borrowers <br />unless Applicablc Law cxpretisly requiteti ot.herwise. '1'hc noticc addretis tihall bc the Property Addresti <br />imless Borrowcr kaati dcsignated a substitute nolice address hy ra��tice to L�ndcr. I3arrnwcr shall promptly <br />not:ify Lender of Borrowcr's change of addr�tis_ If Lender specities a procedure for rcporting [3orrower's <br />change of address, then F3orrower shall nnly repori a change of address through that spcciticd procedure_ <br />NEBRASKA- Single Family - Fannle Mae/Freddie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT <br />�-6(N�) �oa��� Page1Gof15 Initials: - Fo1'm 3028 1/01 <br />