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2oi�000�4 <br />work hati hecn completed to Lender's sati�factiun, prc>vicl�d that such inspection sk�all be undertaken <br />]�tvin.pily. Lender may disburse proceecls for lhe repairs und re�lorulion rn a ningle paylnent or in a scries <br />of progress rayzT�ents as the work is coinpleted. Unle�s un u�reement is mude in writing or Applicable Law <br />rtq�Xires interetit tc� be paid on such in�utance ptoceeds, Lender shall not be required ln pay i3orrower any <br />int.erest nr earnings on such proceeds. Fees lor public adjuslers, or other lhitd purties, retaincd hy <br />Borrower shall not be paid out of the insurance proceeds and shall be the sole obligalion of Borrower_ If <br />the restoralion or repair is not econnmically fcasible or Lender's sccurity would be lessened, ihe insurance <br />proceeds shull be upplied t�� the sums �ecurcd by this 5ccurity Instnunent, whether or not then due, with <br />the excess, if any, paid to Botrower. Such in5urance praceecls shall he applie�l in the order provided for in <br />Scction 2_ <br />If I3orrow�r abandons the Properiy, Lender may lile, negr�tiute and seille any availablc insurance <br />cJaim and related matters. IF Borrower doe5 not respond within 30 days to a 1'rnm Leradcr that the <br />intiuranec carricr has o[Iered io setlle a claim, then Lendet inay ne�otiate ana settle the claim_ 7'he 30-day <br />period will begin when the noCice is given. In either evenl, ut if' Lendet acquire� the Property under <br />5ection 22 or otherwise, Borrower heteby as�ign� to Lender (a) Sottnwer's rights to any insurance <br />pr��cee�iti in an am��unt not to exceed the amounts unpaid under the Noie or this Security Instrutr�ent, and <br />(h) any other nf T3orrower's righls (olher thun the right lo any refund or unearne�.l prenniums paid by <br />Bartower) trndet all instiirance policies covering the Property, insolar as such ri�hls are applicable to thc <br />caverage �if the Pr��perty_ Lcnder may tiise the insurance proceeds either to repair ot reslote tha Prnperty ar <br />tc� pay amn�uitti unpaid undcr the Note or this Security Tnstrument, whetl�er or not then due. <br />6. Occupancy. iiorrower shall occupy, establish, and use the Properly as Bortowet's principal <br />retiidenee within 6Q days after the execution of lhis Security TnsLrument and shall continue ia c�ccury the <br />Prorerty ati Borrnwer's �rincipal residence lor at leasl one year after lhe date ol� occupancy, �Gnless Lender <br />otherwisc agrecti in writing, which contie[�1. shall not he unreasunahly withhel�l, ar unletis extenuating <br />circumstances exist which ure heynnd 13onrawex's control. <br />7. Preservation, Maintenance and Protection of the Prnperty; Ynspectiuns. i3orrowcr shall nol. <br />destroy, damage or impuir the Properiy, allow the Ptaptrty ici deteri��rate ar cornmit waste on the <br />Property. Whether or not Borrower is resi�ling in the Praperty, Barrawer shall n�aintain thc Property in <br />order to prevent the Properiy Prvm deterinrating c�r �lecreasing in value due tp its cnn�lition_ Unless it is <br />deter►nined pur�uant lo Sect.iun 5 ihat repair or restoratinn i� nnt ecanomically feasiblc, I3orrower shall <br />promptly repair the Properly if datnaged to avoid Fiirther deteriuraiion rir damage_ If insurance or <br />condcinnation proceeds ate paid in connection with �iama�e tc�, ��r the iaking af, the Prop�rty, Ciorrower <br />shall be respons'rble for tepairing nr r�storin� the; Froperty only if Lender hati releascd rrocecds for such <br />purposes. Lender may di�hurse proceeds for the repairs and retitoration in a single �ayrncnt or in a series of <br />progre�5 payments a� the w��rk iti completed_ If thc intiuranec or condcmnation procecds are not sullicient <br />to repair or restore lhe Praperty, i3orrowcr iti nnt relaeved nf i3orrowcr'ti obligation for the completion of <br />such repair or restoralion. <br />Lender or its ugenl may make reasonable entriee upon an�l inspection� c�f the Property_ Tf it has <br />rca�onable causc, Lendet muy inspect the interiar ��f the improvernents on the Property. Lendcr Ghall give <br />Borrower noticc at the Iime of ot pricir ta �uch an inietiur innpectivn npecilying nuch reaeonahle cause_ <br />8. Borrower's Loan Application. Burr��wet �hall be in default. if, during the Loa.t� application <br />process, I3orrowcr or any petsonn ut entities uctin� at I.he ditect.ion of Bc�rrc�wer or with Iiorrower's <br />knowledge or conticnt gave muteriully false, misleading, or inaccurate infonnution or to Lender <br />(or failed to prnvide Lender with matetial infonnution) in connecliun with t.he Lnan. Matcrial <br />repretientations includc, but are not limited to, representations concerning $orrower's occupancy of the <br />Properly as Bortower's prit�cipal residence_ <br />NEBRASKA- Single Family - Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac UNIFORM IN57i2UM�NT <br />�-6�NE� (0811) Page 7 of 95 Ini�ials� Form 3028 1101 <br />OO <br />