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20��00044 <br />Bottower nhall prornrtly ditichargc any licn which hati pric�rity uver this Security lnstnunent unless <br />Borrower: (a) agree� in writing to the payrnent of the ohligatiozi secured hy thc licn in a manner acceptable <br />lo Lender, bul only sri Ipn� as I3orrower is perfi�rrnirt� such agteement; (b) crmtests thc licn in good faith <br />by, or defends again�t c;nfurcement of thu lien in, lt�al proceeding� which in Let�der'� opinion operate to <br />prcvent the enforceinenl. ol� lhe lien while thotie ptoceedings are pendin�, but only until such pruceedingti <br />are concluded; or (c) secures lrom the holdet of 1he lien an agreement satislactory to Len�ler tiuborclinatiug <br />the licn tn this Securily Inslrument. If Lender detennines tl�at any part of the Propetl.y in suhject t�� a lien <br />which can attain priority ovcr this Sectiirity Instr�unent, Lender may give C3orrower a notice idenlilying the <br />lien. Within 10 days of (he dute on which ihat nolice is given, Borrower shall sutisfy lhe lien or take one [�r <br />mr�re of the actiona sct forth above in this Section 4. <br />Lender n�ay require Borrower to pay a one-timc chargc for a rcal estate tax verilicalion and/or <br />teporting �ervice u�ed by Lender in connection with this Loan_ <br />5. Property Ir�surance. i3orrower shall kecp the i�nprovements nnw existing nr hereafter crected on <br />the Ptoperty insure�l agait�st latis hy fire, hazardti incluacd within the tem► "extcnded coveragc," and any <br />other hazurds including, but not limited to, earthquakes and lloods, Ior which Lender require� irasixranec_ <br />This in5urance 5hu11 be maintained in the am��unts (including deductible lev�:ls) an�t fi�r the periods that <br />],ender requires. Whut Lender requiren pursuani to the preceding sentences can change during the tettn of <br />lhe Loan. The insurance carr►er provi�ling the it�surance �hall be chosen by Bnrrower stthject to I,endcr's <br />right to disapprove i3nrrciwer'ti chniee, which ri�ht nh�ll noi he exerci�ee] unrcasonahly_ Lender may <br />require Sotrower t�� pay, ita ci�nncction with thiti Lpan, either: ( a) a one-tirric chargc for flood zone <br />delerminatipn, eertification and tracking services; or (b) a nno-time char�e for flood zone detennination <br />and certificatian serviceti and �ubsequcnt charges cach tirne renraappings or sirnilar changes occur which <br />reaspnably rnight affect �uch detcnuination or certitication_ Iiorrower tihall also be responsible lor Ihe <br />payment pf any fecs iiriposcd by thc l�cdcral rmcrgency Managetnent Agcncy in conncction with the <br />review nf atay tlo��d �onc dctermination resulting from an objcction hy i3orrower_ <br />If I3orrower failti to maintain any of thc covcra�cs �leticrihe�l abr�ve, Lcndcr may obtain insurance <br />cc�verage, at Lendcr's option and C3orrowcr's cxpcnsc_ Lcnder is un�ler no obligation to purchase any <br />rariicular typ� or amount of covcragc. '1'herefore, such coveraec tihall covcr Lender, but might or mighl <br />r�nt protcct I3orrowcr, Borrower's equity in the Property, or the contentti of the Property, against any risk, <br />hazard or liability and might provicle greulet or lesser coverage than was previously in el'fecl. Borrower <br />acknowledges that the cost of the insurance coverage so obtained might significantly exceed the cosi of <br />insurance that Borrower could have obtained. Any ainounts disbursed by Lender under lhis Section 5 shall <br />hecome additional debt of $orrower secured by this Security Instnimcnt_ '1'hese amounts shall bear intere5t <br />at thc Note rate from the clale of disbursement and shal] be payable, with siich interesl, upon notice ftom <br />Lender to I3orrower requestrng payment. <br />All insurancc policies required by Lender and renewals of such policies shall be subject to Lender's <br />right to di�approve such policies, shall include a standard mortgage clause, and shall name Lender a� <br />mortgagec and/or as an additional loss payee. Lender sliall have thc right to hold the policies and renewal <br />ecrtificates_ lf Lender requires, Borrower shall promptly give tn Lender all receipts of paid premiums and <br />renewal notices_ If Bnrrower obtains any forn� of in�urance coverage, n��t othcrwise required by Lender, <br />(�or darnage to, or destruction of, the Property, such policy shall include a standard moriga�e clause ancl <br />shall name Lcnder as mortgagcc and/or as an additional lotia payee. <br />In th� event of loss, I3orrowcr shall givc prornpt noticc ta the insurance carricr and Lcndcr_ Lender <br />inay make ptoo£ of lass if rYat made promptly by Borrower. Unless Lender and Barrower otl�erwiae agrcc <br />in wriling, any insutance proceeds, whether or not the underlying insurance was tequired by Lender, shall <br />be applied to restoration or tepair of ihe Ptoperty, if ihe restoration or repair is economically feusible and <br />Lender's sccurity i� nol lessened. During such repair and re�toration �criod, Lender shall have the right lo <br />hold tiuch insurancc proceeds imtil Lender has had an opportunity to intipect such Property to ensure lhe <br />NEBRASKA- Single Family - Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT <br />�-B(NE) (0811) Page 6 of 15 Initials: / Form 3D28 1/U1 <br />